Top Ten Tuesday: I Love You Just the Way You Are (aka Cover Redesigns Gone Bad)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Cover Redesigns Gone Bad

When given the choice with Top Ten Tuesday topics, I typically go for the more positive option. Something I love over something I dislike. A good change over a bad change. You get the idea. But when it comes to cover redesigns, I tend to want them to leave well enough alone. New isn't always better. And 99% of the time I prefer the original cover over the redesign. So I'm not going with the positive option this time... I'm sharing the cover redesigns that I really dislike. The ones that got worse instead of better. The ones that make me want to sing (à la Billy Joel) "don't go changing to try to please me... I love you just the way you are!

I'll admit that I'm extra picky about these covers because the Lux series is an all-time favorite. I LOVE this series. And I know that plenty of people consider these covers cheesy but I'm all for them. When I think of the Lux series (which happens a lot, actually LOL) I think of these covers. They ARE the Lux series. 

But the publisher has changed these covers not one, not twice, but many times. *sigh* First they decided to do bind-ups and came out with these covers that were sparkly for no apparent reason (did they confuse the aliens with the Twilight vampires??) and added a girl with very bad makeup.
The latest covers are even worse, if that's possible, and we've moved on from Bad Makeup Girl to Silhouette People. They should have just left them alone. For me nothing will ever beat the original covers with Pepe Toth.♥

So, I've mentioned before about how I'm not a huge fan of the whole shirtless-guy-on the-cover thing. I mean, I love a six-pack as much as the next girl, but even so... they're a little cringey. However, I make an exception for the Off-Campus series. When it comes to new adult/college romance these are practically iconic. Romance readers know these covers. So when there was a cover redesign a while back there was quite the scramble to quickly add the original covers to collections before they were nowhere to be found. (I currently have two and am still trying to track down the other two in the original covers.) The new covers aren't bad... but to me they just don't represent the series well. 

Here's a cover redesign that happened mid-series. The worst! Books one and two came out and I liked them well enough. Layla + Roth, Layla + Zayne, both in muted tones. Then as the third book was being released... *bam*... cover redesign. Muted tones are gone and we get half a girl's face. The new covers stayed with the partial-face theme and I can't say I was a fan. The new covers are totally generic and boring. Boo.

These original covers represented each character so well. Rose's elegance, blonde wild-child Daisy, Connor's cool sophistication, and Ryke's extreme lifestyle. I'm not sure what prompted the cover change (Krista & Becca are self-published so it's not like a publishing house made the call), but I don't feel like it adds anything. And instead of reflecting four distinctive characters it's just four random shirtless guys. Thumbs down.

Maybe it's just me, but the guy on the original cover of Bittersweet is Griffin Shipley. And apparently it really is just me because I recently saw Sarina Bowen talking about the cover change and saying that the original cover didn't capture the tone of the story. But I think the old cover is perfect... and way better than the couple on the new cover. (I'll be standing over here alone in my feelings for the original cover. *looks around forlornly*)

I love the original cover for Archer's Voice. It's one of those books I would recognize instantly by the cover art, no title or author needed. The newer cover? Just... why? It says nothing about the story. It looks like some generic stock photography that could be used for anything. Why do that? I am confused.

This is another case like Archer's Voice. The black and white cover with Ambrose pictured is what I think of every time I picture Making Faces. I get that the newer cover is supposed to be Fern, but for me the original cover is the one that fits the story best. The photo of a tortured Ambrose, the black and white photography, the font(s) used for the title... it all fits the story best.

Okay, this last one is another I feel strongly about. I received an e-arc of Trust and loved it. I knew I wanted to buy a physical copy but in the blink of an eye they changed the cover. Like, within the first month of release! I have no idea why (I heard that the original cover looked too new adult instead of YA... but who knows.) So all of a sudden, even though it was a new release, I couldn't order a physical copy with the original cover. I was on a mission! I ended up finding a copy on eBay and paid a ridiculous sum of money to get it. While the redesigned cover is okay (I can totally see that being Edie and John), I much prefer the first cover.

