That's What He Said Thursday #34

(graphic created by Kei at The Lovely Pages Reviews)

That's What He Said Thursday is a weekly meme created 
and hosted bChapter Break. It's a fun way to share a quote 
from a favorite book boyfriend (aka male protagonist) to his girl.
For more info, visit Chapter Break here.
I'm currently rereading It Ends With Us (on audio this time)
so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to share 
one of my favorite quotes.

"In the future... if by some miracle you ever find yourself
in the position to fall in love again... fall in love with me."

What's your most recent favorite romance?


  1. Oh, what a sweet quote!

    That cover is gorgeous too.

    1. Oh my goodness, in context the quote is even sweeter. *wipes away tears*
      And Colleen Hoover always seems to have such pretty covers.

  2. I love CoHo, and I need to read this book. I cannot pick a favorite romance (I love them so much), but one that was so beautiful to me, was Landline by Rainbow Rowell. It was about a woman falling back in love with her husband, and aw heck, I am getting tears in my eyes just thinking about it. I just am such trash for second chances, and reading as this woman reconstructed her history with her husband and then realized how much she loved him, really touched me.

    1. It Ends With Us felt a little different than CoHo's others - not in a bad way, just different - and I loved it. I still haven't written a review for it. I find it so hard to articulate my feelings for her books into written reviews. Makes me feel so inadequate.

      As much as I love Rainbow Rowell (and I truly love both Attachments and Eleanor & Park), I had a hard time connecting with Landline. I liked the premise, I could appreciate the situation between Georgie and her husband (drawing a blank on his name right now), but I just couldn't find any connection with Georgie. I found myself so frustrated with many of her choices. But I'm so glad you loved it so much! I *love* when a book can make such an impact. It's the best feeling.

  3. The title of the meme ("That's What He Said") is cracking me up. Also, I love that quote. I read "It Ends With Us" recently. I liked some parts of it, and didn't like others, but it made me really curious to read more of Colleen Hoover's books. I think she's a great writer.

    1. LOL It is a funny name for the meme. :) And it's one of my favorites to take part in.

      I loved It Ends With Us but it wasn't necessarily my favorite by CoHo. Like I mentioned to Sam in a previous comment, this one had a slightly different feel from her other books. Ugly Love is still my favorite - with Maybe Someday a close second.

  4. Love that quote! My most recent favorite romance? hmm....I actually don't have a recent one. I've been in the mystery mood. But right now I'm reading Map of the Heart by Susan Wiggs, and I like it so far. :) ~Aleen

  5. Gotta love Colleen Hoover!

    Here is my post:
