Review: 9 Letters by Blake Austin

9 Letters by Blake Austin

Series: No

Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 22, 2016

Format: e-book

Source: Provided by the Author

Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon


Luke Cawley is a broken man. After his wife's tragic death, he lost everything that mattered in the world. Now, his life is filled with hard days, harder nights, and a steady stream of alcohol and the wrong kind of women. Nothing helps.

Until the letters arrive on Luke's doorstep.

Nine envelopes. Nine messages. Nine chances to find his way back.

Rae Goode is looking for the real thing. After fighting her way out of a string of bad relationships, she's ready for something different--something true. She meets Luke while piecing her life together, and right away she can tell that he's different. 

Drawn together by fate and the desire to heal, Rae and Luke discover new ways to mend their broken hearts--one letter at a time.

Discover Blake Austin's debut novel of loss, redemption, and ever-enduring love.

My Thoughts

9 Letters was not what I was expecting. From the synopsis I was anticipating a rather typical tale of love, loss, and love found again. And that's not a bad thing. But what I got instead was a deeply moving, thoughtful story of a man dealing with grief, guilt, and life-altering loss. I'm not even sure I would classify 9 Letters as a romance. It's there, but it's not the focus. Instead, this is very much Luke Cawley's story. It's not always easy to read and bear witness to his journey but I'm so glad I did.

9 Letters begins one year after the death of Luke's wife, Emily. The last year hasn't been easy. He's working as a bartender, drinking too much, and isolating himself from family and friends. And then, on the anniversary of Emily's death, a package is left on his doorstep. It contains nine letters from Emily, each one with a message for Luke and a task to complete before opening the next letter. It's just the lifeline Luke needs to find his way back to the land of the living.

I truly felt for Luke as he just tried to make it through another day. There were times when my heart broke for him - when he was missing Emily so much and feeling so alone. There were times when I got frustrated with him for shutting people out and refusing help. And there were times that I cheered him on for every little step forward.

9 Letters is an emotional story that feels so honest and completely real. There are no fireworks here, no over the top dramatics - just a truly moving story of a man trying to find his way again after a devastating loss. Despite the themes of loss and grief, 9 Letters had an overall feeling of healing and hopefulness, and that, even after loss, there is always the possibility of finding happiness and a new beginning.

4/5 Stars 

*Note: I was contacted by the author and provided a copy of this book for review. This does not impact my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

*GIVEAWAY* Confess by Colleen Hoover

Just because it's Saturday...

Just because I haven't done a giveaway before...

Just because I like you...

And just because I happen to have an extra...

I'm giving away a copy of CONFESS by Colleen Hoover.

I purchased this copy and then received a signed edition in my Bookworm Box. No need for two so I'm paying it forward. I'm also including a totally cute necklace that features text from Colleen Hoover's Maybe Someday. It's from The Write Type and her etsy shop is full of handmade items with text from popular novels. 

I'll be at ApollyCon next weekend so I'll announce the winner either Sunday night when I get home or Monday morning.

Sorry to say that this one is U.S. only. Shipping charges, don't ya know? But I'll be doing a 1 year blogiversary giveaway next month which *will be* international, so hang in there, my overseas friends... there's one coming for you, too!

Mini-Reviews: I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest & Daimon by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I've read a couple books lately that don't really warrant lengthy reviews, sooo... mini-reviews it is. I always have *something* to say, I just don't always have a *lot* to say. :)

Title: I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest

Series: No

Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary

Release Date: May 26, 2015

Format: Hardcover

Source: Library Loan

Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon


Once upon a time, two best friends created a princess together. Libby drew the pictures, May wrote the tales, and their heroine, Princess X, slayed all the dragons and scaled all the mountains their imaginations could conjure.

Once upon a few years later, Libby was in the car with her mom, driving across the Ballard Bridge on a rainy night. When the car went over the side, Libby passed away, and Princess X died with her.

Once upon a now: May is sixteen and lonely, wandering the streets of Seattle, when she sees a sticker slapped in a corner window.

Princess X?

When May looks around, she sees the Princess everywhere: Stickers. Patches. Graffiti. There's an entire underground culture, focused around a webcomic at The more May explores the webcomic, the more she sees disturbing similarities between Libby's story and Princess X online. And that means that only one person could have started this phenomenon - her best friend, Libby, who lives.

