The Sunday Post #138

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

A full week back at the office... and now a three day weekend. Gotta love January for the holidays! 

After a couple weeks of unseasonably warm weather (it was 77 degrees yesterday - ugh) we're finally getting a dose of winter. It's been raining steadily for hours and will stay in the 50's all day. Yes! 

Not much to share this week... I worked, I read a lot, I had fun writing my review of The Wicked King (and was even inspired to make a mood board for it), and now I'm enjoying my Sunday while knowing I still have another day off. #winning  Now I feel like staying in and cooking up some comfort food. What are you up to today?

It's every booklover's dream... spending the night in a library. :) This 130 year old library has been transformed into a bed and breakfast. How cool is that?! You can read all about here



Only a couple weeks into the new year and I have my first five star read. I'd put off reading this one for years, just enjoying the sheer anticipation of the experience, and it did not disappoint. I loved this book.

Wow. Holly Black totally delivered. I can say that The Wicked King was sooo worth the year-long wait. And I can't even wrap my head around what The Queen of Nothing will deliver next year. 

My re-listen of the Marked Men series continues. :)


There were issues getting the arcs from the publisher and there seems to be a bunch of us who didn't get our arcs until Friday... and the book releases this Tuesday. Gah! Thankfully my date on the blog tour isn't until Friday so I have a little cushion but still... 


Despite the fact that these are probably my least favorite narrators in the series, this still manages to be one of my favorite books in the series. Go figure.


Was there a special on books with guys holding guitars this week? :)




How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I may have giggle snorted tea all over my keyboard at your totally random... I'm so like that.

    Jet is one of my favourite of the Marked Men... Jet and Rowdy are my people.

    Enjoy your three-day weekend! I'm just a teenie bit jealous... Our next long weekend is Easter! :(

    1. LOL I love that random. Because it's so true! :)

      I'm sad to say that Rowdy is my least favorite of the series and I tend to skip it when I do my series re-reads. I actually love Rowdy and I simply cannot stand Salem. She really ruined the book for me and after the initial read I haven't revisited that one.

      Ugh! Easter is a looong wait for another long weekend!

  2. Haha, great random. I get so irritated when characters are described late in a book. By then, I’ve already invented their appearance and don’t want to change it. I would totally stay in that library! Enjoy your day off!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Exactly! Give me a description early on or I'm doing it myself. :)

  3. OK OMG - I need to stay at this library for a week just to relax and read and enjoy. I love it. What a wonderful idea to make it a B&B. LOL at #259 too. Yes, I agree with the statement they had their chance. I just got The Wicked King and hope to read it soon. Have a wonderful week!


    1. That B&B would be fabulous! Now if I could just pop over to the UK. :)
      I hope you'll love The Wicked King when you get to it!

  4. That bed and breakfast is amazing! Loved The Marked Men and Archer's Voice. :)

    1. I never get tired of the Marked Men series. I listen to the entire series on audio about once a year. :)

  5. I so love your book "quote " of the day LOL. And I see you got Fool me Once!!! Honestly I have seen that you reviewed The Wicked King but I won't read it before I have finished reading it and then writing my review. I want to go into it blind!!!! Have a wonderful (short) week Tanya!

    1. I'm with you, Sophie. I can't read reviews before I've read a book. I don't want to spoiled plus I don't want to possibly influence my own feelings.

  6. I've been loving the warmer weather. I could do without winter at all. :) I'm glad to hear the second Holly Black book is great!

    1. I'm just the opposite, Jennifer. Winter is my favorite season. My family all think I'm crazy.

  7. Almost 80 degrees in January? I would get sick sooo fast. It's 10 degrees today and I've been dreaming about spring like weather so that I can go walking about

    I can't wait to see your TWK review!

    1. The Wicked King was SO Good! And now the year-long wait for the next book... gah!

  8. It rained all day yesterday...then it dropped into the negatives and we got 3 in of snow. Ohio...what can you do? Glad you loved Archer's Voice! Isn't it amazing?!? The audio is wonderful!

