The Sunday Post #167

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • The heat is BACK. In full force. Yesterday was so, so miserable. Today it will be in the mid-90's but with the humidity factored in it will feel like 105. I'm so over summer!
  • I had lunch yesterday with my mom, one of my sisters, and my 11 year old niece. Afterwards we went shopping for Brooke's back-to-school backpack (a very important decision, don't you know) and it turned into quite the mission. Store after store - where we managed to find everything but a backpack. LOL I ended up buying Brooke a shirt and some school supplies and a Vera Bradley coin purse... and had fun doing it. :) I gave her some money to go back and buy the backpack we'd found at an earlier store and she said that was the most money she'd ever held in her life ($45 LOL). I love that kid! ♥
  • The Husband was in North Carolina Friday and Saturday. He goes up there this weekend every year to participate in a car show with his brother. He had a pretty good day, I'd say. Check out this trophy!
  • Did anyone watch the BH90210 reboot this past week? I was obsessed with that show when it originally aired (1990) and watched it religiously every week. This reboot, though... yeah, I'm not so sure. It's very meta and not at all what I was expecting. They're playing themselves, not the old 90210 characters, and it didn't really do it for me. It's only six episodes, though, so I'll probably watch. After that I'll go back to being oblivious to the fact there's a TV in the house. LOL
  • This song has such a summer vibe to me... enjoy!


My decision to binge read the Sea Breeze series was a good one and these are proving to be just what I wanted and needed right now. :)


The Sea Breeze binge read continues! 

Not a thing this week!

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. The heat in Puerto Rico these past few days has been terrible! It's been more than normal! I'm glad you're enjoying Glines' series! Aww congrats on your husband! I love car shows! I'm always going to them with my family when I'm in PR!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Hope you get some relief from the heat soon! I rarely go to the car shows. Since my husband is there showing his car, he's there All Day Long. And I have no desire to be there all day. LOL So he's goes and does his thing and I stay home and do mine. :)

  2. My niece is only 3, but I love going shopping with her! She loves everything sparkly and pink. I can't wait to start buying her school stuff!

    1. Oh my goodness, 3 is such a fun age! :) And she sound very girly. Brooke isn't as into all the girly stuff as she used to be. Now it's all about pineapples. (Don't ask, I have no idea. LOL) So her backpack has pineapples all over it. :)

  3. Oh nooo! Not the heat again! I hope it cools down when I come back because I'm over hot weather. That is a giant trophy your husband won! Congrats to him! I didn't see the 90210 reboot! I'm not sure how I feel about it either!
    Have a good week ahead!

    1. Yes, more crazy heat. We actually have heat advisories in effect this week. *sigh* I'm still undecided about the 90210 reboot. I'll watch the next episode this Wednesday night and give it another chance.

  4. The heat is back here as well. I'm a NOT amused. Ugh. Congrats to your husband! That is one heck of a trophy. As a teacher, I love back to school shopping. Ok, I love office supply shopping. All year long!

    1. We can be heat haters together. Can we have some fall weather now, please?
      Oh my gosh, that trophy is huge. He used to keep them all in the home office until they took over them room (there were well over 150 over them). He finally started donating them to various car clubs so they can be reused. He just keeps a couple special ones now. I'm with you on the office supply shopping! I don't know what it is, but I am helpless around pens and papers and notebooks! :)

  5. Our heat has finally broken and we've had rain and cooler temps the last couple of days, which is nice since Monday when I left work it was 101 F at 5pm.
    I've had Glines and the Sea Breeze series on my radar... I think I'll have to give it a try at some point.

    1. I'm jealous of your cooler temps. Hope those stick around a while for you!

      I have a love/hate thing with Abbi Glines. LOL I can have so many problems with her writing and her characters... and yet I can't stop myself. Ha! The books are so addictive and just perfect for when you want some mindless fun.

  6. The heat has finally calmed down a bit here. Luckily, where I live, it's like 2 miles from the ocean. So we get that nice ocean breeze. But go just a bit inland and its not so nice! Also, LOL at the backpack story. I remember when backpacks WERE a huge decision. In fact, there was a phase it wasn't "cool" to have a backpack...then you get into high school and that went out the window lol

    1. I'm jealous of your ocean breeze! I'm about 40 miles inland so no breeze for me. I had to laugh over the Backpack Mission. It was such a HUGE decision! LOL

  7. Congrats to your husband Tanya!!! And you did not even find that bullet proof backpack that we see everywhere on Twitter? Have a great week and stay cool.