My Thoughts

I saw I Am Princess X mentioned on a blog not too long ago and it caught my eye. Enough so that I nabbed it from the library. This is a YA (that often felt more like a MG) novel about May and her friend Libby. As children they created Princess X - Libby drew and May wrote. A few years after Libby's untimely death May starts to see Princess X stickers all around and begins to dig into the how's and why's. 

This was a fun blend of traditional story telling and a graphic novel/comic. When May discovers the Princess X web comic, fantasy and reality start to blend as she pieces together clues from the comic to solve the real life mystery of what really happened to Libby. However, the "mystery" of what happened to Libby isn't particularly mysterious since it's basically all spelled out right in the comic. And it didn't take a genius to decipher the clues. Add in the fact that May's new friend just happens to be a hacker extraordinaire (gee, how handy!) and all answers basically just fell in their laps. Middle grade readers will probably have fun with the comic aspect and the few "action" scenes but this is just too dumbed down for teens. I still give it 3 stars for the cool concept and the entertainment value.

3/5 Stars

Title: Daimon by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Series: Covenant #0.5

Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mythology

Release Date: May 10, 2011

Format: Trade Paperback

Source: Purchased

Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon


For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals—pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demigod. At seventeen, she's pretty much accepted that she's a freak by mortal standards… and that she'll never be prepared for that duty.

According to her mother, that’s a good thing.

But as every descendant of the gods knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return—the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death… because she's being hunted by the very creatures she'd once trained to kill.

The daimons have found her.

My Thoughts

Despite my deep and abiding love for all things Jennifer L. Armentrout, there was still one of her series that I had yet to start. I changed that over the weekend when I picked up the prequel to the Covenant series. This was a super short (60-something pages) introduction to the series but was still packed with plenty of action. It's interesting getting familiar with the world and the mythology of a new series. I've never read anything based on Greek mythology so the gods and demigods, etc are all new to me. I've seen some reviews that take issue with the series because apparently (at least the start of the series) is very similar to the Vampire Academy. Well, guess what... I haven't read the Vampire Academy series so any similarities will go right over my head. (Look at that, a little bonus to being behind on my TBR.) I enjoyed this one enough that I immediately picked up the next book, Half-Blood, and I'm excited to see where the series goes. Plus, I'm a sucker for JLA's male characters and I've heard plenty about Aiden and Seth. So let's be real - I'm way excited about meeting them. *cue the heart eyes* 

4/5 Stars
Have you read the Covenant series? What are your thoughts on it?
And, if you've read JLA's other series, how does this compare? 

Review: Somewhere In Between by Samatha Harris

Somewhere In Between by Samatha Harris

Series: No

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: November 10, 2014

Format: e-book

Source: Won/Provided by the Author

Find it here: GoodReads | Amazon


Alexandra McCabe​​ is disconnected from the world, grieving the loss of her parents...

Content with studying and keeping to herself, Alex has no interest in the campus playboy, Drew Collins, trying to get close to her. But even dousing him with beer doesn't deter the easy-going charmer, and against her better judgment, the pair fall into a reluctant friendship.

Drew is bored with college life, and Alex's romantic rejection intrigues him...

Their friendship is good for both of them, but Drew is used to getting what he wants, and he's tired of shallow sorority girls. He's much more interested in the feisty redhead, but despite his growing feeling, Alex keeps him firmly in the friend zone.

Old heartaches and new tragedies deepen a complicated relationship...

Whatever life throws their way, Alex and Drew remain best friends with their own traditions. Drew is Alex's family, her rock, and Alex keeps Drew grounded, always challenging him to better himself.

When years of buried feelings rush to the surface, they threaten to change everything...

Drew promised his mother he'd tell Alex how he feels, when the time is right-but how will he know when that is? Alex is terrified to reveal those 'three little words' certain Drew doesn't feel the same, and she'll lose the only family she has.

Should Alex and Drew open their hearts, and risk being crushed? Should they be satisfied with a deep, lifelong friendship? Or does the only chance for happiness lie...

