The Sunday Post #45

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

I missed last week's Sunday Post and thinking back I can't remember exactly why. I'm thinking we stayed busy all day but I'm also pretty sure there was a nap involved so... yeah. 

The Husband and I saw Fifty Shades Darker last weekend. It was a really good adaptation of the book and I thought it was even better than the first movie. Christian Grey smiling and laughing... who knew? 😉

My re-do of the master bedroom continues. A couple weeks ago it was pillows and throws. Today it was lamps and flowers. There's more I want to do but I enjoy taking my time to find the pieces I want. Me + home decor = ♥♥♥

Monday, February 20

Tell Me Three Things (AUDIO) - Julie Buxbaum
Undecided - Julianna Keyes
Asa (AUDIO) - Jay Crownover
Off the Ice - Julie Cross

Goodnight, Nic - Marley Jacobs

From the February Bookworm Box
Purple Orchids - Samantha Christy
Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin - Mariana Zapata

Unspoken - Jen Frederick


Off the Ice - Julie Cross
Goodnight, Nic - Marley Jacobs


How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. I'm curious about Tell Me three Things, I like that cover and it looks fun. Hope you have a nice weekend- and a great week as well.

    1. I downloaded the audio version of Tell Me Three Things on a whim and ended up really enjoying it. Really solid YA contemporary - if you're ever so inclined. :)

  2. I hope you have a nice weekend and that the master bedroom isn't giving you too much trouble. Purple Orchids has a really nice cover!

    1. No trouble... I *love* decorating. :) I like that cover for Purple Orchids, too!

  3. Oh I am reading the Woodlands series by Jen Frederick now. I just finished book 1 on audio and then snagged book 2 because its free! Its a pretty good series really! Have a great week!

    1. Great to hear you're enjoying the Woodlands series! I haven't seen reviews from anyone I actually "know" but the synopsis pulled me right in.

  4. Oh I wish I was good at home decor. 5 years in my house and it is empty. Oops!! Looks like you read some good books. I love your random!! Have a great week!

    1. I'll come decorate! ;-) I tend to never leave things alone here. I'm always changing or updating. I love it. Have a great week, Grace!

  5. Ah I LOVE decor!! A part of me would love to be an interiour designer...
    Enjoy the decorating, I hope all turns out wonderfully!

    Happy reading, those books look lovely :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. How awesome would that be? Decorating with someone else's $$. LOL

  6. gah so lucky you get to deco, wonder if it's something I can rope my husband into doing this summer, I guess we will see.
    Oh, lovely new books. I hope you enjoy them!

    1. Well, I got a lovely compliment last night. After the new lamps and other items were in place The Husband told me thank you for making our home so nice. When you look at that way (making nicer surroundings for you both) maybe your husband will be on board. :)

  7. Glad your re-model is going well. Doing it a little bit at a time won't stress you out as much. :)

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

    1. Thanks Aleen! And no stress here... I love home decorating. :)
      Hope you have a great week, too!

  8. Oooh! I hope your master bedroom goes well!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  9. I hope your remodel goes smoothly! It looks like you got some really good books. I hope you have a wonderful week.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  10. Good luck on your re-model, Tanya! I love the cover for Goodnight Nic. Great haul this week. :)

    1. Thanks Jess. I love decorating so it's a fun project. And I love the cover for Goodnight Nic, too!

  11. I like your photo at the end. More people should follow that philosophy before they speak.

    Hope you have a great week,


    1. Isn't that the truth? If only we all remembered that before we spoke.

  12. It sounds like you had a pretty nice week, Tanya. And I'm glad you're having so much fun redecorating your bedroom. :) I want to paint mine...been meaning to since we moved in. 5 years later and it's still Vulcan Blue...Sooo not my color! LOL I'll get there eventually. You got in some good-looking reads last week as well as acquiring some new ones. I'm intrigued the Zapata's, as well as Cross' and Jacobs'. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on them.
    Oh, and I love the quote. Yeah, everyone should heed that advice. It's good advice!
    Have a great week!!

    1. Vulcan blue, huh? That sounds... bright. :) Painting is such a pain. Luckily I'm still happy with the color in the bedroom (three walls are cream, one accent wall is painted rhubarb) so I don't have to endure that mess. The Julie Cross book was really cute and more emotional than I thought it would be. I'm reading the one by Jacobs (Goodnight, Nic) right now and it's so much fun.

  13. Naps always take priority. Always. I've heard that Fifty Shades Darker was a lot better than the first one. I haven't read the series, so I'll probably wait until it's on video.


    1. So true, Amber! Given the choice between a nap and anything else... I'll always go for the nap. LOL

  14. Replies
    1. I Really enjoyed Tell Me Three Things! I haven't written/posted a review yet but it's definitely worth reading.

  15. WOW lucky girl. My Husband would not watch a romance movie with me even if I bribed him! :) Oh I love redecorating. Post PICS Tanya!!! I want to go to GR now and check out Purple Orchids! hat cover is something !

    1. Oh no, that's too bad! My husband is good about watching those movies with me: romance, rom-com's, chick flicks, etc. He's a good sport. :) I'll try to remember to share some pics next week. :) I wish I had taken some before shots - not that I've done anything dramatic, just little touches here and there - but still. And that cover for Purple Orchids is totally gorgeous!
