The Sunday Post #254 | July 18, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 
Happy Sunday, friends! It was a long week workwise (not bad, just long) and I was so happy to see Friday afternoon roll around. Yesterday I gave new meaning to low-key. I vegged out almost all day and it was fabulous. :) I must have needed it.

On Tuesday I took part in a Zoom event held by Tracey Garvis Gravis. She's holding two a month and Tuesday's theme was all about The Girl He Used to Know, her 2019 release. It ran for about an hour and it was great to learn all about the rather long and winding road of how the story came to be. Plus, Tracey is always super friendly and chatty and invites questions so it was a good time. 

I worked from home on Wednesday (I miss that!) and we had breakfast for dinner. Any other breakfast for dinner fans? I say there is never a bad time for bacon, eggs, and hash browns. :)

Did anyone else sign up for the Sarina Bowen serial in the Brooklyn Bruisers world? She released the second episode on Thursday and it was so good! I swear, everything that woman writes is like catnip to me. :)

Do you ever request an ARC and later decide that you have absolutely no interest in it? That's my current situation. I think I requested Fresh by Margot Wood out of a sense of nostalgia. I used to love watching Margot and her cohort Aubrey in their Epic Reads Tea Time videos. And now Margot's debut novel, Fresh, releases in two weeks and I just can't be bothered. I'm trying to give it a go today... wish me luck!

This week's 80's music fix is Kids in America (1981) by Kim Wilde. 

Tuesday, July 13

Thursday, July 15

Friday, July 16






I've been wanting to try more urban fantasy and Rachel @ Waves of Fiction mentioned Patricia Briggs to me a couple days ago. I decided to give this audio novella (a prequel to the series) a try and see how I like it. 

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share?
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Oh, you're brave diving into UF with the Alpha and Omega series! You know how I love UF but the beginning of that series is a tough one, imo. I love Charles and Anna and the prequel novella is something I read over and over again but it leads straight into book one of their series and book one is... not a favourite. It's slower and more frustrating than most UF. The rest of the series is faster paced though. The events in it also interweave with the Mercy Thompson series which is nice if you read that one... Mercy is much easier to read than Charles and Anna. Anyway, good luck! Fingers crossed you enjoy it. :)

    1. Okay, so your comments have me second-guessing the Alpha and Omega series, Nicci! LOL I DM'd you on Twitter to discuss. Guide me, o wise one! LOL

  2. It sounds like you had a great Saturday! Sometimes a day to do nothing is just what's needed. I've seen Fresh around a lot but I feel like I don't know anything about it. Time to look it up!

  3. So much to talk about here. 1. I always pick one day of the weekend where I don't leave the house. It was more imperative when I was in the office, but I'm an old dog and keep my habits. 2. Breakfast for dinner is the best! We used to go to IHOP on Mondays, and I reveled in my breakfast for dinner. 3. Yes! I am reading Bowen's serial. I need it to come faster. 4. I have absolutely been there with ARCs. That's the problem with clicking when I am in a mood. I have been trying to tame the trigger finger and I commend myself on my effort. Have a great week!

    1. I could so easily be a hermit. Back when Covid restrictions were in full force I would sometimes realize a week had passed and I literally had not stepped foot outside my house. I'm an introvert and something of a loner, so it didn't even feel that weird.

      I just read episode #3 in Bowen's serial. I was so happy that James was still at the hospital! :) The jerky boyfriends needs to go. Ugh.

  4. Sounds like a good week love! YA pubs are notorious for putting arcs out too early! I do miss the tea time days tho.

    1. Tea Time was the best! I miss all those book shimmies with Margot and Aubrey. I met them at Yallfest one year and they were so much fun.

  5. I'm loving that serial by Bowen, too! It's killing me every time it ends.

  6. Oh my gosh Jimbo's story is so good!! I hate having to wait a week between installments. I am too impatient! Glad you had a relaxing day-those are the BEST!

    1. Right? This one snippet a week thing is going to kill me. :)

  7. I could eat breakfast at any time of the day!

  8. Yay for a veg out day. I kept things low-key this week but worked on things. Just not as many phone calls. I enjoy Sarina Bowen. I LOVE Patricia Briggs. I hope you like it. UF is my favorite. Have you read the Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh? I'm loving it. It is PNR with UF elements. So it's more romance than UF which has one couple throughout rather than a new couple each book. The series has great plot even with a new romance each book.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I haven't read Nalini Singh, Anne. My experience with UF so far is basically limited to The Others series by Anne Bishop. I liked the shifter aspect in that series, and the inclusion of other "creatures" (like vampires) so I'd like to find something along that vein. But PNR with UF elements sounds fun, too. And romance is a must. LOL I'm going to check that series out more closely. Thanks!

  9. Bacon! *passes plate* I could that all the time.

    If you're looking for urban fantasy recs I'm not an expert in that area at all but I did like the Kitty Norville series? She's a radio host which I thought was a neat angle... but disregard if not interested because again there are a lot of bloggers more versed in UF than me!

    Great music pick this week :)

    1. Not sure I've heard of the Kitty Norville series but I'll be checking it out. Thanks Greg!

  10. I love Kennedy Fox books! I also have that Fresh book to read soon too. I love listening/zooming with authors, I have so many questions about writing to ask. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. I've been on something of a Kennedy Fox binge the last week or two. Oh my gosh, the angst! LOL I was going to take a break after the last one but the cliffhanger at the end made that impossible. Haha!

  11. Sounds like you had a fab Saturday! Those kind of days are some of the best. Kids in America is such a great tune - thanks for the reminder!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Absolutely! Sometimes a total veg day of doing nothing is needed. :)

  12. HAH Love the Dear Diary.
    I hope that you're able to get into Fresh.


  13. Yes, we do breakfast for dinner sometimes, too. It's easy and delicious! Yay for a veg out day! I need one after spending Thursday-Sunday with the grandkids, not to mention the travel back and forth, but alas it's back to work tomorrow! I did have fun, though. :)

    Oh, I hope you love Alpha & Omega! *bites nails nervously* Mercy Thompson overlaps with the series, so you might want to go back and forth? Love Mercy Thompson so much!

    I still need to finish Bowen's Brooklyn Bruisers series. I think I'm three books behind now, but I do love that series!

    1. I finished the Alpha and Omega novella/prequel yesterday. I think it was maybe only two hours long? I mostly enjoyed it (the whole insta-connection thing on Charles' part was a bit much but maybe that's a common thing in UF? The whole "mate" thing among wolves?) . But Nicci's comment made me a little hesitant about continuing and I'm wondering if I shouldn't go with the Mercy Thompson series first. Any advice? :)

  14. Yes, bacon, anytime ;-) Got me curious about Fresh. Happy reading.

  15. It's been way too long since I've read anything by Sarina Bowen! I've been wanting to try Patricia Briggs, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. Hope it's a winner!

    1. Sarina Bowen is one that I can't help but inhale everything she writes. :)

  16. Huge breakfast for dinner fan right here! We had sausage, eggs and hashbrowns last night and it was delightful, lol. That Tracey Garvis Gravis event sounds like a lot fun. Glad you were able to attend that. :)

    1. Sausage, eggs and hashbrowns... yum! I tend to go with bacon only because it's more Point-friendly (I'm on the WW plan) but I love sausage, too.
