Top 5 Wednesday: I Need a Sequel!

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at GingerReadsLainey.
Click HERE for a complete list of participants and future topics.
We all have them... books that ended and left us wanting and needing more. So this week's Top 5 Wednesday is about the books you wish had sequels. It can be a stand-alone or a series that ended but you still want more. Here are my picks:

Holly Black
Possibly the only stand-alone I've ever finished and immediately wished for a sequel. The ending was slightly open-ended but as far as I know there are no plans for a sequel. But I need to know what happened to Tana. 
And then there's Gavriel... 

Rainbow Rowell
Yeah, I can imagine what Eleanor's postcard to Park said, and yeah, I can imagine a future for them, but I'm desperate to check in on these two precious souls and make sure they're okay.

Colleen Hoover
Oh how I would love to revisit Miles and Tate a few years down the road and see what their life is like now.

Heather Demetrios
Josh and Sky's story ended on a hopeful note and was completely satisfying. But I would still like to have more. Their story made a huge impact on me and I continued to think about them long after I finished the book. 

Jennifer L. Armentrout
Anyone surprised at this one? :) I always want more Daemon Black in my life. If JLA kept writing I would keep reading. I do not tire of the Lux world. 
Or Daemon Black. 
Did I mention Daemon Black? 

What book (or series) do you wish had a sequel?


  1. Totally agree re: Opposition and your point re: Ugly Love is a good one! ♥

    1. It helps that both JLA and CoHo are authors that I'll read anything from. :)

  2. I just finished I'll Meet You There and I would love a sequel. They were amazing!!

    1. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you agree, Grace! I feel in love with Sky and Josh and my heart ached for those two so hard.

  3. Oh! I love the Lux books!!! Did you read Oblivion (Obsidian in Daemon's POV)??

    1. Oh yes! I loved being inside Daemon's head in Oblivion. Just made me love him more. :)

  4. YES YES YES 100x YES to "The Coldest Girl in Coldtown!" That book TOTALLY felt like the start of a series! I was fine initially with it being one book, but i would have loved a sequel at the very least, if not a full series! Holly Black is one of my favorites for sure though!
    Emily @

    1. TCGIC is actually the only book I've ever read by Holly Black. But I loved it! It was sooo visual to me. I felt like I was watching a movie while reading it. I could totally see Gavriel, the parties at Lucien's mansion... all of it. As much as I loved the ending I would love to have more!

  5. I agree with you about Coldest Girl - I really enjoyed that one and was sad when it was a standalone. And I agree that I'll Meet You There felt a touch unresolved. I was thinking it needed an epilogue but a sequel would have been great too!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I usually love a stand-alone but The Coldest Girl in Coldtown had me desperate for a series or sequel. And with I'll Meet You There... I just want more of Sky and Josh. I need to know they're okay. :)

  6. I agree with you girl! Some of these books definitely need a sequel, QUICK, FAST, AND IN A HURRY! :( But sometimes, we just don't get what we want... I hope at lsat one of the authors comes out with a sequel. And YES, T, I think we all need some more Daemon Black in our lives! :) teehee! :)

    1. LOL I know JLA probably gets so tired of people just wanting more Daemon Black but I figure it's her fault for creating such an awesome character. :)

  7. Nice picks. I still have to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown.

    1. Loved The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. It was one of those books that was such a reading experience - if that makes any sense. I was so immersed. And it was a very visual read for me. It was like a movie was playing in my head the whole time. Obviously I recommend it. lol

  8. We could all use a little more Daemon in our lives!

  9. I've only read I'll Meet You There, but I TOTALLY agree, I could have followed Josh and Sky forEVER. I really wish Rite of Passage had a sequel. Like, SO badly. And I wish Requiem in the Delirium series would have an epilogue. AND I need a third book in Fire & Flood- it is RUDE that the publisher has not ordered one because the series was not over AT ALL. Great picks!

    1. I've actually never read the Delirium series. I own the trilogy but I've heard so much grumbling (and outrage) over the way it ended that I'm not even sure I want to read it all anymore. And since I've kind of lost interest over the last few years it might be one that I just let go.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I LOVED the ending of The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, because I thought it was perfect for the book, BUT I agree - I'm dying to know what happens to Tana and Gavriel.
    Aww I'd LOVE to have more Josh and Sky in my life!! If not a full novel then at least a short-story of them, happily living TOGETHER a few years after I'll Meet You There.
    I've recently binge-read the Lux series - with the exception of Obsidian that I'd already read - and I can't believe there's no more Daemon. :'( THAT'S NOT FAIR. And it's not just Daemon, but also Dee & Archer + Dawson & Beth! I'd love to see what happens with them! And Luc, of course!
    Amazing list!! <33

    1. Same here, Veronika! I thought the ending of The Coldest Girl in Coldtown totally fit the book... but I still really want to know what happened. :)
      A short story about Josh and Sky would be awesome! A friend recently told me that the paperback release so I'll Meet You There includes a letter that Josh wrote to Sky... so now I'm tempted to buy the paperback even though I already own that hardcover.
