The Sunday Post #60

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • It's been a week of almost daily thunderstorms here - some of them intense. Not exactly uncommon in Florida, plus the rain is much needed. But it's made for some less-than-fun daily commutes.
  • Due to the eye infection I mentioned last week, I spent all this week wearing glasses and forgoing all eye makeup. Today should be the last day of the gunky, messy medicine and I am so looking forward to tomorrow when I can pop in my contacts and put on some eye makeup!
  • Friday night we went to a comedy club to see John Caparulo. I've always enjoyed hearing him on the SiriusXM comedy channels and seeing him perform live was so much fun.
  • Last night we tried to attend the local minor league baseball game. More storms rolled in, game kept getting delayed, and we finally decided to call it a night. Got totally drenched on the trek from the stadium to the car. We can trade in the tickets for another game this season so maybe we'll try again. Gotta love those Florida storms! 

Tuesday, June 13
Top Ten Tuesday: Father's Day Edition
Top Pops and Bad Dads

Wednesday, June 14
Top 5 Wednesday:
Favorite Side Ships

Friday, June 16
Short Take Reviews:
The One I Loved and The Big Disappointment
(A List of Cages and Up in Flames)

Marked in Flesh (AUDIO) - Anne Bishop
When Dimple Met Rishi - Sandhya Menon
The Light We Lost (AUDIO) - Jill Santopolo

Until It Fades - K.A. Tucker


The Player - Claire Contreras


Given to the Sea - Mindy McGinnis
Violet Grenade - Victoria Scott


Ready to Run - Lauren Layne

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. Ooh, you're reading When Dimple Met Rishi :) hope you're going to enjoy!

    1. When Dimple Met Rishi was one of my reads last week. Sooo adorable! :)

  2. Oh yuck to the thunderstorms and making commutes bad. Hope your eyes are better soon. Looks like you read some good books this week. hope you enjoy your new ones and have a great week!!

    1. I'm wearing contacts today for the first time in 10 days and I practically did a happy dance this morning. LOL

  3. haha omg, that penguin joke is great!

    Sorry about all the storms though! I hope you can make it to another game this season.


    1. I chuckle about that penguin graphic every time I see it. :)

  4. Storms have been something serious here in South Carolina too. I guess it's about that time haha. How did you like When Dimple Met Rishi??

    1. Yep, if it's summer in the South, it must be storming. LOL
      Really enjoyed When Dimple Met Rishi! Sooo adorable. Hopefully I'll be able to get a review up soon. :)

  5. Sorry about your eye infection. I hope you get better soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  6. Oh, I fondly remember the Florida rainy season from when I lived in Jacksonville. I also remembering getting my car detailed a lot, because I would forget to close my sunroof and those quick storms would come through. I loved Dimple and Rishi, and I really want to read the Player. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on those.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. You used to live in Jax? That's where I am! (Have we discussed this before?? If so, I'm drawing a blank.) But yeah, summer in FL means storms... they go hand in hand. :) When Dimple Met Rishi was so adorable. I'm hoping to have a review up by the end of the week. And I'm excited for The Player. I've read two others by Contreras and enjoyed them.

    2. OMG! I loved JVille! I lived in Jax Beach. I miss that place so much. The northeast isn't much better these days. We are on flash flood warning right now. It's so humid, I felt like I was swimming through the air, and we keep having massive downpours. I read the Hearts books, and really liked them. I am definitely a fan of Contreras's stories.

  7. I'm also in Florida and these storms are quite redundant. It's great after that drought but my toddler and I are stuck inside all the time and going outside is miserable once it stops. The humidity slays me. I prefer to be outside so it's bugging me. Haha.
    I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy reading! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. Hi Stacy! Oh yeah, I imagine being stuck indoors with a little one due to the storms gets old fast. Then of course afterwards it's nice and steamy. Ugh! I've lived in FL all my life so you'd think I'd be used to it but I don't think there's any getting used to the insane humidity. Hope you have a great week, too!

  8. Sounds like you're getting slammed with storms down there! We've had a few strong ones on and off this week- last night a big one rolled through- but yeah no fun to drive in. Hope your eye is doing better- I always go a little batty when I can't wear my contacts!

    Given to the Sea sounds really good. And love the penguin graphic!

    1. Yep, it's been almost daily with the storms but that's almost typical for this time of year.
      Contacts back in as of this morning. Hallelujah! LOL

  9. Hope your eye is better...those infections are miserable. And no eye makeup? I'd have a hard time leaving the house lol. I've seen When Dimple Met Rishi on lots of blogs and I really want to read it! Love the penguin pic...too cute! Have a great week :)
    Here's my Sunday Post :)

    1. Uh yeah, going to the office for over a week with no eye makeup. Not my best look. LOL When Dimple Met Rishi was so adorable. Definitely lived up to the hype. Hope you'll enjoy it if you decide to read it!

  10. Yuk storms. So glad we had a reprieve, but of course now that it's dry I want it to rain. hehe.

    Glad you are feeling better! Hope your weather gets better and enjoy your new books. :) ~Aleen

    1. Don't we always want what we don't have? :)
      Thanks Aleen... hope you have a great week!

  11. We've been having a lot of storms here in Illinois too---in fact there's one going on right now!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  12. We've also been having serious storms here, and the rain's needed, so it's been scary but great!! Thunderstorms mean curling up in bed with a book and coffee, right?!

    Looking forward to your When Dimple Met Rishi review! I've heard amazing things about that book :)

    Hope you have a lovely week ahead, Tanya! <3

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Hi Amy! We definitely need the rain, too. And you're right, it makes for some perfect reading weather! (Although, you can keep the coffee. Yuck. I'll have some sweet iced tea, thank you very much. :)

      When Dimple Met Rishi actually lived up to the hype. It was so adorable!

      Hope you have a wonderful week, too!

  13. Glad you liked When Dimple Met Rishi! And hope the infection clears soon! Have a great week!

  14. Glad to hear you are getting so much needed rain even if it comes with thunders and annoying commutes. :) Hope by now you are feeling better and eye makeup and contacts are back :) I'm looking forward to hear your thoughts on When Dimple Met Rishi. I've seen good and bad reviews. Seems like a hit or miss :)

    1. For me, When Dimple Met Rishi totally lived up to the hype! It was totally sweet and adorable. :)
