The Sunday Post #258 | August 22, 2021


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books,
 and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead. 

This week at the office was exhausting and left me feeling drained. By Friday I was done and decided a half-day was as much as I had in me. It felt glorious to have the afternoon off. Amazing how a simple half-day off can do wonders for your mental health.

Two local police officers died this week from complications due to Covid. So much loss. And no end in sight. It hurts the heart. :(

Anyone else following Sarina Bowen's Must Love Hockey serial? Episode 8 released this week and it was the best yet! I just love James and Emily. ♥ And the way the whole team is helping him woo her... it's just priceless. ♥

Friday night I decided to actually turn on the TV (gasp!) and all the good movies were on! I caught the end of Can't Hardly Wait, then 10 Things I Hate About You, and capped that off with Sixteen Candles. Perfect way to spend the evening.

This week's 80's music fix is Love of the Common People (1983) by Paul Young. Enjoy!  


  1. I see your musical choice was influenced by your Sixteen Candles rewatch. So much good music in that film. I was just reading an article about JVille and how the city has one of the lowest vaccination rates in all of FL ( I knew people from up here who took advantage of the vaccine when they were snow-birding in FL earlier this year. I cannot fathom why people won't get vaccination. (though my niece FINALLY got her first dose and gave up on the idea that it will make her infertile)

    1. Ah, I was wondering if anyone would catch that and you're the only one who did. :)

      Yeah, it's absurdly low don down here. And it makes me wonder how this will ever end without people getting vaccinated. Pretty discouraging.

  2. Good for you for taking some mental health time! Even just a half day can make such a difference, and it's always nice to start the weekend early!

  3. Ooh, so sorry about the losses due to COVID. When will it end? Please, everyone, mask it and get vaccinated!!

    I love binge-watching old movies.

    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I'm a sucker for any of my old favorite teen movies from the 80's. :)

  4. I adore Slave to Sensation! That whole series is just soooo good!

  5. Can't hardly wait and 10 things I hate about you are some of my favorites. And I always loved 16 candles because her name was the same as mine! Covid cases are on the rise in my school and it is scary.

    1. Those are all movies that I can watch anytime - over and over. :)

  6. So sad about the police officers! Love 10 Things I Hate About You and Sixteen Candles! I loved Rookie Move and most of the others in the series, all though I'm behind in the series. I should see if they have the audios at my library. Yay for Slave to Sensation! The audios are really good for the series!

    1. Somehow I started reading the series out of order which is SO unlike me. So now I have to go back and read the first three books.

  7. I love 10 Things I Hate About You! Haven't seen it in years though.

    Sorry to hear about the covid situation... It's strange here. We've opened back up now and masks are optional. Infection rates are high (due to Delta) but hospitalisations/deaths are low because of the high vaccination rate (~80%). It's very surreal as a lot of people are acting like things are over rather than continuing to be cautious whilst enjoying "freedoms". I just have no idea what to expect next!

    I'm glad you had a half day to re-charge the batteries. :) Hope the coming week isn't so draining for you.

    1. Heath Ledger singing "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"... *swoon*

      Seeing that you have a vax rate around 80% over there just blows my mind. There is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be the same here. But it was politicized from day one so here we are. Ugh.

  8. Fun film line-up :-) Hope this week goes well.

  9. Sometimes work can kick our butts Tanya! I am glad you could take the afternoon off to recharge! And that's so sad about the police officers. When will this all end?

    1. Thanks Sophie! It was great to get even those few hours off and enjoy the afternoon. Amazing how even that can do wonders!

  10. It's great you got to take a break. We are staying home more and being more careful. It's back to the I think it might get worse before it gets better with Covid. Enjoy your new reads! I'm really enjoying the Psy-Changeling on the Read-along this year.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I agree, Anne. With people refusing to vaccinate the virus will continue to spread. And mutate with new variants. So yeah, I see it getting worse before it gets better, sadly.

      I'm pretty excited to dive into the Psy-Changeling world!

  11. I'm glad you got some time off and fun movies in. Our brains need a break from all that 's going on.

    I had very brief contact with a person who had covid Sunday (at a vet appointment but I was wearing a mask & vaccinated) so I'll be freaked out all week. I'm just really drained from it all because so much of it is avoidable.

    Let it be a great week ahead!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Ack! That's so scary and stressful, Karen. Even though realistically you know you're most likely okay, you still always wonder and worry.

  12. Covid. UGH. I just learned a father of one of my daughter's old soccer teammates is in the hospital with it. He has to be in his late 40's and in good health (as far as I can tell). And then I just learned today that a friend's 11 year old was diagnosed with it after 5 days of in person schooling. It's making me sad and tired. I'm sorry for the loss of those officers for your community. I can understand why an afternoon off would be good for your mind and soul. Plus you had some great books and AWESOME movies to help.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about both of them, Deanna. It's so draining, isn't it? Hearing of others getting sick, feeling like there's no end in sight. Who would have thought a year and a half ago that we would still be in this position?

  13. Sometimes a little time off is just the ticket! Especially after a hellacious week. and ooh Sixteen Candles! Fun. :)

    1. A half-day off at the end of a stressful week is a total treat!

  14. Your Totally Random is so me it's not even funny, haha! It really is amazing just how good for the soul a half day can be. We do half day Fridays all summer where I work and it's by far the most popular job perk we have.

  15. Glad you were able to take a half day- I don't blame you at all for feeling done! And yeah, there really is no end in sight, is there? It's exhausting and disheartening, that is for sure. Hope that this week is treating you better than last week's!

    1. It really is disheartening. Especially when you see other countries doing the right thing, imposing restrictions, having 80% vax rates, and putting an end to it. But not us. *sigh*

  16. oh no....that is so sad two local police officers died. One just never knows when its your time. Having half days off are the BEST. Glad to see it was rejuvenating for you.

    1. Thanks Renee. Getting that early start on the weekend was wonderful. :)

  17. A half day off on Friday can do wonders! At my old job, we used to stop early on Fridays and I have to admit I still struggle with working full Fridays 3-4 years later :) That TV night sounds awesome, all movies I want to rewatch and I very much relate to that Totally Random quote haha :)

  18. I do love watching 80's and 90's movies. Such fun!
    Yay for a half day on Friday. That's great that it was good for your mental health - though sorry work was so draining. I hope this week is going a bit better.

