The Sunday Post #353 | December 17, 2023


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


Hello friends! It's me... the one who had an unplanned two month blog break. I think my last post was October 15, so... yeah, that happened. November thru December is always my busiest time of year at the office, but I was also feeling 100% uninspired when it came to blogging. Zero interest in posting, commenting, reviewing - all of it. And it's unlikely that I'll return to posting regularly this month, but it felt like a good time for a check-in so here I am. 😊 (Big, big thank-you's to those who have continued to check on me over the past couple months. I appreciate it more than I can say. Consider yourself hugged. 🤗)

Cliffs Notes of the last two months: 
  • I got a new car in October (a 2024 Honda Accord Hybrid Touring). 
  • Twenty-eight days later I was rear-ended. My car is still at the collision center waiting on parts so it can be repaired. I've been driving a rental car for the last few weeks. 
  • Thanksgiving was wonderful. 
  • My sister and I saw Shaun Cassidy in concert. Lots of fun and super nostalgic.
  • The Husband and I saw Sarah Brightman in concert. She was amazing, as always.
  • My pink Christmas tree has been decorated and is bringing me all the joy.
  • The crazy-busy period at the office is winding down and I am truly grateful.

I've missed staying up to date with everyone via Sunday Posts, so I look forward to hearing (well, reading) what's been going on with you. Have I missed anything big? 😉

I've been reading but it's been slow. I've been in such a weird reading mood. I've been super particular about what I read and have had to really focus on "what am I in the mood for right this minute?" instead of just picking up whatever is next. I think I read just six books in November, and had one DNF. So far this month I've managed just two books and one novella. On the plus side, I've really enjoyed most everything I've read!

If you celebrate the holidays (of any sort), I hope you're having a simply amazing holiday season. And if not, I hope you're having a great December! 

This week's music pick is my favorite Christmas song - Christmas Canon by Trans-Siberian Orchestra (the music is Pachelbel's Canon in D). Enjoy.


Yeah, that would be nothing since October. LOL


This has been my reading so far in December.

Kindle: The Lovely Return by Carian Cole - 5★
Kindle: Bain by Sawyer Bennett - 4.25★
Kindle: Pucking Ever After Volume 1 by Emily Rath - 4.5★



eARC: The Lily of Ludgate Hill by Mimi Matthews
Audio: Marked in Flesh (The Others #4) by Anne Bishop

Re-listening to The Others series for about the fifth time. Total comfort read.



I received my pre-order of Mia Sheridan's Archer's Voice, and it is stunning.
Foiled cover, sprayed edges, and it includes annotations from Mia. 
I love reading all her notes!




  1. So nice to catch up, Tanya! I missed seeing your posts, but I totally understand pulling back when you don't feel like posting. This is a hobby, not a job, and so it should bring you joy and not feel like a chore. Happy to hear the Shaun Cassidy concert was fun and that you got a new car! Not happy to hear you got rear-ended and now have to deal with the hassle and a rental. Plus, insurance companies are no fun. Happy there was no serious injury!

    I'm looking forward to Lily of Ludgate Hill! Hope we both love it. :)

    1. Hi Rachel! *waves wildly* Blogging just has not felt like a priority lately and I felt no need to force it. Like you said, it's a hobby, not a job. But a Sunday Post felt easy enough to manage. :) No injuries from the accident, both parties have insurance, and my rental car is paid for... so I really can't complain. (But I miss my new car! lol) I've barely got into the Matthews book but I'm enjoying it so far.

  2. I also haven't been blogging since October. I've been really busy these past few months and I haven't done that many Sunday Posts for awhile now. Hopefully, I can come back to blogging regularly again. Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  3. Welcome back! A lot of bloggers seem to vanish around this time of year. Sorry about your car. I hope you're okay and get it back soon.

    1. Thanks Aj! I've been hoping to get my car back by Christmas, but... maybe it will be a Christmas miracle. LOL

  4. I get needing a break. I took a break from social media last year and it turned into a whole year because I wasn't ready to come back! I'm glad you're back now! This is my third week posting the Sunday Posts so I'm still getting to know everyone. I'm glad to "meet" you!

