The Sunday Post #23

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

Happy weekend! It was a busy, productive week at the office and it was good to leave on Friday feeling so accomplished. The weekend has been a good one, even though nothing particularly exciting happened. The Husband was at a car show Saturday and won another trophy (this is practically a weekly occurrence). It was close-by so I went and stayed a few minutes but the 90-something degree heat and humidity had me waving buh-bye pretty quickly. So I left and went shopping. :) 

I'm excited about a new Freebie Friday feature starting this week. I've done some weeding out of my bookshelves - books I'll never read again, or just won't read, period - and I'll be offering them up for grabs every Friday. I get some much needed bookshelf space and someone gets a new book. Win-win!

I received a Book Outlet order a few days ago that I was super excited about. Book Outlet can be hit or miss for me but I sure had some great finds this time around! Opening that box was like Christmas and I came close to hugging all the books. :)

Monday, August 22: The final book in the Thatch series by Molly McAdams released this past week and on Monday I shared my thoughts on Show Me How. While it wasn't my favorite in the trilogy (that goes to book #2, To the Stars) it was still completely enjoyable and the epilogue got me a little choked up. I'm a sucker for a good epilogue. 

Tuesday, August 23: Top Ten Tuesday was all about the books that have been on my TBR from before I started blogging - and there were plenty to choose from. But I shared the ten that are the ones I've wanted to read for ages and yet (for whatever reasons) still haven't read. And I loved chatting it up in the comments because everyone had an opinion on what I need to read NOW. :)

Wednesday, August 24: Top 5 Wednesday had me sharing the books I plan to read by the end of the year. For realsies. Mark my words, it's gonna happen. (Disclaimer: At this time the author would like to add that many factors can effect the ultimate outcome of this intended goal. Everyone knows there are numerous books waiting out there with the express intention of making a mockery of any plan put into effect. Thank you and goodnight.)

Saturday, August 27: Yesterday I shared my review of Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan. I really did enjoy the story overall and will continue with the trilogy, but, because I had been expecting a new adult novel, I found myself hyper aware of all the high school drama/angst. Which led to the question, do expectations ever change how you feel about a book? And in my case, the answer seems to be yes!


The Crown's Game (audio) - Evelyn Skye
The Second Summer of the Sisterhood (audio) - Ann Brashares

I *loved* The Crown's Game! And listening to it on audio with all the Russian accents really pulled me into the story and the setting. Total grabby hands for the next book... in nine months. *sobs*

Some Kind of Perfect - Krista & Becca Ritchie

I'm loving this final book in the Addicted series. Hard. But I'm finding myself reading it in small bits and pieces just because I don't want it to end. 


Under the Lights - Abbi Glines
Forever, Interrupted - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Forgiving Lies - Molly McAdams
Whatever Life Throws at You - Julie Cross
Best Kind of Broken - Chelsea Fine
Perfect Kind of Trouble - Chelsea Fine
Right Kind of Wrong - Chelsea Fine
Dead of Winter - Kresley Cole

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. Yay for a great weekend and woohoo to books for Bookoutlet. I must say you just made my day by letting me know they have that TJR book there!!! I am off to show now. Have a great week and THANK YOU!!

  2. Great book haul, it looks amazing! I bought a lot of eBooks this week as there were quite a few deals I really liked. Enjoy reading your new books.

    1. Thanks Suze! This was one of those weird weeks where my haul was all physical books and no Kindle books. That almost never happens! And hooray for great ebook deals! Hope you enjoy what you got!

  3. That car show trophy seems pretty good. :) And Book Outlet does too. Love that Southern quotes! Where I used to work I talked to a woman from the South a lot and she'd always say "how ya doin hon?" :)

    1. "How ya doin', hon" sounds pretty familiar. I probably hear that at least once a day. LOL I would miss all the "Southernisms" is I ever left the South.

  4. I absolutely loved the Finding Fate series by Chelsea Fine. They were all soo good.

    1. That is so great to hear, Lauren! I read an ARC of Best Kind of Broken a couple years ago and *really* enjoyed it. But for whatever reason I never continued the series. I was super excited to find them at Book Outlet!

  5. It sounds like you had a very fine week indeed, Tanya! I hope you enjoy all your new goodies and I like your Freebie Friday idea - sharing books AND getting valuable shelf space! :) I hope this week is going well so far.

    1. Thanks Brandee! Yeah, I'm excited about the Freebie Friday thing... I just hope there's interest in what I have to offer! :)

  6. Yeah I would pick shopping too! I seriously need to read/start the Addicted series!!

  7. Under the Lights and Dead of Winter! WAHOO! A) I'm totally jealous you have Under the Lights already. My birthday is next month though so when my fam started asking for ideas I decided to hold off on buying the book and put it on a list instead. Fingers crossed!:) I can't wait to hear what you think of it! and YAY for Dead of Winter! I didn't know you were reading the Arcana Chronicles it's one of my absolute favorite series! I am just gushing over it lately, especially after finishing Arcana Rising last week!
    Have a great week Tanya!
    Emily @

    1. Oh you smart lady! Let someone else buy the book for you. :) (Although I have to admit someone else bought my book for me, too. Every time my husband wins a trophy at a car show he buys me a book. So a while back when he won a show I told him to pre-order Under the Lights for me.) My birthday is next month, too! Hooray for the Septembers! Actually I think you and my nephew share the same birthday... but he's only turning 18. But now there's no way I can forget your birthday. :) And um, I'm not reading the Arcana Chronicles but I plan to... and I own the first two books already and when I saw Dead of Winter on Book Outlet I was like why not?! LOL Kassidy Voinche (Booktuber) loves the series and she's how I first heard about it. Hope you're having a great week, too, love!

  8. Great haul Tanya! I absolutely loved Some Kind of Perfect! The Addicted series is one of my favorites for sure. I can't wait until their next series. :)
    New bloglovin follower

    1. Hi Jess! *waves frantically* If you're a friend of the Addicted series then you're an instant friend of mine. :) Are you on the Fizzle Force group page on Facebook? Just wondering if I've "seen" you over there. I adore the Addicted series... and Krista and Becca. They are the sweetest! And I'm super excited for the next series, too! Thanks so much for subscribing!

  9. SKoP is glorious. I need Damaged Like Us like yesterday.
    You'll really like Whatever Life Throws at Us. It was a fun sports romance.
    I have those Chelsea Fine books too. Of course I haven't read them yet...

    1. I know, I know! The wait for Damaged Like us is on.
      I'm looking forward to Whatever Life Throws at You. I read one by Julie Cross a year or so ago called Third Degree and really enjoyed it.
      I read an ARC of the first Chelsea Fine book last year or so (Best Kind of Broken) and fell in love with it. So who knows why I didn't continue on. I think because the Kindle versions were like $8 or so and I refused to pay that. Ha. So finding the trade paperbacks on Book Outlet for $4 each was quite a coup.

    2. You can also watch the live show they did for SKOP now. !!!
      It's a quick one. I'd only read her time traveling YA book before. Which was meh. This was a 4* for me.
      Yea! What is with Kindle books these days. You know what I do? I buy the book, read it right away and then return it. Since you have 7 days for a full refund on Kindle. Plus if I love the book I'd rather have the physical form.

    3. YES! I'll be watching the SKoP show soon.

      I have that time travel trilogy from Julie Cross sitting on my shelf. A Vook Outlet buy from a year or so ago but I've never got to them. At this point I might not.

      LOL at you returning the kindle books. Such a rebel. ;-)