Somewhere In Between?

My Thoughts

Yes, yes, yes! When I want a contemporary romance, without OD'ing on angst, *this* is what I want. 

Alex and Drew meet in college and despite a rocky start (she pours a beer over his head at a party) they become friends. Best friends. For Drew, Alex (he calls her Red) is the first woman he's ever really developed a relationship with. For Alex, Drew fills a void - he's friend and family rolled into one. Over the years, both have feelings that go well beyond friendship, but neither is willing to chance losing the special relationship they have.

I adored Alex and Drew. They never felt like cookie cutter characters and I was connected to them both. Their relationship, their closeness, their banter... we should all be so lucky to have a friendship like that. Drew may have been something of a manwhore in college, but he sure had a softer side with Alex. This guy was so selfless when it came to Alex and that made him a superstar in my book. Usually I'm antsy for my people to just get together already. I mean, there's slow burn and then there's just frustrating. But not so here. I loved their relationship so much that I was (mostly) okay with just their friendship... and a little flirting.

And just when I was all "Gah! Enough already!"... there it was. But don't go thinking it was over there. Oh no, there was much more to come. And I ate it up like it was ice cream (mint chocolate chip, thank you very much).

The secondary characters were also top notch. Some I loved and a couple I wanted to throat punch. But all of them felt utterly realistic and I totally wanted to hang out with Alex and Drew's group of friends. There were even a couple moments with Drew's family that got me teary-eyed. Well played, Samatha. You hit me right in the feels.

I will say I was a little confused at Drew's decision-making at several points. He had numerous opportunities to set things straight but didn't and that led to confusion and drama that could have been avoided. Each time it happened I was confused enough to be jarred out of the story, wondering why he was making certain decisions. But it wasn't enough to take away my enjoyment of the characters and their story. (It just made me want to throttle Drew a time or two.)

Somewhere In Between is Samatha's debut novel (and what a debut!) and all I can say is: I want more! Hopefully there will be another story soon... maybe for Sean or Wiley? My fingers are crossed!

4/5 Stars 

Samatha “Sam” Harris lives near Baltimore, Maryland with her husband David and daughter Ava. Born in Florida, she migrated north which most people agree was a little backwards. She has been an artist all of her life, a Tattoo Artist for more than ten years, and a storyteller since she was a kid.

Sam has a slightly unhealthy love for Frank Sinatra, classic movies, and Jazz and Blues music, but her first love will always be reading. From Romance, to Thrillers, to Historical Fiction and everything in between, she loves to become a part of the story. As a writer she tells the stories that she would want to read.

To the Stars by Molly McAdams: Review + Giveaway

I'm really happy to be taking part in the release of TO THE STARS by Molly McAdams. I enjoyed this one *so* much and it is filled with so much emotion. Harlow and Knox and their story really captured my heart. I hope you'll love it, too - and don't forget to enter to win a signed copy and a gift card!

In the second standalone book in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Molly McAdams’ Thatch series, Knox Alexander must convince his long-time love Harlow Evans that they’re meant to be together.

He promised to wait for her.
She told him he was wasting his time.
Not waiting for him ended up being the biggest mistake of her life.

When they were younger, Knox Alexander swore to Harlow Evans that he would wait for her to turn eighteen so they could be together. But that was two and a half years away, and Harlow couldn’t ask him to give up all the fun and thrills of going away to college for her. As the years passed, Knox remained a constant in her life but when her eighteenth birthday came around, Harlow’s heart belonged to someone else.

Every day for the last four years, Harlow has been haunted by that fateful choice. And though he may appear unaffected by what happened in their past, Knox has always tried to fill the void Harlow left. But when he comes stumbling back into her life and refuses to leave, will Harlow finally let him into her heart…?


Timing is everything. Knox and Harlow meet when he is headed to college, but she is just shy of sixteen. Knox promises to wait for her until she is eighteen but there was no happily ever after. 

Harlow remembers well the day she turned eighteen and received the call from Knox that she'd been expecting. She's haunted by the answer she gave him and still dreams about him every night. She knows she made the wrong choice and is plagued by thoughts of how different her life would be if only she'd chosen differently.

