The Sunday Post #245 | April 18, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
Hello, friends. It's been two weeks since I last posted. No big reason other than I simply didn't feel like blogging. So I didn't. How revolutionary, no? :) I still blog-hopped even if I didn't always comment. I've been feeling spectacularly uninspired over the couple weeks and the thought of generating a post or writing a review didn't sound at all appealing. Better luck this week.

Work-wise, a project that I've been working on for the last couple months finally came to fruition this week and it was a good feeling to wrap it up and have it go so well. *big sigh of relief* 

Last week I ate out for the first time in over a year. We've done loads of take-out over the last year - curbside pick-up is my BFF - but that's it. This was outside (the restaurant has an outdoor patio with covered seating), and we made sure there was no one else seated around us, but I figure it counts. It was just three of us - me, The Husband, and my mom - and all of us are fully vaccinated. No idea when I'll actually be comfortable eating in a restaurant again, but dining al fresco was wonderful. And the weather was glorious so it made for a pretty special evening.

This video of a chimpanzee being reunited with his former caretakers did my heart good. ♥

This week's 80's music fix is Cool Places (1983) from Sparks (along with Jane Wiedlin from the Go-Go's). The video was typical 80's WTF-ness but the song was super catchy and fun. 

Not a thing.





How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. OMG, yes! Videos in the 80s were so weird. I have no idea why, but they were. I saw they got some Olivia Dade audiobooks on my Hoopla. I read Teach Me as an ARC. I think it was my first Dade book. I like it. Hope you do too. Congrats on the project! Whoo hoo!

    1. I read Spoiler Alert last fall and it was my first by Dade. And the Teach Me last week. I'm finding that I tend to like her heroes better than her heroines... but I'm definitely enjoying the stories overall.

  2. It seems that we are in sync as I had no inspiration to write a post today either! I dream fo getting the vaccine. It's so slow here. So yes for eating outside!

    1. I hope so much that you won't have to wait much longer, Sophie!

  3. Eating outdoors when the weather is nice can be so fun! Glad you got to go!

    1. I never used to enjoy outside dining but now, when that's the only way I'll consider eating out, it seems like a good option. :)

  4. Lol, love that random! Yes, sometimes with blogging you just don't feel it. More time to read, right? Yay on a step back into normalcy with dining out. Doesn't it feel so indulgent? :)

    1. Exactly! if I have to choose to spend my time on either reading or blogging, I'm always going to choose reading. :)

  5. I have Heartscape to read - actually, I have the first three in that series that I need to read. Hope you enjoyed it. Yay for being able to eat outside; that sounds lovely.


    1. Heartscape was such a good story. I really loved both main characters.

  6. That had to feel awesome to do something somewhat normal like eat at a restaurant -- even if it was outside. My husband and I went into the grocery store together for the first time in over a year this weekend and I was like WOW! It feels so normal! It was like a date! LOL

    1. Strange, isn't it? How once mundane things now feel so special?

  7. Eating at a restaurant! Yay! Isn't it so bizarre that something once so mundane is now a big deal?! I took my students outside today after state testing and they were able to take their masks off...they looked like totally different people!

    1. Righ?! What I used to think nothing of is now almost unthinkable. So bizarre. I feel like I need to be socialized again. It's going to be a long, long time before I am totally comfortable in public.

  8. We actually ate at a restaurant patio today for a late lunch! It was the first time eating at a restaurant in over a year. It felt a bit weird, but also nice to get a little bit of normal back in our life. This week is also my last working from home before returning in person starting on Friday, so it seems like we are finally on the back end of this pandemic!

    1. Same here, Ethan! It was nice but also a bit weird. I felt like I was always conscious of what was going on around me and not fully relaxed. I guess that will take time.

  9. Yay for wrapping up a work project and having it go well. That's always such a satisfying feeling. I haven't eaten at a restaurant in over a year now and don't know when I'll feel comfortable doing so again, but I have to admit that dining al fresco sounds wonderful!

    1. Same here, Suzanne. It's been a year+ since I ate inside anywhere. I was okay dining outside since it was just us and one other group on the other side. Had it been crowded on the outdoor patio I would have got my meal to go.

  10. I am right there with you. I just blog when I feel like it. :)

  11. Yay for your work project turning out so well and to have that behind you, woohoo! Also yay for getting to eat out! We still haven't done that since we have an 8 & 10 year old who can't get the vaccine yet, can't wait till we can. But they love drive through at In N Out so we try and do that every month so they feel like we're eating out lol. And that cover for Could Have Been Us....ahhh pretty! Hope you enjoy!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I hear about In N Out All. The. Time. and it makes me wish we had them here. But apparently they're only in five states and those are all on the opposite side of the country from me. *sigh*

  12. I can't wait until restaurants reopen. I can't wait for museums and movies and life to resume... I'll start with a nice meal outside with my family too. :) Glad you had a nice time.

    I thought I was going to get back into the swing of blogging but turns out I'm not, lol. Brain says no. I'm just going with it now. I'll post when I post and not when I can't be bothered. No forcing it. It's good for the soul that way. *virtual high five*

    1. Eating out (which I've done 3X now) has been great but I have to admit also weird. It no longer feels like a normal (and mundane) thing to do. I'm uber conscious of my surroundings the whole time. I imagine it will be that way for quite a while.
