Top Ten Tuesday: Dear Author, I Need More


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Dear Author, I Need More...
Authors I Wish Could Write as Fast as I Read
We all have those favorite authors... the ones where we'll read whatever they write. But the problem is that, obviously, we read so much faster than they write. If it's a self-published author you can probably count on a book every few months, or least several times a year. But if it's a traditionally published author... well, sit back and get comfy because you'll likely get just one book a year (if that). That's a lot of waiting between books! 😩

Here's a list of the authors I wish could write new books as fast as I can read them.


Kristin Hannah - Waiting three years between books is a looong time.
Emily Rath - I have a few backlist books to read but I will quickly need more.
Kennedy Ryan - I inhale this queen's books, so a year or more in between feels like forever.


Jennifer Hartmann - Hartmann publishes one or two a year, but I could definitely read more.
Carian Cole - Cole's releases aren't really consistent so the wait can be long.
Lisa Jewell - A book a year just isn't enough when I want a mystery-thriller.

J. Bengtsson - I adore her family sagas and always want more.
Catherine Cowles - I feel bad for including Cowles because she actually does publish often, but I inhale each one right away and instantly want the next. 
Taylor Jenkins Reid - It's at least a year in between TJR's books and that's way too long for me to wait.
Colleen Hoover - Hoover's books seem fewer and farther between these days. I miss the time when she published more frequently.

Which author do you wish would publish more frequently?


  1. Yes to Kristin Hannah.

  2. I’ve heard such good things about This Could Be Us.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  3. Yes to TJR! I feel like earlier in her career, she was releasing books more often. Malibu Rising felt like forever to come out and then Carrie Soto was a bit of a surprise.

    1. Angela - I can understand that her stories take time to craft and perfect, but it doesn't make the wait any easier. :)

  4. There's an article in this month's Texas Monthly magazine about Colleen Hoover and her writer's block.

    1. Deb - That's so interesting. I'll have to see if I can find the article online. Thanks!

  5. YES! I totally agree with you about Kristin Hannah, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and Colleen Hoover! Happy Tuesday!

  6. I still haven't read this Kennedy Ryan series but I already want more so that I don't have to wait too long between books 😂

    1. Dini - Wouldn't it be wonderful if an author could release an entire series at a time? No waiting needed! lol

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Kudos to your author dedication + reading speed. I can't even keep up with authors who publish once a year, lol. ("You write a book a year? EVERY year??") The curse of having too many authors that interest you...

    (making one last attempt to get this to publish after like six failed tries!)

    1. RS - Thanks for your persistence in commenting! It's so annoying when there are commenting issues. It's so tricky to find a balance between keeping up with new releases while also reading all the wonderful backlist titles I want to read.

  9. I've enjoyed Cowles and Hoover as well. Although, Hoover is more hit and miss with me. I just saw Deb's comment about her writer's block. Didn't know!

    1. Rachel - I love that Catherine Cowles is able to release books so regularly by self-publishing. There are never crazy waits for her books.

  10. Some of these authors are definitely on my list well. And some I have been wanting to read for a long time. If only we had more time in a day right?! :D

    1. Maureen - Exactly! If only someone would pay me to read. LOL

  11. I'm still trying to get caught on Cowles' books, but I love them so much I want her to write lots and lots. :D

    1. Lark - I'm so glad that Cowles publishes as frequently as she does!

  12. It does seem like Hoover is turning out less books. Maybe it's because she is so involved other stuff? Even a year between books from beloved authors seems too long

    1. Sam - I just read a lengthy interview with CoHo and she hasn't been writing at all. It seems she's really struggling with the fame, the expectations, and the haters.

  13. I think I was reading an article that said Hoover hasn't felt like writing recently because of negative reviews of her books that were shared with her. Let's hope that changes! I want another TJR book soon, too!

    1. Deanna - Someone else mentioned that article. I need to look it up and read it. I know authors say that they try never to read reviews, but it has to be hard not to.

  14. I finally read Lisa Jewell this year, and I agree! She can really write!

    1. Ethan - Lisa Jewell is a longtime favorite. I really love her brand of domestic dramas.

  15. I still need to read some TJR but I do hope she'll release new books soon too :)

    1. Lindsey - TJR still has a couple early ones that I have not read, but I still want more. :)

  16. Lisa Jewell is a good one! I didn't add her because I have a couple of books of hers that I haven't read yet but I'm dreading getting caught up because I don't like waiting! Great list!

    1. Katherine - I do have one or two by Jewell that I have not read, but I still want more. Haha!

  17. I had really hoped to do this post, but this week wasn't a great one for me to do much. Maybe I'll do this topic on one of those choose your own topic days. I think I read part of an article where Colleen Hoover talked about how she's not been writing as much.

    1. Lisa - I tracked down that article about Hoover so I could read it. Sad that social media is having such a negative impact for her.

  18. Kristin Hannah, Lisa Jewel and TJR are authors I want to read more of too! They are phenomenal!

    1. I agree, Sophie! I get why their books take longer to write, but it doesn't mean that I like it. :)