Harlow's life now is about survival. Getting through each day. A chance meeting with Knox is a stark reminder of the love she once had and the nightmare her life is now. Despite her best efforts to keep Knox at an arm's length, he sees what no one else does: that Harlow is broken. All of a sudden Harlow's choice and the years apart mean nothing - because Knox never stopped loving her and refuses to walk away when she needs him most.

I was completely pulled in to this story from the very beginning. I would like to have seen more of the early days of Knox and Harlow's relationship to better see how and why they fell so deeply in love, but even without that I was sold on their relationship. It was impossible not to pull for these two. I loved their devotion to one another even when the odds were stacked against them. There were flashbacks to their past interspersed throughout the book which gave more insight into how their story unfolded. The changes in Harlow from a bubbly, laughing teenager to the woman she became were heartbreaking. But she remained completely selfless and was determined to keep those she loved safe from harm. Knox continued to show that he was a decent man with a moral code that he lived by, even when it was a struggle. To the Stars definitely made me feel. From the swoony feelings of a young couple in love, to heartbreak for Harlow's reality, anger when I felt that Knox's friends were being completely unsupportive, fear for Harlow, and hope for her future. I have to be honest and say there were parts of Harlow's story that were difficult to read. It was raw and shocking and was painful to read about. To the Stars wasn't always an easy read but I loved it.

To the Stars is an incredibly emotional story about the enduring power of love. This is not a light and fluffy romance - the subject matter is dark and the theme of violence and abuse could prove too much for some (or even triggering). But ultimately I will remember it for the story of two people robbed of their happily ever after and willing to fight for a second chance. 


Setting my cup on the table in front of me, I searched through my purse for my iPad, and smiled to myself when I checked to find there was still a charge on it. I set an alarm on it to know when to leave in case I was able to escape my reality for a little while, grabbed my coffee, and gently sat back in the chair as I tried to get into the book I’d been reading last week on my Kindle app. I had more than enough time to read during the days, that wasn’t the problem. It was whether I could push away my real life enough to let myself enjoy the fairytale that determined if I ever read.

More often than not, I ended up staring blankly at my iPad long after it had shut itself off from lack of use as I thought about whatever was going on with Collin, or my own fairytale I’d given up.

Like now, I realized, when I noticed my screen was black again. I didn’t even know how long I’d been sitting there just staring at it. I took a deep breath in, preparing for a silent sigh out.

My breath caught in my throat when a body next to me blocked the sun, and a deep, fluid voice asked, “Why would anyone waste their time only loving someone to the moon…”

…when they could love them to the stars?

He didn’t finish, and I didn’t say the words out loud. But everything stopped around me for heavy seconds. The rise and fall of my chest halted, I no longer heard the background noise, music, and voices in the coffee shop … all time seemed to stand still as I sat there trying to assess whether I was dreaming or not.

“Harlow Evans,” he said softly, and I let out a shuddering breath as everything came filtering back in. “The last person I thought I’d see when I woke up this morning was the girl I’ve been waiting seven years for.”

My head snapped to the left, and my soul ached when I looked at Knox Alexander for the first time in four and a half years. Time had changed him in amazing ways—and at the same time, nothing about him was different at all. Those dark eyes began to lock on mine, and I quickly looked away from them. I didn’t want to see what they would tell me, I didn’t want to know what they would find.


Molly grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband, daughter, and fur babies. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach… which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and fried pickles, and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm... or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

Into the Fire by E.L. Todd *Blog Tour*

Welcome to my stop on E.L. Todd's INTO THE FIRE Review and Excerpt Tour! This is the first in a new series by Todd and it starts off with some serious fireworks.

Despite everything I've done for my parents, I'll never be good enough for them. Instead of seeing a man to be proud of, they just see an embarrassment. I served four tours in Afghanistan but that doesn't mean anything to them. They only see the ink, the party life, and my short stint in jail.

And nothing else.

When they were in trouble, I handed over my life savings. I didn't think twice about it because they're my family, my blood. They raised me to be my own man and gave me everything I needed. It didn't matter that it was every penny I had. It didn't matter that the money was set aside for my future. My dreams.

Because they needed me.

But now they refuse to pay me back until I become the man they think I should be.

