WWW Wednesday #106 | September 1, 2021


Happy Wednesday, friends! And I guess Happy September, too! (How did that happen?)
It's a rainy, dreary morning here and I love it - and no, I'm not kidding. :) Living in Florida, The Sunshine State, is a cruel twist of fate considering that I am not at all outdoorsy, I avoid the sun like the plague, and I adore dark and rainy days (bonus points if it's cold!). Ironic, no?

Let's talk about what we're reading...



Currently reading: Well, I will be reading Heart Bones as soon as I find a few minutes to crack open the cover today. I finished a book last night and I grabbed this one as I ran out the door this morning. I've been holding onto Heart Bones for a solid year, soaking up the anticipation of having an unread Colleen Hoover book on my shelf. I love that feeling... a story just sitting there waiting to be experienced. But, I've waited long enough and now I'm ready to dive in. Now to find the time today... (this pesky job thing is currently wreaking havoc with my reading plans).
Current progress: 0%

Currently listening: I was this close to finishing Hard Hitter on my drive to the office this morning. One or two more red lights would have helped. :) But I was at 97% as I pulled into the parking lot and had to leave off there. Oh, the torture! I've loved Ari and O'Doul's story. I will say that I am super hesitant about the next book in the series. It's Lauren's story and I do not like her. At all. I'm so tempted to skip it but 1) it's Sarina Bowen so I'm sure she'll change my mind about Lauren, and 2) skipping a book in a series goes against every fiber of my being. 
Current progress: 97%



Recently read: I finished the Jamison Valley series with the final book (novella, really), The Candle Palace. I loved getting Milo and Sara's story. My goodness, those two were such kind-hearted people, so genuinely good, and I loved seeing them come together. It was a bittersweet ending since I've enjoyed all the characters so much over the span of six books.

Recently listened to: Last night I finished Riven Knight and... I am not okay. The death of a character left me reeling and I can't stop thinking about it. Why, Devney Perry, why? *sobs quietly* I think it's safe to say that I'll be picking up the next book soon.



It's a safe bet that I'll be diving back into the Tin Gypsy world with Stone Princess next. And mayyyybe I'll listen to Pipe Dreams... if I can convince myself that I actually want horrible Lauren's story.



  1. Hard Hitter was my least favorite because of Ari, but it still was a 3.5 for me. I was really hesitate about Lauren's story too, but I loved it! I think I read it 2xs. I bought Riven Knight (audio & e-copy) after reading Tragic because Isaiah was the hero's brother and I wanted his story. I hope it's not one of the main characters who dies. Also, do I need to read the first book in the series? I didn't add that one since they seemed to be stand alone.

    Hope you love Whiteout! I loved Uncharted even more.

    1. So you weren't a fan of Ari? I can't say she was my favorite Bowen heroine (she pushed Patrick away so many times I felt bad for the guy) but I liked her well enough. I'm glad to hear that you loved Lauren's story so much! That makes me feel better about it.

      I know (or at least I think) the Tin Gypsy books are billed as stand alones within the series but I kind of disagree. The story in Riven Knight definitely built on everything that happened in the first book. It was all very much tied together. If you're interested, I'd be happy to loan you Gypsy King. I think Amazon allows a 14 day lend option. Just let me know if you ever want that. :)

  2. Yeah, Ari tried my patience with her constant pushing, but I still enjoyed the story.

    Thank you, Tanya! That's nice of you to offer! I just looked up Gypsy King and I got it as a freebie a while back. Funny how I forget about these things, lol. I'm just going to add the narration so I can fit it into my schedule easier.

    1. Great! I'm glad it turned out that you have it. And I hope the narration is good. Enjoy, Rachel!

  3. You have to listen to Pipe Dreams! This is what I said about Lauren after reading it:
    "I wasn't quite sure what to expect out of the characters in the beginning. Lauren has been this cold, heartless person since book one. There wasn't anything that made me want her story besides the fact that one of the players broke her heart. Once I got to know her better, that changed. She was actually a pretty sweet person. Lauren had just built a wall around herself. I loved the way that wall was brought down. She was still strong and determined, but happiness made her a better person." I think you will love it! You're also going to love all of the other books you're reading/planning on.

    1. Gah! How dare you make me consider liking Lauren! LOL Okay, okay... I'm going to do it. I'm going to listen to Wretched Lauren's story. :)

  4. I agree, my job really cuts into my reading time. When I go back to the office, I won't be able to blog hop either. I hope CoHo was worth the wait.

    1. Ugh, yet another reason to dread the return to the office. :(

      I snuck in 5 pages of the CoHo book earlier and it's definitely starting off with a bang. Wow.

  5. Honestly if Devney didn't put me off by her horrid behavior towards reviewers and bloggers I would still read her books too.

  6. I have that Colleen Hoover book sitting on my kindle so I'll definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on it once you're able to start it.

    1. I have high hopes for it, Suzanne - and it certainly started off with a bang.

  7. Ohhhh I have a friend who's obsessed with the Tin Gypsy series. I'm glad you're enjoying them!

    1. I can see why she's obsessed! I'm only two books in and I'm ready to binge the whole series. :)

  8. My bestie Kristy is currently reading the Brooklyn Bruisers series and multiple times a week, usually when we're standing at pickup waiting for our kiddos to get out of school, she's like have you read one of her books yet?! She's good at harassing me haha. I'm so happy you love her books so much too, I'm guaranteed to love them!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. You should cave to her harassment. LOL I've always loved Sarina Bowen and the Bruisers series is just more Bowen goodness. :)

  9. I'm still waiting to read Heart Bones as well. I hope that you enjoy it and all your other books!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  10. Ah, so I'm not the only one that has two Devney Perry series going. LOL! I have only read the first book in the Tin Gypsy series, so I need to get a move on with it. I haven't started Bowen's series yet, but I have a couple of her other series I still need to finish. I'm sure that's no surprise at this point. Hope you love Heart Bones! I love that book!!

    1. Okay, that's funny that we both are in the midst of TWO Devney Perry series. LOL

      I finished Heart Bones on Monday and it was so, so good!

  11. It's so hard continuing onto the next book of a series when you don't like one of the characters. That's how it was for me with The Bromance Book Club and I still haven't read the second book even though I tell myself I should cos it hurts not to! Yet I have the fourth lined up and ready to go 😂 I haven't heard of Devney Perry before but I'm intrigued! I'll defo have to check her books out then.

    1. Oh my goodness! Same with me, Dini! Everyone looooves The Bromance Book Club and I just couldn't. I disliked the wife (Thea? maybe?) and her sister so much that it practically ruined it for me. And when I heard the second book was about the sister... nope. Not happening. I abandoned the series after the first book and haven't looked back.