So, I know I've only shared eight, and Top Eight Tuesday just isn't a thing, but I can't think of any other cover redesigns that I feel particularly strongly about. I'll let you fill in the last two spots... which cover redesigns do you think got it all wrong?


  1. Great list! Wow, those Lux redesigns are hideous.

    1. LOL Aren't they, though? It's like each time they look cheaper and tackier.

  2. I totally agree with Lux series! Give me Pepe Toth aka Damon on those covers!
    As for Off Campus, I'm a huge fan of the Originals! But I still love the redesign because it looks aesthetically pleasing. And I agree with Dark Elements series! BUT! Search for them again because they did another cover redesign and I also like the new ones! It looks more paranormal. OMG PLEASE GIVE ME THE OG COVERS FOR CALLOWAY SISTERS!!!! I completely ignore the fact the redesign exists. Girl, you're not alone on Bittersweet. To me, that is Griffin Shipley and they should have touched this cover! And I definitely like Trust, Archers Voice OG cover better!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Great minds think alike - because it looks like we agree when it comes to covers! :) I'm embarrassed to admit that I *still* follow Pepe Toth on Instagram. He will forever be Daemon to me. LOL I had no idea they re-did The Dark Elements covers again! I just went and looked them up and you're right... they're actually quite good! And they do look more paranormal now. Yay! :)

  3. I'll admit that I'm not a fun of the original Lux covers, but they are more memorable than everything else they've done. I was so confused when they packed the books together - 1+2, 3-4... and then the 5th standing on its own? It was weird alright. And the covers were god-awful. With the shadow covers, understand the desire to redesign them in an attempt to have new readers buy them, but the design itself is bad - it looks cheap and it's incredibly boring, have been done thousands of times. And I fully agree - The Calloway Sisters was better before the redesign. Great list, Tanya, and I hope you'll be able to track down the other two Off-Campus books with the original covers. :)

    My TTT

    1. Yes! Those bind-ups made zero sense to me. It was like, okay you're going to repackage 5 books into 3 books? Um, why?? And yes, the newer shadowy covers look cheap. Ugh.

      My search for the other Off-Campus books continues! :)

  4. The redesign for Archer's Voice is not a bad cover....if it were from a totally different genre. I totally agree with you that it doesn't seem to fit the feel of that particular book, though.

    Here is our <a href=">Top Ten Tuesday</a>.

    1. The updated cover for Archer's Voice is actually very pretty! But it looks like women's fiction, maybe. Definitely not fitting for the story.

  5. It's kind of funny that some of these covers have switched from having only a man on the cover to having only a woman - that's kind of a huge difference!

    1. Isn't that weird? It's like the publishers have a timeline or something. "Okay. let's release all the covers with men. Alright, it's been a year so we'll re-release all the covers with women." LOL

  6. I am nodding my head hard at these ones. I don't get why they even re-did the Lux covers because the original covers were so iconic. Everyone knew just by a glimpse at them that they belonged to that series. The silhouettes look terrible.
    And omg what did they do to the Addicted series. Those original covers were the characters to a T! So strange they'd go for the boring new covers. I loved the trust abs covers too. But yeah, I think she changed it because everyone complained it didn't look like a YA.

    1. Yes! The original Lux covers are totally iconic. Why mess with that? Especially if you're just going to make them worse. LOL And the Addicted/Calloway covers... *sigh* I don't understand those at all. Who knows who those guys are supposed to be? With the old covers you just KNEW.

  7. I must admit, I absolutely love the Off Campus redesigns, I'm a sucker for a vintage cover but can see why these wouldn't really represent the series. Why would they change the Calloway Sisters covers! The original covers are stunning. See this is where I take issue with cover changes. The series follows the sisters yet the author features a random stock photo model intended to be the love interest. Let women feature on covers, sheesh. I'd read the originals but wouldn't bother with the rebranded, shirtless covers. They're a dime a dozen.