I have an unusual professional. I escort men, acting as their date to family functions or work parties. It's my job to act deeply in love with my client. And I always nail it.

But it's not what you think.
I'm not a prostitute.
I'm not a call girl.
I'm an actress.

Get it right.

There are strict rules when it comes to my profession. There is no touching, kissing, or anything but hand-holding. Those who choose not to comply will get a swift kick in the nuts.

But all this goes to hell when Ash walks into my life.


Ash is ready to strike out on his own and open his own business; but to do that he needs the money he loaned his parents. Unfortunately, now that they're back on their feet, they're refusing to repay the money unless Ash "turns his life around." Which basically means conforming to their way of life. Ash is incensed but sees no way around it. The easiest to achieve seems to be the "finding a nice girl" part. So Ash hires an escort to pose as his girlfriend. Several dates for the benefit of his parents should do the trick. He didn't count on Alessandra.

Alessandra provides a service to those who, for one reason or another, need a date or the appearance of a girlfriend. She's strictly business and enjoys what she does. She's surprised by Ash since he's nothing like her typical client. Dinner dates with his parents quickly morph into hanging out together and a mutual attraction they can't help but act on. Ash has always been up-front about not being interested in relationships but that suits Alessandra just fine. This is just a fling... until suddenly it isn't.

There are cocky, arrogant guys - and then there's Ash. He often crossed the line between cocky and totally obnoxious (and had a less-than-charming pet name for Alessandra that made me want to hurl each time he used it). Even so, he was usually likable. It's hard not to appreciate a guy who is completely unapologetic for who and what he is. Alessandra, too, was likable and it was easy to sympathize with her reluctance to get involved again after her break-up with her jerk of a boyfriend. It was fun to see both characters, especially Ash, refuse to accept what was happening between them. His obvious care and concern for Alessandra was quite a contrast from his rough exterior and love 'em and leave 'em past. Despite their relationship moving at lightning speed, it was apparent these two had met their match in one another - if only they would admit it to themselves and each other.

Into the Fire is a fun, entertaining, sexy read. Recommended for those looking for a quick read that's low on angst and heavy on the sexy times.

I sighed and left the bed. “You should go. I need to get ready.”

“For what?” His voice sounded raspy because we hadn’t spoken in so long.

I cringed because I didn’t want to say it. “I’m seeing Brad.” Guilt flushed through me. Was I really the kind of girl that went on a date right after I slept with someone? It grossed me out.

Ash’s eyes immediately darkened and he looked pissed. A fire erupted in his eyes, but the flames were black. “So, you’re just going to run off and have dinner with this chump?”

I didn’t want to fight so I kept my mouth shut.

He gripped me by the wrist and yanked me back into bed. “Call it off.”

“Call it off?” I asked incredulously. “I’m supposed to meet him in a little over an hour.”

“Tell him you’re sick.” He squeezed my wrist.

“I’m not bailing on him.”

“Just do it,” he ordered.

“And why should I?” I grew heated, all the anger coming back. “Give me one good reason, Ash.”

He held my gaze without blinking. “Me.”

“You?” I couldn’t keep the venom out of my voice. “What about you? I should ditch a nice guy so I can keep being your fuck buddy? What’s the point in that?”

“It’s pretty damn clear you’d rather be with me instead of him.”

His cockiness was usually endearing but now it was just irritating. “You’re such an ass.” I yanked my arm out of his grasp.

He grabbed me again. “Why go to him when you have me? I make you happy. I give you what you need. It doesn’t make any sense to go out with him. You really want some lame lawyer?”

“He’s a very nice guy.”

“Like you want a nice guy,” he barked. “You want me. Why else would you have slept with me for two days?”

I didn’t answer his question. “I’m not going to keep doing this, Ash. I need something more than a fuck buddy. I’m looking for a relationship, a long lasting one. This was fun while it lasted but it’s over. Let’s just walk away and move on.”