    1. Seriously? Bullet-proof backpacks? How have we come to this? *smh sadly*

  8. Hey nice trophy! Any chance you can show us the car? Would love to see it. And I hear you on backpacks- I've just learned this year that backpacks are a BIG DEAL. Who knew???

    Sorry to hear about the heat! that's way too hot for me lol- I'd melt!

    1. Thanks Greg! I couldn't figure out a way to add a photo to the comments so I just shared it with you on Twitter. Its a 2014 Challenger that he has customized quite a bit.

      The backpack thing just makes me laugh... apparently it's a HUGE decision. LOL

  9. Oh, I'm so with you about summer! We're going to be in the mid 100s with the real-feel temps and it's miserable! You can't be outside for any length of time without feeling like you're dying. I'm so thankful I work indoors. A school backpack IS such a big decision for schoolkids. I remember those shopping days and they could be such a letdown if they don't find something that speaks to them. You were a nice Auntie splurging for your niece and she sounds like she very much appreciated it. :) I watched BH90210 back in the day. Not sure I'd go for them playing themselves, though. You'll have to let me know how you like it.

    Have fun with your Sea Breeze re-read! :)

    1. You and me both, Rachel! I don't know how people who have to work outside do it. I truly feel for them. Yesterday we were walking into the grocery store and there was an elderly man walking in. He was moving so slowly and by the time he got inside he just stopped. We were just worried about him we found him a chair and got him some water. I haven't seen heat advisiories for the elderly lately but I know they've done them before. It's so bad.

      I had fun shopping with my niece... she's a great kid. :)

  10. Congratulations to the mister. He does great at these shows. We are actually enjoying lower temps in NJ. It was 59 last night and only low 80s during the day. I am loving it.

    1. Thanks - he's such a car guy and he loves doing the shows, both local and away. I am so jealous of your temps up there!! Low 80's... we might have that by Thanksgiving. Maybe. :)

  11. Let me tell you, Little 3 started Pre-K and it took us 5 stores to find her backpack. She picked a Jansport Unicorn backpack. It was ridiculous lol she's the only Pre-K student with a "fancy" backpack. I remember watching 90210 when I was little (I was born in 91) and I just remember Luke Perry because Dylan was the best part of the show. lol I do plan on rewatching the original soon.

    I read Sea Breeze last year and I LOVED IT. I have a love to hate relationship with Rosemary Beach series, I felt that one dragged on but I felt like Sea Breeze was better of the two series.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Ha! So even at pre-K they need the fancy backpack. Or at least your little one does. LOL Luke Perry was so great in 90210. Dylan was the coolest character. I was glad they recognized the loss in the reboot show. It's so funny how everyone seems to have a preference between the Rosemary Beach and Sea Breeze series. I adored the Rosemary Beach series. The jury is still out on Sea Breeze. Haha!

  12. Yesterday was low 80s but sooo humid. It was miserable and I didn't think I could sweat so much in 70 degree weather.

    Husband brought back a nice trophy!

    1. At this point I'll take the 80-something degrees even with the humidity. The heat index for today is supposed to be 117. I think we should just put a dome over Florida and air condition the whole state. LOL

  13. Haha, that random. I love it. Wow, that’s a big trophy. Congrats to the husband! I’m an adult, and I still think $45 is a lot. I’d also feel rich if I had that much in my wallet.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. So it's not just me! I told her I would buy her backpack for school but then we went shopping and I saw the prices. Geez. She actually looked at a Vera Bradley backpack for $115 (not that we were considering it!) and I was floored. I was like, if we got that one you would have to keep it until college graduation. LOL

  14. I am so over summer as well! It's featured a lot of me staying inside, lol. I love love love Put Your Records on, it's such a summer song! I haven't read much Abbi Glines (maybe two books a handful of years ago?), but maybe I should take another chance on her!

    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

    1. You and me both! Staying inside is the only option at this point. LOL I go back and forth with Abbi Glines. I roll my eyes constantly at her dialogue and all the tropes and yet I can't help myself. I still inhale her books like candy.

  15. Ugh, I feel you on the heat! It's miserable here in Central Florida! That trophy is almost as big as he is! XD I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads!