    1. I admit I do think the new Off-Campus covers are pretty - and the colors are gorgeous. I just don't think they fit the series. And yes! The Calloway covers were so perfect before. And like you said, the new covers are just nothing special. A dime a dozen... pick a stock photo of a shirtless man and slap it on the cover. Ugh.

  8. I wonder how often graphic designers are allowed/encouraged to read the books they make covers for? Some of these redesigns look like they were created by people who genuinely didn't know what the books are about. (Here's hoping one of your readers works in that field and can let us know!)

    My TTT.

    1. Yes! It's like, shouldn't the designer have at least a vague idea of what the book is about? Or what the main characters look like? It's always so puzzling when a cover doesn't represent the story or characters at all.

  9. Great list! I actually haven't heard of any of these series but I totally agree about the mid-series/final book cover changes! It's like... WHY?! The mind boggles. I also really don't like romance series' that have the half-naked guys on the cover that don't say anything about the content--but it's especially bad when the guy on the cover looks nothing at all like the guy(s) described in the book! Not for me. 🙈

    My TTT post

    1. Oh my goodness, the mid-series cover changes are the worst. Grr! It's like, can't we get a complete series with like covers before they start messing with them?

  10. I agree, I like the original Lux covers better, same with Archer's Voice, and the Ritchie series. I'm not sure what's behind the decision to change covers, but usually it's not better. I think one exception is Kristen Ashley's Colorado Mountain series. The first covers were from when she self-published, but the newer ones look nicer. :)

    1. Now I need to go look up the Colorado Mountain series. Can you believe I have yet to read anything by Kristen Ashley?! I've seen snippets/excerpts of her books here and there and I'm not not sure her writing style is for me.

  11. I'm pretty much with you on all of these. I'm not a huge fan of shirtless guys on covers, but sometimes the cover just kind of BECOMES that character and it's weird when they change it. And the original Lux covers are definitely better than the new ones.


    1. You phrased that better than I was trying to do, Lauren. LOL The cover really does take on a life of its own and becomes a particular character. And it bugs me when that's changed.

  12. I think I have to agree about the Lux covers! The originals are definitely the best. I often like silhouettes on covers but not on those.

    Boy the Off Campus covers really changed, didn't they? From dudes to women on the covers- I'd almost think those second covers were aimed at men lol.

    1. Right? The semi-sexy women on the covers doesn't exactly speak to what the books are about. LOL

  13. I absolutely hate when the cover redesign happens mid-series. Why!?! So off-putting to the reader.

    1. Totally agree, Cheri! If they HAVE to change the covers (new publisher or rebranding or whatever) can't it wait until we get a complete series in one cover style? Gah!

  14. Oh crap.. I didn't know Fuel the Fire and Long Way Down got redesigned covers too. I thought it was only Kiss the Sky and Hothouse Flower... really, as if we don't have enough shirtless men on the covers of romance books. And as someone who loves it when her physical copies of books match, the Lux Series redesigning of covers made me sad lol. The OG Origin cover matched quite a bit but you can tell the difference from the spine. Idk it quite bothers me lol. As for the redesigned Off-Campus series, I'm glad they're giving the ladies the spotlight but it wasn't done right. No effort at all. It's like that redesigned cover for Archer's Voice, they look like stock images.

    1. Yep, all the Calloway books except Some Kind of Perfect were changed. Boo!
      I'm like you, I like my series covers to match. So changing a cover mid-series? Cardinal sin! And I like what Sam said about the Off-Campus covers - the series is really the guys stories, so it made sense for them to be on the covers. The new ones just feel so generic. Blah.

