February TBR: It's Now a Thing (This Month, Anyway)

What's that you say? You've never seen me post a TBR before? There's a good reason for that: I never make TBR lists. Like, ever. I'm a total mood reader and I'm never sure what I'm going to read from one book to the next. I like it like that. But it so happens that this month there are a few books I want/need to get to for various reasons (reading challenges, blog tour/review, etc) and I figured that a TBR would actually come in handy this month and help keep me on track. So, for the first time ever... here's my TBR for February. :)


Asa by Jay Crownover - I've been listening to the Marked Men series on audio and I'm just waiting for this final book to come available on my Overdrive app so I can finish the series. I'm next in line so it should be soon.

The Prince by Kiera Cass - I read The Selection last month (finally!) and I'm excited to continue the series.

The Elite by Kiera Cass - same as above

Barely Breathing by Rebecca Donovan - I'll be reading this as part of the Reading Assignment Challenge (#2017HW). I read the first book in this trilogy last May so I need to get on the ball and pick up the next book.

Your Tempting Love by Layla Hagen - I happened upon the fourth book in this series last fall and totally enjoyed the light contemporary romance. I received an ARC of this fifth entry and it's what I'm reading right now.

A List of Cages by Robin Roe - I've heard so many great things about this one that I picked it up from the library. I've already had to renew it once and still haven't got to it, but I'm determined to read it before it's due back this time.

There are some months when six books is a stretch for me but The Prince is a short novella and Asa will be an audio book that I listen to on my daily commute so it's really like four books. Of course, I'm also listening to another audio book now while I wait for Asa to come available and I'm beta reading a contemporary romance. So yeah, let's see if I manage to get everything read this month. :)

Have you read any of these books?

Do you make a monthly TBR or are you a mood reader, too?


  1. I liked Barely Breathing (I think lol it has been a while) A List of Cages sounds amazing. I make a kind of TBR mostly of ARCs I need to get to and some I own I would like to get to. Hope you enjoy all of these!!

    1. Thanks Grace. I'm super excited for A List of Cages and I'm determined to get to it before it's due back. I don't think I can renew it a second time.

  2. I'm a mood reader as well, but I don't make complete tbr lists from my shelves b/c I'd be doing it all day. LOL You do have several up there I want to read though. I really need to get to Jay Crownover.

    1. I started the Jay Crownover on a total whim. Just wanted something fun to listen to on my commute. It's not a favorite series or anything but I do really enjoy it. I've become attached. :)

  3. My TBR list is so massive that I had to put it on an exel sheet. I randomly choose a book, if I don't feel like reading that one, I choose again. :) ~Aleen

    1. I'm such a sucker for lists. I have an Excel spreadsheet for all the books I've read, for all my Kindle downloads, for all the series I'm reading... I'm a list junkie! :)

  4. Good luck !! I'm a mood reader as well so it's so hard for me to make definite TBR's anymore.

    1. Yeah, I've never been one for TBR's. I hate feeling like I "have to" read certain books that I decided upon ahead of time. Ugh. I doubt I'll continue this but it just made sense for this month. :)

  5. Oh you have an interesting selection of books up there. Your Tempting Love looks interesting, will have to look up the series.
    I am a mood reader, if I preplanned, I'd fail and prob be in a slump >.< so far it's been working out great and I have been mixing books from the TBR and ARCS :D

    1. I think you would like that series by Layla Hagen, Lily. It seems to fit in with the kind of books you review. I've only read books 4 and 5 but had no problem jumping right in. It'd be fun to read the whole series, though.

  6. I don't really have a monthly TBR, but I have a general idea of what I will read just based on review book publication dates. And then, on the off chance I have a free spot open, I panic because of the overwhelming number of books I can choose from ;)

    I really want to read A List of Cages too, and I am so glad that you liked The Selection enough to want to continue! I am curious to know what you'll think of the rest of the series- trying to decide if it is worth starting! Hope you enjoy these!

    1. The Selection was fun and I'm definitely continuing with the series. I mean, it's nothing ground breaking or new (LOL) but it's fun for what it is. I hear that America gets pretty annoying with her indecisiveness but I guess I'll see for myself. I'm hearing amazing things about A List of Cages!

      Oh, and guess what I'm listening to now? The Serpent King! :)

  7. I don't typically create a TBR list for the month because, like you, I'm a mood reader and I only read obligatory reads (ARCs, etc) if I have to. ;) But this year, since I'm working at reading ALL these books I own, I've been making lists. Sort of. I do put my TBR List read on it, as well as my HW read. But then I'm choosing 2 Netgalley reads a month using random.org (I have a spreadsheet of my NG reads). Otherwise, it's totally mood reading. LOL
    I can't wait to see your thoughts on all the Marked Men (I still need to catch up in that series) and Barely Breathing (I loved the trilogy). I'm also curious to see what you end up thinking about The Selection series - it's been on my shelf for quite awhile. ;) Happy reading, Tanya!!

    1. The fact that you're choosing your NetGalley reads by random # makes me think your NG shelf looks a lot different than my NG shelf. LOL I think I have 5 books lingering on NG. One is brand new, the other 4 are embarrassingly old. *cringe* I actually started a Google doc to keep up with my 3 reading challenges this year. Any excuse for a list. LOLThe Marked Men series has definitely been worth the read (well, listen). I'm excited to start the final book soon.

  8. I feel like i have a TBR, but mostly in my head so then I never really stick to it! Lately though I'm been trying to make my way through the books I currently own and not buying any new ones. Although I want to get Long Way Home so badly!

    1. You know if you write something down you're more likely to do it... just sayin'. LOL I'm totally with you on reading what I already own. That was kind of my thing last year and I'm sticking with it this year. That's why I do the Shelf Love Challenge, since it's all about reading what's already on your shelves. Love that.
      I can't wait till you read Long Way Home so we can chat about it! :)

  9. Oh your TBR looks like it's full of amazing books! I hope you get to/enjoy them all :D ALSO HAVE YOU READ INFINI YET?! BECAUSE IF NOT WHY IS IT NOT ON YOUR LIST?

    1. Are you ready for my big secret confession? The reason I haven't read Infini is because I've never read Amour Amour. Are you screaming at me yet? LOL I know, I know. And I don't even know why. I've just always been so tied up in the Addicted world and I've never made myself pick up Amour Amour. It WILL happen, though!

  10. I'm usually a mood reader as well BUT in February the library threw every reservation I ever made at me and suddenly I ended up with 8 books haha.

    1. LOL Hate when that happens! :) But it never fails. They're never spaced out... it's all or nothing. I just has to suspend two of my ebook holds because I could see they were all going to come available at the same time. Ack! Good luck getting through those 8 books, Olivia! :)

  11. I totally make a monthly TBR and then I totally ignore it because.. 1) I'm a mood reader and 2) I'm like Dory. Anything new and shiny catches my attention and the list goes to hell LOL. Talking about that WHEN AM I GONNA GET TO THE SELECTION!! SMH!!! Great list Tanya Hope you enjoy your books

    1. OMG, you mean I'm *not* the only person who has not read the Selection series?! I could have sworn it was just me. LOL I finally read the first book last month and I'm determined to read the rest *soon* instead of just letting it linger. I love how you make TBRs and then just ignore them and do your own thing. :)