    1. I might check out the audio of Archer's Voice. It'd be a great way to do a reread.

  9. That bed and breakfast looks gorgeous! We've had weird temperatures here in my part of Texas. We're in the 70s right but they said a cold front is coming. That totally stinks that the publishers had a couple issues with the ARCs for Katie's new novel. I hope you enjoy it. and I hope you enjoy your three day weekend!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Yeah, I know issues come up... it happens... but getting an arc mere days before a review is due? Ugh. That's tough.

  10. I think 50's are like perfect sometimes, especially in the winter. I would take it at this point lol since we're like 20's or whatever- but at least the sun is out here at the moment. I keep looking out the window just to feel the sunshine haha.

    So glad to hear The Wicked King was good. I need to start that series soon.

    1. I think you would really enjoy The Cruel Prince and The Wicked King, Greg.

  11. Hah! I love that Totally Random. Yay for a three day weekend. I have one too and I'm pretty dang excited. It means a shorter work week and that's always nice. LOL And omg, I can spend the night at a library? I need to look into this!


    1. That library B&B is awesome! Now to just jet over to the UK... LOL

  12. I love mood boards, but I suck at them. I even took notes to do one for the new Strohm book, and then I saw someone's on Twitter and it was all the things I was going to include, which I guess makes sense, but still. A special on books with guys holding guitars - hee, hee. I hope you are enjoying the McGarry book. I liked it. I have Archer's Voice. I should read it one of these days.

    1. I'm sure I've seen some of your mood board and you definitely do *not* suck at them. I enjoy doing them but typically only bother when I really enjoyed the book and feel like there were strong elements that would lend itself to a mood board. Otherwise they're just so time consuming!

  13. You have such a lovely week, and another day off yet. What about President's Day - is that not a holiday for you? You have the guys with guitars - I have the "Guys who lost their shirts" and "Women with Weapons" as my usual books. I hope your books this week are also great reads! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yep, another holiday/day off is less than a month away. Can't wait! :)

  14. School started for me last week, which sucks since it doesn't start 'til today for others! So jealous you had such a nice, relaxed week. ♥ And now you have me curious about Archer's Voice! I've seen it around since wayyy back, but there's really something intimidating about it!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Boo. No fair you had to start earlier. Hope it was a smooth start back at classes. Archer's Voice was sooo good but a total heart breaker!

  15. So darn excited for The Wicked King!! Oh and your random is so darn true. Once I make up a character in my mind there is no changing it!!! Have a great week!

    1. I can't wait until you get to The Wicked King, Grace! I'd love to see your thoughts.

  16. Hmmm... I guess there's a balance there. I write from the first person POV in my latest book, so they don't describe themselves. Hope I'm not describing them too late! I loved The Wicked King.

    1. Even with 1st person I usually come across some type of self description that helps... if not, I'm making it up and you can't convince me otherwise. LOL

  17. That bed and breakfast sounds like heaven. I'd love to stay there. I hope you enjoy your long weekend!

  18. Lucky you! My tour stop was TODAY, and I barely finished the book in time this morning. I stayed up way too late, but just could not keep my eyes open. However, Only a Breath Apart was lovely and amazing and caused me to feel many things! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. We've already talked about this, but The Wicked King was wonderfully twisted. :)

    I hope you have a marvelous week! <3
    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Oh my gosh, I don't know how you did it, Lindsi... I wouldn't have been able to! At least it was a fairly fast read and not something we had to struggle through. I am waaay behind on email notification/blog hopping but I hope to get to your review post today!

  19. I got my ARC of Only a Breath Apart late too, but I'm reading it now and really enjoying it.

    That bed and breakfast sounds fantabulous---I need to go there!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I hope you enjoyed the McGarry book! I managed to finish it and get my review posted by Friday. Whew! :)

  20. Hurray for three day weekends! Our weather has suddenly gotten cold too and I HATE it! Enjoy your new reads!

    1. I'm guessing your cold is a lot different than my cold! :)

  21. Wow! I would totally stay at that B&B!

    Hope you're having a great week!
