#2017HW Reading Assignment Challenge | Sign-Up and Reading List

I'm taking part in the Reading Assignment Challenge in 2017 and it's going to be awesome. This one kicks it old school with a reading assignment... except way cooler. Because you get to assign your own books. Sweet!

This challenge is run by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading. You can get all the details at their sites but here are the basics.

* The challenge runs between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017.

* You can only participate for the months *after* you sign up.

* Make a list of specific books you'll read in 2017. Commit to reading 1,2,3 or 4 of those books each month.

* You can ready from any genre or format (must be over 100 pages and published before January 1, 2017).

* Post a quarterly report card and link it up at the host's blog.

I'm easing into this challenge by choosing Reading Level 1 - which means I am committing to reading one book from my reading list per month. Totally doable, right? And here are the 12 books that make up my assigned reading list.

Have you already signed up for any 2017 reading challenges? 
Do you have favorites that you participate in year after year?


  1. You got this Tanya! I hope you love Shadow and Bone as well a Poison Princess!

  2. OMG. So, I TOTALLY need a challenge like this in my life! I read The Selection Series a while back and had a blast with it! <3 So I hope you like it too! Let me know when you start it and what you think of it! :) I'M SO ANXIOUS HERE GIRL! Oh! And Shadow and Bone is on my list to read as well! :) Maybe we can do a buddy read? Interested?

    1. I can't believe I haven't read The Selection series yet? I mean, it's only been out forever so what am I waiting for, right? I see people talking smack about America a lot but I just have a feeling I'm going to love the series. And I would totally be up for a buddy read of Shadow and Bone! I've actually only done ONE buddy read before. And that was when I discovered my friend was a freaking speed reader. LOL So let me know if you're not a speed reader and we should go for it! :)

  3. I'll probably do the Discussion Challenge and the Goodreads challenge - mainly to see how many books I read in the year. I'm not sure if I'll do any other specific ones, because I really just want to focus more on books I already own. I know there are challenges for that too, but I tend to forget to link up, etc. haha

    good luck with this one!


    1. For the most part I agree, Lauren. I never used to do challenges because I just want to read what I want to read. And that's usually from my own shelves - not every new release that comes out. But I've come across several challenges that promote just that so I stick with those. :)

  4. I love your reading list! There are so many books on your list that are on my shelves. In fact, I've only read one (Donovan's) and there's only one that isn't on my shelf (Weiner's). None of these made my reading list for the challenge but they are on my 2017 reading list. That'll be fun - we can chat about them! :)

    p.s. I forgot to mention this in my comment on your Best of 2016 list but I asked for and received One True Loves for Christmas...because of your review. :D

    1. Oh my goodness, crazy how many books we have in common, Brandee! I'm excited for both of us to read them so we can talk about them. :)

      And I am *so* excited you got One True Loves!! I actually gifted physical copies to my mom and my to sisters at Christmas. (Every year I gift them one of my favorite books of the year.) My younger sister has already finished it and loved it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts whenever you get around to it. :)