    Pachebel's Canon is one of my favorite musical pieces, and this rendition is gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Haze! And how fun that You've joined in on the Sunday Posts! :) I love that you already know and love Pachelbel's Canon. I really love this rendition.

  5. I feel your pain about your new car. I was rear ended in my very first car on the very first day I picked up my BFF to go for a ride with me in it.

    I'm so glad to see your pink tree!!! So pretty!

    1. Jinjer - Oh no, sorry that happened to you, too! I keep telling myself it's just a thing and it will be fixed... but it's still pretty disappointing. And thank you... I love my pink tree. :)

  6. Glad to hear from you! But yeah, this time of year can get crazy! I was all excited to read about your new car, but then the accident? That sucks! I'm so sorry! I love your pink tree. I think about getting one, but I also like having my white tree and doing my peacock theme every year. I hope things are getting better this month and will be around to check out what is going on when you have time and feel like posting!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thanks Lisa! I do love my pink tree but I can understand why you'd want your peacock tree. Sounds stunning! I'm looking forward to getting back into my regular routine in the new year!

  7. I've missed your posts! This year has been flying by. I was in my own world then as my daughter had a migraine which lasted more than 30 days and went thru a variety of treatments. I'm so sorry about your new car. I drive a Volt hybrid and love it. Other than long trips, I only get gas maybe once a year. I wish you a restful holiday!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Aw, thank you, Anne! That's terrible about your daughter's migraine. How miserable. :( This Accord is my first hybrid and I was pleasantly surprised at the gas savings!

  8. My blogging has slowed down a bit, too. I've been busy at work, as well! Congrats on the new car, that stinks about the accident, though! I was having car issues, too, and we had to wait well over a week before we could even bring it somewhere. They're so busy this time of year!

    1. Angela - So right, it seems like all the mechanics and body shops are slammed right now. And I've learned it's a real issue to get parts. They have the time to fix my car... they're just waiting on parts still. Ugh.

  9. Happy to see you back Tanya! And I am so sorry for your car!!!!

    1. Thank you, Sophie! I'm looking forward to getting back into my regular routine.

  10. I've been in a weird reading mood as well. Sorry about your car accident! And in a new car too. That is awful! Hopefully you get your car back soon.

    1. Thanks Samantha. I was kind of hoping to have my car back by Christmas, but... I think I need to adjust my expectations. :)

  11. Welcome back! I was just thinking of you the other day- I was like where's Tanya been? :)

    Congrats on the car- but yikes about the collision.

    And Shaun Cassidy? Woot :):)

  12. Welcome back! I recently checked your page because I couldn't remember the last time you posted. Glad your doing well.

  13. I'm so happy to hear you are okay! Very sorry about the wreck though, that's never fun. I've been incredibly busy with work recently too, but oddly productive on the reading front. It's been my escape from reality lol

  14. Yay! You're back! I've missed your blog. It sounds like the perfect time to take a couple of months off, though. Lots of fun things to do. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  15. This is the first time I've gotten back to commenting in months too. I've also been MIA for a few months. I might steal your cliff notes idea for a post lol
    That stinks about your car!
    SHAUN CASSIDY!!! Be still my (former) teenage heart lol

  16. Oh no! I hate to hear that about the car. Hope they get it fixed well and there are no lasting effects. I used to love Shawn Cassidy when I was a kid and looked forward to watching the Hardy Boys each Sunday Night. I'm sure I drove my parents crazy playing his album over and over. Love your cliff notes idea.

  17. I'm so sorry about your new car! That sucks. But how fun that you got to go see Shaun Cassidy. I had a big crush on him when I was much, much younger. And I hope you have a peaceful and relaxing Christmas. :D

  18. I have missed you so deeply darling! That is awful about your car though. I really hope you find your jive again and get some wonderful books read. And wishing you a very happy Christmas!

  19. I am so sorry your new car got hit. I hope you are alright and there's no lasting damage on you. That's a bummer though. Glad you got to enjoy so many other things (concerts, pink trees, Thanksgiving). May you and yours have an incredible holiday season