  15. I am ok with naked torsos, and I think I like the original Off Campus covers better. These are the boys' stories, and they should be on the covers. Do you have The original cover of The Deal? I have an autographed copy I can send you if you don't

    1. Bingo! Off-Campus is largely the guys stories so the guy covers made sense.
      I do have the original cover of The Deal... but THANK YOU for the offer!! I ordered The Mistake off eBay because the seller labeled it as Very Good condition. I received it last week and was a bit disappointed. I'd call it Good/Acceptable. The cover has a big crease mark, there are markings... boo. And then I ordered the last book from an Amazon Marketplace seller. They showed the old cover (and the ISBN was right) but I got the new cover. Womp womp. My mission continues! :)

  16. I'm right there with you on the Lux books. They seem to get worse each time.

    1. Yes! It's like, each iteration is worse than the one before. I think they're just trying to outdo themselves at this point. LOL

  17. WOW Jennifer really pissed off the cover gods like CRAZY, didn't she!? Seriously what sin has she committed to deserve these monstrosities!? you are so right- they go from bad to worse to excuse me what even!? I prefer the second batch of Elle Kennedys because I just dislike the shirtless dude theme *that* much. Idk why even, I just find it wildly unappealing hahah!

    1. Funny you say that because JLA fans have often joked in the past that she must have angered someone big in the past because she's been cursed with some cringey covers. LOL

  18. I agree with you with the Lux series, the original covers are the best! And WHAT Bittersweet is getting a new cover!!!! NO NO NO!! I love the original cover it makes me think "rustic" and totally goes with the series, being on a farm in the country! Anyways, I honestly hate when they do cover changes, especially in the middle of the series.

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. The second I heard that Bittersweet was getting a new cover I dashed to Amazon and ordered the whole series in paperback. LOL I figured the rest of the series would follow soon enough and I'd been meaning to buy them anyway. And I so agree - the original cover has that rustic feel that fits the story so well!

  19. I agree with all of them Tanya! My daughter has the first Amy Harmon's cover while when I bought the physical book only the second one was still available!

    1. The newer cover for Making Faces is actually pretty... I just feel like it doesn't represent the story in the least. Bad move on their part!

  20. I was going to include the Calloway Sisters redesigns too because I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE THOSE. I mean, I get why they made the decision to revamp them and everything but nothing about those new covers fits the series and I'm forever bitter about it. I'm fairly certain I could write a power point presentation about it. Oops! As for the rest of these--I agree with you on all of them.

    It's funny, I didn't even realize those Elle Kennedy books were revamped in the opposite order of what I assumed. I saw the new covers and thought they were the old ones because they look more outdated? And I sat here for a good minute in confusion because I GENUINELY THOUGHT THEY WERE THE OLDER ONES. Sorry for shouting, lol.

    1. THANK YOU! Someone else who is as ragey over the revamped Calloway covers as I am. I am beyond thankful I own them all in the original covers because I sow ould not want to buy the news ones. I am offended by their existence. Gah!

      Too funny about the Elle Kennedy cover. I can see what you mean, though. The new covers do have a kind of 80's/90s vibe going. Ha!

  21. What have they done to the Lux series? And yes, I still mean to read it, and every time you mention it, I remember, I want to read this one.

    I've also seen the ER bit in your Sunday post, and hope everyone is all right!

    1. Oh, the poor Lux series... they really should just leave those covers alone. They only get worse. LOL

      Everything is good after the ER... thanks Olivia!

  22. The new cover for Bittersweet confused me because in a later book Audrey is described as a blonde and I was so confused because of the cover! I don't like shirtless men on covers really either, but I've kind of gotten over it. I don't mind the new Off Campus covers but you are right they don't really tell you anything about the story.

    1. Yes! The new cover just doesn't represent Griff and Audrey (or the story) well, to me. I much prefer the original cover. It just screams Griff and the Vermont setting.

  23. I didn't know about half of these new covers an I'm glad! I don't like a single one of the re-designs!
    I feel particularly strongly about the Lux covers and Elle Kennedy's Off Campus.
    Archers Voice's redesign makes me stabby. I LOVED the original cover and that's what I'll always picture when I think of it.

    Why do they have to do this...

    1. Yes! Why can't they just leave the covers alone? Grrr! I'm so with you on Archer's Voice. That black and white showing the back of Archer... *that* is what the cover should always be. *stomps foot and storms off*
