Top Ten Tuesday: Secondary Characters Who Need Their Own Book


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Secondary Character Who Deserve Their Own Book

I'm sure it's happened to all of us. A secondary character in a book just jumps off the page and we want more. Or they're so intriguing and/or mysterious that we're dying to know more. Sometimes, if the book is part of a series, there's a chance their book is coming. But often, especially if the book was a standalone, we're left wanting more. Here are my picks for the secondary characters who left me wishing they had their own book.

I don't even know if Atlas would be considered a secondary character (I guess?) but I do know I wanted more. His role in IEWU, both past and present, was an important one and I'd love to get his whole story.

Rory showed up briefly in one of the previous books in the series, and again at the end of Next In Line. Since Grace's story is the next book to be released, I'm hopeful that means that Rory will be the other lead.

I don't even care which one. Because they were all so funny and quirky and supportive. Total #squadgoals.

I love reading about the Wardens and Nicolai and Dez are two of my favorite secondary characters in the series. Yes, Dez got a bit of attention in the prequel novella, but I want more.

The Others is one of my favorite series ever and I've listened to the complete series several times. It's filled with characters I love (Henry Beargard, Grandfather Erebus, Tess, Blair, the girls at the lake) but I'd be over the moon to get a book focused on Vlad. 

While I loved all the Riva siblings, I really connected with Hud and would be happy to read more of his story.

Can I just get a book about Luc's grandmother and her stylist? Surely there are some adventures for them to have and I would so read all about them.

Olive's cousin Diego. I need his book. Please and thank you.

Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy delivered two yummy pieces of romance perfection with Good Boy and Stay. And then... *crickets* I need more from this series! Pick any teammate from the hockey team and I'll read his story.

Brock "Grim" Grimsby. This guy took badass to a whole other level. Yes, we got a little bit more of him in a short story that was included in the Christmas in the City anthology, but I want a full-length novel with Grim and more Grim.

Have you read any of these books?


  1. I second that nomination for more books in the Boyfriend Material world. There are so many great characters to leverage there. Same for Make It Sweet. And YES! More WAGS books, please.

  2. I've sadly not read any of these but I did read that Christmas anthology with Brock and well, I most definitely wouldn't mind more Brock 😂 I have quite a few of these on my TBR though so this does give me motivation to pick some of them up sooner rather than later. Great list!

    1. That anthology was a little hit and miss for me, but i sure did like the story about Brock! :)

  3. I will give Diego his own book, but please don't make me read another book with Hud from Mailbu Rising!

    1. Aw, poor Hud. LOL A book about Diego would be hilarious. :)

  4. Yes, Luc's friend group from Boyfriend Material was the best, I loved them so much! Hope we'll get a lot more of them in the sequel (so excited!!)

    1. A sequel?! How did I not know about this? Wow, that's great news!

  5. I love it when a standalone character gets their own book. that's always fun. :)

    I want to read Malibu rising. And The Unhoneymooners looks awesome too.

  6. I want to say I think Rory is going to be in Grace's book based on the last chapter of Next in Line. I wouldn't mind a book for Hud or any of the characters in Malibu Rising.
    As for WAGS, I think we all are disappointed there weren't more books. I wonder if something is coming from these two, though. I saw in Bowen's reader group that she's going to be announcing something soon that "will break the internet". I'm hoping it is a Bowen/Kennedy collab.

    1. Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that Rory will be Grace's love interest. I'm so excited for that one.

      I'd love to see another Bowen/Kennedy collab! Especially if it's in the Him/Us/WAGs world!

  7. Right? There are so many great secondary characters out there who deserve their own books. Of course, I had a really hard time remembering any of them for my list today, but I know there are TONS out there.

    Happy TTT!

    1. It's funny how you can rattle stuff off easily but when put on the spot you draw a blank. :)

  8. Great list! I haven't read any of these books.

    I twisted the topic some, as I have trouble remembering secondary characters.

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop by my post:

    1. That happens to me a lot, Pam. On any given day I could name a bunch... but put me on the spot and I have nothing. LOL

  9. I think that I book about Vlad from the Others would be amazing. Yes, we definitely need this!

    1. He is such a great character! I'd love to keep reading about him.

  10. How sad is it that I have only read one of these and it was a DNF? But many are on my TBR so hopefully I can read them soon.

    I love seeing secondary characters get a story created even if its in a novella. Give us all the goodies haha

    1. Yes! I'm always up for more of my favorite characters. :)

  11. It's hard for me to think of nay off the top of my head but I think this A LOT!! I'm often more interested in what happens to some side character than the main one lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  12. I loved Boyfriend Material and I would ADORE a book with Luc's friend group. they were fantastic. I'm just glad we're getting a sequel!


  13. These are all new to me but I have been curious about the Colleen Hoover book!

    1. It's one of my favorites by Colleen. Such a powerful story.

  14. Yes on the Rage and Ruin warden guys, and I was definitely wishing Vlad had his story told while reading the Others!

    1. I've been antsy to read some paranormal so I think that's why I was thinking of Vlad. :)

  15. That would be so cool to get a Vlad book!

    Check out my TTT

    1. Yes! He was definitely one of my faves from the whole series.

  16. Big yes to Hud from Malibu Rising and especially to Luc's friend group from Boyfriend Material. Either of those would be fabulous!

    1. I only learned a few days ago that Hall is writing a sequel for Boyfriend Material. I am over the moon about that!

  17. Yes, for Diego in Unhoneymooners! And yeah, I'd read any of Sarina Bowen's hockey romances. Great list here, Tanya!

    1. I'm finally diving into the Brooklyn Bruisers titles that I missed. Somehow I got started out of order which is so unlike me!

  18. Atlas!!!! I wanted extra long epilogue LOL And you are so right about Luc's friends. They are the bests.

    1. Yes!! It Ends With Us ended well, but I still would have oved more of Atlas.

  19. Yes! Both Nicolai or Dez need more page time! I'd read their books to be sure!

    1. I just finished Grace and Glory so now would be the perfect time for their books... I'm not ready to leave that world. :)

  20. I want to read a lot of these books! Having great secondary characters makes me want to read them even more!

    1. Great secondary characters always makes for a better story. :)

  21. I haven't read any of these books yet. But a few are on my TBR. I've been wanting to read Written in Red and Rage and Ruin for a long time now! I so need to start reading them soon. Especially now I'm curious about all these characters too ;)

    1. Written in Red (and the whole Others series) will always be one of my favorites. I have so much love for those characters.

  22. I haven't read the second Warden's trilogy but I loved Nicolai in the first one so I'd love a spin-off of his! This is a good reminder actually to read Rage & Ruin etc...

    1. I'm betting she's probably done with the Warden's now but I still love Nicolai and Dez. And yes you definitely need to get to Rage and Ruin! :)
