Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Merchandise

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Bookish Merchandise
I'm not really a collector of bookish merchandise. Neither do I consider myself part of any fandom (and I abhor clutter) so I don't tend to collect bookish "stuff." But there have been a few items I've picked up over the years so in lieu of a bookish merch wishlist (since I don't have one), I'm going to share a few of the things I already own.

Floral book sleeve from The Cozy Life shop at etsy
ACOMAF notebook from eviebookish at RedBubble
Daemon and Katy magnetic bookmarks from Magic Bookmarks at etsy
It's All About the Wingspan shirt from DigitalComa at RedBubble
The Bronze Horseman bookmark from Jane's Tiny Things at etsy
Beauty and the Beast tote from Evie Seo at Society 6
Just Read pouch from eviebookish at RedBubble
Book Bodyguard shirt* from Book Boyfriend Boutique at etsy
*worn by my husband at book signings/events :)
It Ends With Us bookmark from Bookmarky at etsy
Professional Bookworm phone case from Bookworm Boutique at Society 6

Do you collect bookish merchandise? 


  1. I don't have a lot of bookish merch either. Bookmarks are always great!

    1. I love a good bookmark! And there are so many creative people out there making really unique ones!

  2. I love pretty much anything of evibookish. It's all so pretty!

  3. There are so many fun things up there. Don’t get me started collecting book merchandise, my cross stitching spending is bad enough. This was a fun post. Thanks for putting it together.

    1. One hobby can get expensive... multiple hobbies can fill up our homes and break the bank. LOL

  4. Replies
    1. Oh I love it! I switch my cases a lot it that’s the one I use the most.

  5. I do love a good magnetic bookmark. My daughter got me a cute sloth one (of course).

    1. I love magnetic bookmarks. Less chance of losing them. :) Speaking of sloths! I just remembered a pic I have to share with you. I saw something at HomeGoods that just screamed SAM and I had to take a pic. I’ll tweet it to you.

  6. Oh you have a good selection there! Love the book sleeve.

    1. I love using those book sleeves when I read a physical book - or even for my Kindle.

  7. Hahahaha! I love that wingspan shirt! And the tote is beautiful!

  8. Replies
    1. I love that tote! Evie is so talented and her online shops are filled so sooo many gorgeous things!

  9. Love the Book Bodyguard shirt- and that your husband wears it to signings. That's awesome. :)

    1. Yeah, it definitely gets noticed at book signing. Once at ApollyCon an author stopped him and asked to take a picture of it. :)

  10. Fun! I love Evie's designs. I like bookish merch; I probably have mostly HP stuff.


  11. I hate clutter, too. I don’t have a wishlist of bookish stuff. Those bookmarks are very cute, though! If I do acquire bookish stuff, I want it to be useful (like clothes and bookmarks) and not just something that sits on a shelf.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Exactly! I don't want (or need) stuff that just sits on a shelf. Like, I totally don't get the Funko Pop craze. But a bookmark or a tote bag? Yep! I can put those to use.

  12. I mostly just collect books. Lol. But I am getting really into enamel pins...for pretty much all fandoms that, so shows and movies too!

    1. LOL I'm pretty much the same, Paige. I'm seeing those enamel pins a lot lately! Lots of etsy stores are popping up with them.

  13. Um, mostly I collect books. LOL But I also like book-inspired t-shirts and I do collect bookmarks from places I travel to. I love the Book Bodyguard t-shirt. That's funny and I love that your husband wears it. ;) I also love that phone case. I might have to get that! ;)

    1. I wouldn’t mind having more bookish t-shirts but I’m so picky and that makes it tricky. I hate the rounded crew neck style and that seems to be how 90% of them come. I much prefer a scooped neckline or even a v-neck but those can be harder to find.

      I love that phone case and use it a lot. :)
