The oh-so-lovely Chai @ Like Chai Tea tagged me to do this Romance Book Tag. Never mind that it was (ahem) a month ago. Better late than never, right? Right.
We all know that romance is my jam. As a wise person once said: If there's not a romance, why bother reading it? Actually it was me that said that. Just now. But let's move on.
We all know that romance is my jam. As a wise person once said: If there's not a romance, why bother reading it? Actually it was me that said that. Just now. But let's move on.
There are a lot of questions - 25 of them (25?? What is this, am I back in school being tested??) - but this should be fun. :)
first romance you remember reading
I don't have a clue! I've been reading for 40+ years and reading romance for at least 30 years sooo... who knows? I'll take a wild guess, though and say that it was probably something by Danielle Steel that I borrowed from my mother or grandmother.
last romance you read
Just For Now (Sea Breeze #4) by Abbi Glines
the romance you are most likely to recommend to a newbie
Oooh, tough one. I've never considered myself great at recommendations. I always want people to read the books I love (and obviously they have to love them, too *stomps foot*), but actually making helpful recommendations? Yeah, not so much. I guess I'd go with something on the lighter side and not scare them off with anything too angsty. Josh & Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren would be a good choice (I think).
the romance you are most likely to recommend to another romance reader
I'll go with Love and Other Words. Because as popular as Christina Lauren is, I feel like this one doesn't get enough love.
an underrated romance you wish more people would read
How much time do you have? I have so many underrated favorites. But I'll go with Goodnight, Nic by Marley Jacobs. With a measly 72 ratings (and 48 reviews) on GoodReads, it breaks my heart that more people haven't experienced this one. And, because I'm a rebel, I'm going to add a YA option. The Edge of Juniper by Lora Richardson is one I
an overrated romance you wish people would stop talking about
Oh, so we're getting salty, are we? This is difficult because for me to consider it overrated means I would have had to read the book. And I'm struggling to come up with a book that I consider overrated that people talk about. I'm stretching here, because this one goes back several years, but I remember the Confessions of a Shopaholic series being hugely popular and getting lots of buzz. But I read the first book and just thought... meh. It felt silly and the slapsticky (did I just make up a word?) humor left me unimpressed.
an auto-buy author
Colleen Hoover. Forever and always. Amen.
an author you used to love that you have since abandoned
Jane Green. I used to inhale everything she wrote. Back when chick lit was a thing and made its debut (c. 2000) I discovered Jane Green. The first novel I read from her, Jemima J, meant so much to me and remains a favorite. But over the years her writing has morphed into bland stories that seem to feature the exact same setting and the exact same character types over and over again.
favorite trope
Many! I have many favorite tropes! Second chance romance, friends to lovers, damaged hero, forbidden romance. I refuse to choose just one. You can't make me.
best book with your favorite trope
Archer's Voice is pure gold. He was a damaged hero - a recluse - and his story broke my heart. But in a good way.
a book you didn't like even though it has your favorite trope
Misbehaved by Charleigh Rose. It was an age gap/forbidden romance but it just... wasn't good.
most hated trope
Miscommunication. The Big Misunderstanding. It makes me ragey.
a book you like even though it has the trope you hate
Nash by Jay Crownover. Saint had an unrequited crush on Nash in high school. When she heard him talking trash, she assumed it was about her and hated him after that. Years later he doesn't know why she hates him and them getting together was way more difficult than it should have been. Even so, I was a sucker for their story because I heart Nash so much. And, other than being an idiot about what happened in high school, Saint was a good person.
your problematic favorite
First, I just have to say I loathe the word "problematic". It's become such a catch-phrase for anything anyone deems inappropriate in a book. But I'll stop before I get on my soapbox. (You're welcome.) And I'm skipping the question because if I had issues with a book it's doubtful that it would be a favorite.
a book everyone else loved that has you scratching your head
Isn't this basically the same as question #6? An overrated book that you wish everyone would quit talking about? I don't really understand the difference so I'm skipping this one, too. (The rebel strikes again!)

your favorite romancelandia person to follow on twitter
Fact: I'm not a big Twitter user. I go days and days without ever checking it. I mostly follow authors and fellow bloggers on Twitter. I like seeing the bookish artwork Charlie Bowater creates and I'm always amused by Brooding YA hero. :)
a place or person you go to for recommendations or reviews
Sophie @ Beware of the Reader is a professional book pusher and my book twin so I get plenty of recs from her. BookTubers Jessica @ Peace Love Books and Lacey @ Lacey Booklovers also give great romance recommendations.
a book that has a character that reminds you of yourself
This is a tough one. I've never read about a character and thought, "Oh, this is me exactly." But I have seen some aspects of my personality or life in characters. One that comes to mind is Annika from The Girl He Used to Know. Her anxiousness in social situations and her need for solitude were relatable.
romance cover you love
I'm a sucker for a pretty cover. Aren't we all? The Boy & His Ribbon and the UK cover of Who Do You Love are two favorites.
a book you've reread more than twice
I've reread nine of the ten Addicted/Calloway books, but I think I've reread Fuel the Fire more than any of the others.

best romance audiobook
Intercepted by Alexa Martin was so excellent on audio. And Royally Screwed by Emma Chase is another favorite. The narration in both was so spot-on and really brought the stories to life.
best romance/rom-com movie
Love Actually (yes, I'm that basic) and Four Weddings and a Funeral. Does anyone else see a Hugh Grant theme? Hmm.

favorite heroine
Lily Hale from the Addicted/Calloway series. Love her. And Stella from The Kiss Quotient. I get these women. They are my people.
favorite hero
I had to laugh because Chai and I share the same two favorite heroes! :) Loren Hale from the Addicted series and Cam Hamilton from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Wait For You.
your all-time favorite romance
What absolute sadist came up with this question? You don't ask a book lover to pick one favorite book! That's madness! But for the sake of the tag I'll play along. If I had to pick one it would be... drumroll, please (which is actually quite unnecessary since you can plainly see the cover of the book right above there)... The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. Oh, the sweet agony of this book. It was sheer torture but in a good way. (That's a thing, right?)And now I feel like I've been working on this post for 137 hours and my mind is mush. I'm tagging Jessica @ Booked J and Deanna @ Deanna Reads Books but only if they want to do it. And if I didn't tag you and you want to do it... consider yourself tagged. Go forth and spend 137 hours creating your own post. I'd love to see your answers!