Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Fictional Moms

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at GingerReadsLainey.
Click HERE for a complete list of participants and future topics.
With Mother's Day just around the corner (here in the U.S., anyway) this week's topic is pretty timely. It's all about our favorite fictional mothers/mother figures.

As I was going through my books here's what I kept thinking over and over: OMG, not her, she was horrible... nope, not that one... ugh, she was the worst. So is it just me or is fiction filled with really lousy moms? LOL But there are still some shining stars out there so let's talk about those.

Maggie Larken
For the Love of Ash - Taylor Lavati
Maggie was thrust into the position of being both big sister and mother to her much younger brother when their parents were killed in an accident. Her love for Ash was incredible and I loved how, even though she often struggled under the burden and the pressures of those roles, Ash was always her priority. 

Julia Cohen
Slammed - Colleen Hoover
If you've read Slammed then you just know. What Julia did for Lake and Kel and even Will was simply amazing. She was a completely selfless mom who loved her children so much and went above and beyond to be there for them and guide them, often in touching and unique ways.

Kat Hall
If I Stay - Gayle Forman
I adored Mia's parents in If I Stay. How could you not? Kat was an awesome mom of the laid-back variety. She was there for Mia but wasn't clingy. She was Mia's friend but still a great parent. She was the cool mom without even trying. I loved their easy relationship and the movie portrayal showcased it so well.

Molly Weasley
Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling
I imagine Mrs. Weasley is appearing on a lot of lists today, and for good reason. Is there anyone more maternal than Molly Weasley? She welcomed Harry into her fold with open arms and made sure he always had a home at The Burrow. She was also brave and fiercely protective.

Anna Madrigal
Tales of the City series - Armistead Maupin
I hardly ever talk about the Tales of the City series but it's one that is near and dear to my heart. Mrs. Madrigal was always a fascinating, colorful character. As the landlady at 28 Barbary Lane, she was certainly a mother figure to her residents, even if she was somewhat unconventional. The relationships she forged with her residents created a family and she was definitely the matriarch that presided over them all with humor and wisdom, but never judgment.

Who are your favorite fictional mothers?


  1. Ahhh I was going to put Kat from If I Stay on my list too! They were such a cut family <3
    Slammed is one of the books on my TBR urgh now I reaaaally wanna read it.

    Cat @ Bubblegum Yellow

    1. Hi Cat! I just loved the family in If I Stay. *sobs*
      Oh, I hope you'll read Slammed sooner rather than later - I loved all three books so much!

  2. YES YES YES re Molly Weasley and Julia Cohen! Great picks -- I still need to start that Maupin series

    1. I swear I think I saw Molly Weasley on *every* list Tuesday. lol And I just loved Julia. She sacrificed basically everything for Lake and Kel (literally) but took such care to be there for them even when she couldn't really be there. The Tales of the City series is so nostalgic for me. I love those characters.

  3. Yes so much to Slammed and If I Stay!! I guess this is just another reason to finally read Harry Potter :)

    1. As if you needed another reason to read HP. LOL
      Loved the moms in Slammed and If I Stay so much! Just realized that both of those are pretty sad picks, though. *sobs*

  4. Lake's mom is a great mom.
    Mrs.Weasley will be on EVERYONE'S list. I mean, c'mon.
    There is a lot of terrible parents out there. I think that's because we read a lot of YA; which means no existent parents or awful parents.

    1. LOL You called it. I think I saw Mrs. Weasley on every list on Tuesday.
      Lake's mom... *sobs*
      So right - the YA parents are either horrible or absent. So convenient.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I haven't read Slammed yet, but as it is by Colleen Hoover, I'm sure I will love it! And I didn't do this meme, but I would probably have to pick Mrs. Weasley as a top mom as well!

    1. I didn't read Slammed until last year but I was so in love that I then marathoned Point of Retreat and This Girl right after it. :) I hope you'll love it, too!

  7. GAH yes, fictional moms are often the WORST! But I TOTALLY agree with the moms in Slammed and If I Stay, though seriously, you are trying to make me cry, yes? So I was looking through my "read" shelf on Goodreads to find some moms to answer your question. And as I am scrolling along it's like "dead, dead, dead, awful, missing, dead AND awful, dead, dead, awful, dead". Poor YA moms!

    1. Exactly! YA moms are a tragic lot. Warning: Do not become mom of a teenager. You will turn into heinous beast or have untimely end.

  8. Only 2 moms I haven't met on your list, Tanya...I completely agree with Julia, Mrs. Weasley, and Kat though! Julia...I think she's my favorite of those on your list though. Just thinking of the story makes me misty-eyed. *sniff*

    1. I know, I know... Julia was such a shining example of selfless love. And it's impossible to think about without getting all verklempt.

  9. As soon as I saw HP I said "it has to be Molly!" Sure enough! 😂 LOVE her! Definitely one of my favorite fictional moms as well!