    1. It's sad when I look at the 5 day forecast and get excited because it's "only" going to be 91 in a few days. Ha.

  16. Replies
    1. Aw, come on... not even a little? Not the morning when it's already over 80 when you leave the house? Or afternoons when it's so steamy you can hardly breathe? LOL

  17. We've had a load of rain this past week and it's been cooler which is nice. It's putting me in a nice autumnal mood!
    I've got the backpack hunt coming up in the next couple of weeks... And the rest of the back to school shopping. I doubt I'll have as much fun as you did with your niece! My kid is NOT a shopper, lol.

    1. Autumnal? What is this strange thing you speak of? :)
      Good luck with your own backpack hunt! May it be quick and painless. LOL

  18. The heat is back in full force here too and I'm over it and wishing for fall, lol. Just thinking about backpack hunting makes me so glad I have a boy who does not care what his backpack looks like. He's had the same one for 2 1/2 years now. Congrats to your hubby on his trophy!

    1. Oh yeah, back to school shopping is sooo much easier with a boy. LOL

  19. The heat wave in Southern California has been stifling too! Lunch and shopping with the girls is always fun. You niece sounds like a fun and sweet girl. I love when kids are appreciative of what they get. Enjoy Cage and Low! I loved their story, and the whole series is really fun and fast paced! Have a wonderful week!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Fingers crossed we both get some relief from the heat soon!
      I enjoyed While It Lasts so much more than I thought I would. I wasn't a fan of Cage in Because of Low but when it came to his own book and I got to learn more about him... yep, I was sold. :)

  20. I'm laughing at you mentioning how important backpack shopping is for a kid because it made me remember the times when I too did backpack shopping with my mom. I had specific details I want for a bag and my mom would always remind me of the budget lol. AND THAT IS A BIG TROPHY!! Your husband looks so happy and congrats to him!!!

    And yes to your totally random post's message! We can't please everyone and you know what, THAT'S OKAY. At least we tried and we had good intentions. It's okay.

    1. I probably should have set a backpack budget with my niece BEFORE we started the shopping excursion! LOL

  21. I saw that they rebooted BH90210 and I'm sacred to watch the reboot. LOL now I won't waste my time! HAHA!!

    1. I'm going to give it one more chance tonight but I think it's safe to say you aren't missing much, Kendra! LOL

  22. Oh gosh, that's too hot. Your niece is adorable, but that's really sweet you got her some stuff for back to school. Congrats to your husband - what a trophy!!


    1. It's fun shopping with my niece. It's a treat for her to hang out with Aunt Tanya and I get my fill of "kid time" before I'm good for a long while. LOL

  23. Sorry the heat is back, I was hoping for the heat to last here but it looks like we're set for heavy rain again. I don't know which I prefer at this point. And the day with your family sounds fun, who knew kids picking backpacks was so very serious? I'm pretty sure I had to suffer with what I was given and often it was a budget option unless there was a really good sale.

    1. Same here, Becky. My school shopping options were probably Take It or Leave It. LOL

  24. Ugh, the heat is the worst. I'm just over here waiting for autumn, grudgingly keeping my air conditioner on when I can (although I think it's going out which is TOTALLY thrilling, not) and avoiding the outdoors when I can. The story about your niece is so sweet! Honestly, $45 feels like a fortune when you're small and that made me smile. My friend and I are taking my god daughter (her daughter) shopping for a few school items (she's starting elementary school next week) tomorrow and ah it's going to be so fun.

    That being said, I watched the BH90210 thing! I kind of wish they weren't calling it a reboot 'cos it's totally not even slightly a reboot. It was fun. Nothing especially thrilling but I loved seeing the actors all together again, although it was weird without Luke Perry. I'm ready for next week though if they are going to have more Shannen Doherty. Which I know is an unpopular opinion, because of her past with shows/getting fired, but when I was a kid, I basically idolized her in 90210 and Charmed. (And then Melissa Joan Hart in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.)

    WHOA, this was a novel of a comment sorry!!

    1. A/C going out? Say it ain't so!!!!! I wouldn't last an hour before I was hitting up the nearest Hilton. LOL Hope you had fun shopping with your god daughter! :) Ah, someone who actually watched the reboot, too. And I so agree... it's not really a reboot at all! I was all hyped up for Kelly and Donna, etc 25+ years down the road... but nope. Womp womp. The whole thing is so meta and I'm still sure I'm loving it. I'm going to watch again tonight and make a judgment call. And hopefully we'll get some Shannen Doherty tonight!
