December #ShelfLove Challenge: Year-End Check-In

December topic: End of the year check-in post. Look back at your January and June posts and let us know how you did this year. Would you do the challenge again in 2017?
Back in January I posted my bookish mantra for 2016: Read What I Want To Read. I had developed a habit of reading mediocre books while letting the ones I was truly excited about languish on my shelves. So I decided no more mediocre books that I wasn't excited about and no more getting sidetracked by every new release. Instead my focus would be on the books already on my shelves that I really wanted to read. So when I heard about the #ShelfLove Challenge it seemed custom-made for me and I joined right in.

I set a goal back in January of reading 31-40 books that qualified for the challenge. Meaning: nothing that was acquired after January 1, 2016 (and library books didn't count toward the goal).

I'm happy to say that I reached my goal! As of today I have read 39 books that were already on my shelf when the challenge started. (And I'm currently reading #40 which I am sure to finish before the end of the year.)

Will I take part in the #ShelfLove Challenge again? Absolutely! The challenge played a part in reminding me of my goal - to read all the wonderful books already on my shelves - and I had a great time participating. 

Did you take part in any challenges this year? How did you do?


  1. You did a lot better than I did! I may have read about 20 books that were from my shelf. I hope number 40 is fabulous!

    1. That was probably my average in years past but I really made it a goal this year. I plan on sticking with it next year too!

  2. 40 books, great job girlie! WOOT! Happy to have you again next year :)

  3. Great job!!I am going to do this challenge for 2017 and am excited for it!!

  4. Congratulations on meeting your challenge - this one is such a good idea. Sometimes I'm so busy looking ahead to new release I forget about all the awesome books I already have on my shelf :(

    1. Thanks Sarah! That's exactly why I joined this challenge... but reading all those books on my shelves has been great. :)

  5. Oh, wow! Congrats on reaching your goal, Tanya! This is such a great idea, I might have to think of this for next year too- my tbr is horrifying xD

    1. This was such a great challenge, Ruzaika. The whole point is to read what you already have and it fit in perfectly with what I already wanted to do. I think I'll take part again in 2017!

  6. That's great, congrats! I need to read more of my Tbr pile but ARCs get in the way. Good luck for your challenges next year! ~Aleen

    1. Thanks Aleen! I have become insanely choosy when it comes to ARCs. For a while there I was requesting a lot but I've scaled back so much. I realized I was reading all these ARCs and ignoring all the wonderful books on my bookshelves! :)
