The Sunday Post #315 | December 11, 2022


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


This past week was intense. My schedule was slammed all week and there was something going on every single day. Busy days at the office with meetings and deadlines galore, after-work errands, an awards dinner/event, Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, and on and on it went. All that put together meant that I was almost completely MIA this week. No posts, no visiting/commenting... and almost no reading. *sigh* Weren't holidays a lot more fun as a kid - when you had zero responsibilities and just enjoyed the fruits of everyone else's labor?

On the plus side, I did get the tree up and decorated and it makes me smile every day. Behold all the pink Christmas goodness. 😊 (This was taken before I went on a gift-wrapping binge. LOL)

In the midst of many errands yesterday, The Husband and I stopped for lunch at a place I'd been wanting to try for quite a while: The Happy Grilled Cheese. They started as a local food truck but have expanded to include two restaurants. The varieties of grilled cheese they have is incredible and I wanted to try them all. Delish!

This week's bit of feel-good news gave me all the warm-fuzzies. Watch as these senior football players gift their jerseys to the teachers that impacted their lives. *sobs*

This week's 80's music fix (holiday edition) is Last Christmas (1984) by Wham!. I love this one any time of year. :)


Nothing. :(



Physical copy: The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews - 4.5★
Audio: Can This Be Christmas? by Debbie Macomber - 3.25★



Kindle: Coen (Pittsburgh Titans #4) - Sawyer Bennett
Audio: Snowfall on Haven Point - RaeAnneThayne


I loved it so much that I needed my own copy (I read it as a library loan).
Now I can annotate to my heart's content. ♥




  1. HA! The closing meme cracked me up. The jersey presentation is such a sweet tradition. AWWW. You're tree looks great. I hope things slow down enough for you to enjoy bits of the season. My whole life is slow with one good foot. LOL! I recently read a book where the woman owned a grilled cheese food truck. I love the possibilities. I mean, we all know cheese with anything makes it better.

  2. Omg, I NEED THAT CHRISTMAS TREE. I'm a huge Christmas fan, so I love it!

    Have a great upcoming week, hopefully it will be a bit less busy :)

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed The Belle of Belgrave Square, I love that series so much!

  4. Pink! So pretty! I love that A/C meme. LOL. So true...

  5. I love the pink tree!! Sorry work was so crazy. And I miss being a kid and not realizing how crazy this time of year really is!

  6. The Christmas song picture is epic!! haha I really want to try out Mimi Matthews. Is it that good? I absolutely adore your Christmas tree. Christmas is much more fun as a kid because kids have ZERO responsibilities haha but I still like to spend time with my nephews around Christmas as they make the magic of the holiday come more alive.

  7. Lovely tree, and that jersey video made me tear up! Sheesh, what a good tradition. I sure hope this week slows down a bit for you! Have a calm & bright week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. Nice! We haven't done anything about the tree but probably this week now that finals are over for my daughter. Last week was finally manageable for me after several intense weeks so I totally get it. It looks like you got in some reading. Here's to better balance and some relaxation this week.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. That restaurant sounds awesome. anyplace wirth grilled cheese, honestly. And started as a food truck? You know it's good. :)

    I like the tree! Hope this week is a little less intense for you. and yay for Wham!

  10. Your pink tree makes me so happy! :) I definitely agree about Christmas being way more fun as a kid. I miss the lack of responsibility, lol.

  11. Everything was more fun as a kid. Hope your week is less stressful.

  12. A grilled cheese restaurant sounds so good!
    I love the pink Christmas tree!

  13. LOVE this song! And a grilled cheese restaurant? Sign me up!

  14. Great song and I love the quote! I don't live in the South but it's still warmer than I would like! I am praying for a white Christmas! And the Debbie Macomber book looks so good! Have a great reading week!

  15. Your tree is so pretty! And that's probably my favorite Christmas song!

  16. My week has been so busy this week too! And I adore your pink tree!

  17. I love your pink tree!!! Looks great with the gray walls! Mine is pink too but I haven't put it up yet.

  18. You have the best Christmas tree ever! Also, that meme at the end is hilarious. My grandparents lived in Florida, and we'd visit them almost every winter when I was a kid. Their house was always a billion degrees because they insisted that they need heat in winter. Florida doesn't have winter!

  19. This time of year is so busy for everyone! Hope you had a less busy week, Tanya! Love the pink tree and I'm thrilled you loved The Belle of Belgrave Square! It was so good! I'll check out your current Sunday Post, too. :)
