The Sunday Post #155

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Busy week at the office but got a lot accomplished. Always a good feeling.
  • I didn't get a chance to post my book haul as planned. The whole work/adulting thing got in the way. I'll try again this week. 
  • My mom was over for dinner Friday night and we ended up watching Love, Simon. She totally enjoyed it and I loved sharing a movie that I ♥ so much.
  • And by the way, my mom is doing much better after coming down with bronchitis. Thanks for all the get well wishes last week.
  • I scored a gorgeous pair of topiaries at TJ Maxx yesterday (something I've wanted for ages) and they look fabulous at the front door.
  • BookBub shared their ultimate list of 2019 beach reads. One I've already read and two are high on my TBR. How about you... any must-reads for you on the list?
  •  I hope you're having a fantastic weekend... happy reading!


Unbroken (Loveless, Texas #0.5) - Jay Crownover
I just didn't find a lot of time to read last week so all I managed was this novella from Jay that released last week. It's the start of a new series and I'll definitely be continuing with it.  


Arctic Wild (Frozen Hearts #2) - Annabeth Albert

I'm about 80% through Arctic Wild and hopefully I'll finish it today. It's falling into the like-not-love category. I'm definitely enjoying it but I don't particularly feel a real emotional investment. 

Long Shot is my current audio read... and it's killing me. This book has just torn me up. It deals with some serious themes (domestic abuse/violence) and parts have been so difficult to experience that I find myself listening to small snippets at a time because my heart can't take it. (I've taken to DM'ing Sam and Amber to discuss it). Beyond that, I adore the two main characters, I love the writing, and I will absolutely be reading more by Kennedy Ryan. 

I'm so crazy excited for this one! It's one that I'm absolutely certain I'm going to looove. So it will be happening SOON.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. So glad that your mom is over her bronchitis and that you had movie time with her. Have a great week!

  2. Glad your mom is feeling better and loved Simon. Oh Red, White and Royal Blue!! So good I have to get a physical copy myself. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Grace! And I'm super excited to dive into RW&RB!

  3. I so want to watch Love, Simon! So glad your mom is feeling better!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Eeek! Stop everything and go watch Love, Simon now! It's okay... I'll wait. :) Seriously though, move that up your to do list. It'll make me so happy. LOL

  4. Wow indeed your front porch looks great!!! And very patriotic Tanya (that's something I noticed and loved the first time we visited US). Now thanks for the warning about Long Shot!

    1. Thanks Sophie! My husband served in the Navy for 20 years so patriotism runs high in our household. :) We always have an American flag flying in front of our house and I thought the wreath was a nice addition.

  5. The topiaries look perfect. I am glad your mother is feeling better. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  6. Oh my gosh your front door is gorgeous!!! Glad mom is better and enjoy your books!

    1. Wow, thanks, Samantha! :) I'm so happy with how it looks now with the topiaries added.

  7. I hate when adulting keeps me from doing things I really want to do. --sigh-- Love the topiaries, but also noticed your wreath - I almost bought it for my mom for Mother's Day. It's a thing in their complex, door hangings. ((HUGS)) as you listen to Long Shot. Both books in the series were very emotional, but that one was gut wrenching. I saw the third book on Hoopla, so I know what I am listening to this week.

    1. Right? It sucks to have priorities other than reading. LOL Too funny that you almost got the same wreath for your mom! Target, right? That's where I found this one. They have 4 different ones. Robert was out of town so I snapped a pic, texted it to him, and asked which one he liked best. :) I just started Block Shot Monday night/Tuesday morning. I can see Kennedy Ryan becoming a new fave!

  8. I hate it when life takes me away from reading and blogging too! Lol! I take my cap off to you, Tanya for continuing to read Long Shot. I have to avoid books like that but i'm glad you've got book buddies to support you.

    I love the topiary, it looks fantastic.

    1. I have to admit, I have a weakness for those super angsty/emotional reads that rip my heart out. And I'm lucky to have friends to support me when the tears start to flow or I need to vent. LOL

  9. Keep Sam and I updated on Long Shot!

    Adulting/being sick kept me from reading this week too. Blah.

    1. Ugh, having to adult *while* sick? The absolute worst! Feel better, lovely!

  10. Your front door area looks so welcoming, Mine needs a spruce up, and a good sweep.

    Have a great reading week

  11. I;m reading Arctic Wild right now and liking it & I have Red, White & Royal Blue on hold at the library and I'm next!

    I want those topiaries. I don't even know if I have a TJ Max here lol

    1. Hope you enjoy Arctic Wild. Toby's refusal to accept help started to annoy me (LOL) but overall I enjoyed their story.

      I hope you find a TJ Maxx... it would be a tragedy not to have one! :)

  12. Those topiaries look awesome! And hurray for your mom! I hope she continues to improve. I've heard lots of good things about Red, White, and Royal Blue. I can't wait to see what you think!

    1. Thanks Tracy! :) And I'm super excited for Red, White & Royal Blue.

  13. Love the topiaires! I'm happy to hear your mom is on the mend. Bronchitis is awful! I had a bout two years ago that just lingered and lingered.

    I keep hearing good things about Red, White & Royal Blue. Enjoy! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Rachel! I've been so surprised at how quickly she's recovering. Like you, when I get bronchitis it takes me down HARD and takes me forever to fully recover. I guess we just caught it quickly.

  14. Those topiaries do look nice! And glad to hear your mom is doing well!

    That Totally Random cracked me up. I ordered a pizza the other day and was like "is it ever getting here" lol...

    1. Thanks Greg! And isn't it the truth about pizza delivery? The second I click "order" I'm like, okay, anytime now. LOL

  15. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better. Those topiaries are really nice. I need to get something like that for my front door. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. I'd been looking at topiaries for ages but wasn't willing to pay the price. Finding these at TJ Maxx was a total score!

  16. I LOVED red white and royal blue, hope you enjoy it.

  17. Your front porch looks soo cute! I have Long Shot on my TBR for next month!! I hope you enjoy Red, White and Royal Blue I'm probably going to buy it too!! I hope you have a great week!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. Aw, thanks Kendra! I hope you'll love Long Shot! I need to get my thoughts in order and write a review.

  18. Glad to hear your mum is doing better!
    I hate adulting... I really REALLY want a break from all the adultiness so I can go read and eat whatever and sleep and not have to juggle a bazillion things that life and work keep throwing at me. :/

    1. Thanks Nicci! And I so agree... I get so completely DONE with dealing with everything sometimes!

  19. Glad to hear that about your mom! Also looks like you have some good books to read. Right now I'm training dogs and hoping I don't embarrass myself. LOL

  20. I'm glad your mom is doing better, and that's awesome she liked Love, Simon. I really need to watch that again; it's been too long.


  21. Love, Simon is such a good movie. I think I’ve watched it 4 times. The front door looks great. I’m glad your mom is feeling better. I hope you’re having a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I swear, I just never get tired of that one and can watch it over and over. It’s such a feel-good movie for me. Thanks and I hope you’re having a good week. The weekend is almost here! :)

  22. Damn work/adulting getting in the way of blogging plans. And there is something brilliant about sharing movies with others especially when they're as good as Love Simon. Long shot was an enjoyable read and I don't know why I haven't gotten around to reading the rest of the series.

    1. That's so true about movies. It's such a good feeling to share with you love with someone. :)
