The Sunday Post #22

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

Happy weekend! This past week has been a return to normal. I went back to working full days at the office after having worked half days for the past two weeks. It felt great to get back into a regular routine. And on Saturday my husband and I spent the whole day together: lunch at one of our favorite spots, ran some errands, went to Hobby Lobby (which ended up being a bust - I didn't find anything I was looking for), and had a late dinner of some truly delicious seafood. I even found some time to play with my books and did some rearranging and reshelving. Day made. I capped off the night by hanging out in my reading room and, not reading, but coloring to my heart's content. Playing with pretty pictures and colored pencils while surrounded by books? Perfect end to the day. :)

Oh, and my August Bookworm Box was delivered on Wednesday - much earlier than expected. Best mail day of the month!

Tuesday, August 16: The week's Top Ten Tuesday them was all about book settings and I went with one of my favorites: Southern settings. And based on the comments I'm not alone in my love for books set in the South!

Thursday, August 18: That's What He Said Thursday has long been one of my favorite memes so I loved getting back into the swing of things this week with a new TWHST post. The Addicted series is simply bursting with fabulous quotes so there's no shortage to chose from. This week I chose one from Ryke Meadows and I got all the feels again just making the graphic for the post. Swoon!

Saturday, August 20: On Saturday I shared a few of my reading rituals as part of the #ShelfLove Challenge. These included such earth-shattering insights as choosing the right bookmark and having loads of page flags on hand. ;-)


Be With Me (Wait For You #2) - Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Proposal (Wait For You #2.5) - Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Crown's Game (audio) by Evelyn Skye
Some Kind of Perfect - Krista & Becca Ritchie


It Ends With Us - Colleen Hoover
Love In Rewind - Tali Alexander

I received a signed copy of It Ends With Us in my Bookworm Box so I now find myself with an extra copy (the one I pre-ordered). Be on the lookout for a giveaway soon!



Some Sort of Happy - Melanie Harlow

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. I've been seeing It Ends With Us everywhere lately. It sounds like an emotional read. It's cool that you got a signed copy of it, even if you already own the book.

    1. I've yet to start It Ends With Us... just because it does sound so emotional. I have to be ready for that. :) And I didn't mind receiving a second copy at all since it's the only Colleen Hoover book I have that is signed. That makes it special.

  2. LOVED The Crown's Game and I'm excited to hear what you think of It Ends with Us. Glad your routine is getting back to normal!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Oh my goodness, Nicole, I just finished listening to The Crown's Game this morning and I loved it! And I need the next book NOW. LOL I am so glad I took a chance on that one. I rarely reach for fantasy but that one just spoke to me.

  3. That's one of my favorite bookish quotes by Snicket! It reminds me of Rory from Gilmore Girls (do you watch that show Tanya?) She ALWAYS has a book with her! Even when her and Dean went to the school dance:) I'm usually the same way!
    Glad to hear you had such a great weekend with the hubby! i hope your first full week back is a great one!
    Emily @

    1. Isn't that a great quote! And I'm the same way, I *never* leave the house without a book. You never know when you'll have a few minutes to read. And how horrible would it be to be stuck somewhere for a while and not have a book on hand? Ack! Oh yeah, I used to watch the Gilmore Girls religiously when it was first on (early 2000's?). I probably watched the first 4 or 5 seasons. I hear it's coming back... or maybe it already has? I'm out of touch. LOL

  4. Ohh I haven't done a That's What He Said Thursday in a while! Bookworm Box envy!!! I want one so bad!

    1. I miss your That's What He Said Thursday posts!
      I guess shipping for the Bookworm Box would be crazy expensive for you, huh? :(

  5. Some Kind Of Perfect looks good. Never trust anyone that doesn't have a book... I'll have to think about that.

    1. I'm really enjoying Some Kind of Perfect so far. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. That Cobalt dinner scene though. Like !!!!!!
    When you gonna read It Ends With Us? WHEN?!
    Did you like Jace? He's probably my least favourite/that's my least favourite book from the series. Still a 4* though. So nothing bad. Lol

    1. Yes! Loved that scene!
      Ugh, soon. Very soon. I need to give my heart a rest after SKoP. I need something ridiculously light and fluffy.
      Jace was okay but he did annoy me some with the way he ran hot and cold with Teresa. So unfair to her. And he is no Cam Hamilton! :)

    2. Yea. It Ends With Us is going to destroy you emotionally.
      Right? He's all over the place. And Cam did set the bar high. Until you meet Jax that is.