Amazon Bestselling author, E. L. Todd, was raised in sunny California where she still lives today, claiming it’s the best place in the country. Easily hypothermic and hateful of the cold, she prefers to be warm all year round. She attended California State University, Stanislaus and received her bachelor’s degree in biological sciences, but still pursued her dream to be a writer. She’s written several novels and many series’, and her imagination can’t seem to stop. She tries to find the good in people and she exploits that in her writing, proving that people can make mistakes and rise above their past. Her hobbies include sunbathing, swimming, eating at Surf Taco in San Diego, reading, and learning everything she can about hippopotamuses’, her favorite creature. Her greatest dream is to make people forget about the harshness of reality and dive into a good story with lovable people. When fans tell her they love her work, it gives her the greatest sense of accomplishment.

The Literary Dinner Party Book Tag

T H E  L I T E R A R Y  D I N N E R  P A R T Y        

I saw the lovely Gaby at Latte Nights Reviews do this tag and it looked like fun. I wasn't tagged but that's never stopped me before, sooo...

It was originally created by BookTuber NEHOMAS2 and Gaby added a few extra categories.

There are 15 categories and you can invite 16 bookish characters. So, welcome to my dinner party! 

1. One character who can cook/likes to cook    

Sky went on baking binges when her mom wasn't home. She totally indulged her sweet tooth with cakes and cookies galore. Boom - desserts covered.

2. One character who has money to fund the party

Connor Cobalt is a bajillionaire so he can certainly shell out a tidy sum for my party. Plus, who wouldn't want Connor at the party? He'd be the smartest guy in the room and would be well-versed in everything.

3. One character who might cause a scene      

Nan would totally cause a scene. Something wouldn't be to her liking and she would go off. She's a total shrew but I'm inviting her just because Connor Cobalt would no doubt cut her down to size and put her in her place. Without ever raising his voice. And that's absolutely worth putting up with her (until she gets the boot). Take that, Nan.

4. One character who is funny/amusing            

Warren has to be at my dinner party. He's funny, he's self-deprecating, and he'd keep things lively.

5. One character who is super social/popular   

Mateo Torres... he's the man. He's the epitome of super social, the life of the party, and always up for a good time. I want this guy at my party.

6. One villain                                                  

I'm totally cheating here but whatever. In Shatter Me I definitely considered Warner a villain. So Mr. Well-Dressed himself is invited to my party. Ha!

7. One couple – doesn’t have to be romantic     

I'm inviting Josh and Sky because nobody deserves something nice done for them more than these two. They've both had it rough and a nice night out, surrounded by good people (except vile Nan) would be good for them.

8. One hero/heroine                                         

So yeah, it's actually Theo James that I want at my dinner party. Don't judge.

9. One under-appreciated character               

This series as a whole is under-appreciated and it's rare I ever see anyone mention it. So I'm inviting Myrnin from the Morganville Vampires series. He's a vampire with courtly manners. He favors Victorian ensembles and bunny slippers with fangs. He's brilliantly insane and would make for some very interesting dinner conversation. As long as he leaves his pet spider, Bob, at home.

10. One character of your own choosing        

Come on, like everyone didn't see this one coming. Does anyone actually think I'd have a dinner party and not have Daemon by my side? Get real. 

Gaby's Categories: 

11. Rise From the Dead – One character that is dead but you want to bring back for your party.

If you read it, you know.

12. One Supernatural Character                     

Tink. It's gotta be Tink. A Brownie who collects troll dolls, orders obsessively from Amazon, and throws out pop culture references. Tink could come to my party and then just stay. I'll adopt him.

13. The EYE-CANDY- One character that you want to bring just so you can stare at him

Miles Archer. You're welcome.

14. One lovey dovey couple – Must be romantic  

Jacqueline and Lucas - they are just so perfect together.

15. Bring a Friend. Choose one of your bookish friends to be your plus one in this dinner party. 

I'm inviting my friend +Sarah G  from Words With Sarah. I know she'll come if I promise to seat her next to Connor. :)

Okay, I spent an embarrassing amount of time coming up with my answers. Like, I was putting waaay too much thought into this. LOL But it was fun and I can only wish that I really was having a little soiree with this cast of characters. What a night that would be!

I'm going to tag a few people but hopefully anyone who wants to play along will just consider themselves tagged. I'd love to see your answers to these questions and see what your guest list looks like. :)

I'm tagging:

Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee

Have fun!