The Sunday Post #365 | June 23, 2024


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


The brutal heat of the previous week (with temps hovering just below the 100℉/38℃ mark) lessened a bit this week so that was a welcome break. I mean, it's still hot (around 90°F/32℃ every day) but it's an improvement.

Because of the heat, we've been having easy, no-cook dinners most nights. Sandwiches and salads have reigned supreme - and will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Any awesome sandwich ideas before I get burned out on BLT's? 😏

For those that use NetGalley, has anyone taken advantage of their digital reading journal? I'd been wanting to dip my toe into digital book journaling for a while and their offering gave me the nudge I needed. I'm using the recommended Goodnotes app and while it's not at all intuitive (IMO), I've made a start. I'm curious to know if anyone else is using it...

The Blogger formatting issues that have been plaguing me the last several weeks have been resolved. Yay! Hopefully everyone else who were having the same issues can say the same.

We're reaching way back for this week's throwback song, but it's one of my favorites. This is Tiny Dancer (1971) by Elton John. Enjoy!


Tuesday, June 18



Audio: The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen - 4.5★
Kindle: Fall With Me by Brooke Montgomery - 4.25★
Kindle: Fragile Sanctuary by Catherine Cowles - 4.25★
Audio: The Friendship Pact by Jill Shalvis - 3.75★


Kindle/Audio: Forgotten Desires by Corinne Michaels


I love these Sarina Bowen special editions that I got through Belle Book Box.
Hardcover, sprayed edges, and gorgeous covers... 😍😍😍

I also picked up The Five Year Lie and Fragile Sanctuary. Both were so good.




  1. I haven't used the digital journal offered by NetGalley. I hope it's worth it for you. Have a good week.

    1. Harvee - It's been fun playing around with it. :) Hope you have a great week!

  2. It's been hot here, too. The forecast is for 99F today, and the humidity is through the roof. There is fog on my windows. I have not left the house since I got home Thursday but I have to today. Not looking forward to it. We have been cooking in the toaster oven. It doesn't make the house hot at all. Stay cool!

    1. Sam - Wow, that is seriously hot. The humidity makes it so much worse. Cooking in the toaster oven is a good idea. Which reminds me I should use my air fryer this week!

  3. We end up doing a lot of slow cooker meals during the summer, so any prep can get done while it's cooler and then we don't have the oven heating everything up. Soup is always a winner!

    Hope you enjoy the new books. :D

    1. Nicky - The slow cooker is a good idea. Between that and the air fryer I shouldn't have to use the stove/oven at all. :)

  4. The no-cook dinners is funny for me bc I'm one of those weird people who still want hot soup even when the weather is scorching hot. 😭 It's raining where I live now though, so the weather is finally appropriate for my food cravings lol.

    Also didn't know NetGalley had a new feature. I used to love journalling, but I got lazy after a few months and gave up. 😅

    1. Aimee - We definitely differ on the soup thing! :) I love it in cold weather but lose all interest when it's hot outside.

  5. It's been so hot here too, and no rain! We need rain badly right now. I haven't tried the digital journal. Let us know how you are doing with it. My SP:

    1. Bonnie - We got a small shower or two over the weekend but not enough. Like you, we need the rain badly!

  6. I love easy no-cook dinners. Chicken salad is one of my favorite cold sandwiches...I like to make it with celery and grapes. Here's to keeping summer simple and surviving the heat! Have a great week. :D

    1. Lark - Chicken salad is a good idea. I might pick up a rotisserie chicken to make it even easier. :)

  7. I love grilled cheese or tuna fish. Hope the heat subsides.

  8. I use goodnotes pretty regularly, but I haven't tried the netgalley journal yet. I kept meaning to, but life. It's been brutally hot here as well, and it shows no chance of relief anytime soon. Tiny Dancer was my first foray into Elton John and I have been hooked every since.

    1. Samantha - I'm sure if I play around with Goodnotes more it will be easier. Right now it's a bit challenging. Tiny Dancer is such a classic!

  9. I have a suspicion that this week will be salads for us too! I can't help you with sandwiches though as I am not a huge fan! Let's hope next week will be cooler for you Tanya!

    1. Sophie - I'm hoping for cooler weather but I think it will be at least October before that happens. Haha!

  10. I have not used the new Netgalley feature. We have been heating up into the 90s. The humidity hasn't been bad, but the dewpoint is bad this weekend. The lack of rain means I don't need to mow but hopefully the grass won't all die. It would be nice to have a quiet week without a bunch of problems.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - The brown patches in our lawn definitely shows the lack of rain in our area. I wish we would have some read drenchers come through. Here's to a quiet week for both of us!

  11. I haven't been on NetGalley for years now. I really need to get back to it!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  12. It's been hot here, too, and with the days so long it doesn't cool off until after 7pm, but it does cool off. Yeah, I haven't been in the mood for hot dinners. I love a good cold cucumber salad: cucumber, fresh basil, chopped tomato, chopped red onion, red wine vinegar, little bit of olive oil, salt & pepper. It's good with a bit of toasted French bread with olive oil and garlic salt. I also love wraps. I do one with one called Cut da Carb, Laughing Cow Swiss cheese triangle spread on wrap, then skinny chipotle sauce, grilled chicken or turkey breast, pickled red onions, arugula, avocado, drizzle a little more chipotle sauce, salt & pepper, wrap and grill for a bit in a skillet sprayed with olive oil. Yum!

    I'm happy to see you loved The Five Year Lie. Off to see if the audio is in my library. Stay cool, Tanya! :)

    1. The Cut da Carb is the wrap, not the recipe. I order it online.

    2. Rachel - That wrap sounds delish! I might have to try that. I'm placing a grocery order tonight so it's perfect timing. And thanks for the reminder about cucumber salad. I make one with some feta in it and it's been a long time since I made it. Time to put that back into rotation!

  13. Love this song! We've been trying to do a lot of meal prep early in the day so we don't have to turn the oven on later, and we just live on leftovers for most of the week, ha!

    1. Angela - that's a good idea, too. Anything to avoid heating up the kitchen later in the day!

  14. I'm happy to know we aren't the only ones who avoid cooking during the hot summer evenings. The last thing I need to to warm my house up any more than it already is! I did a big batch of egg salad yesterday that we'll snack on for sandwiches this week.

    1. Ethan - Yum on the egg salad. That's a favorite of mine. With crackers, on toasted bread... delish.

  15. It's ridiculously hot here in Arizona, of course, but we keep the air conditioning on pretty high so using the oven really isn't too big of a deal. It doesn't heat the house up the way it would if we didn't have a/c. I still avoid going outside, though, unless it's to my pool. Without it and a/c, I'd die here (literally).

    1. Susan - I can't imagine not having AC in this heat. My city opens cooling stations for the homeless/disadvantaged so they can get some relief. It's brutal.

  16. I've wanted to try the digital journal from Netgalley but I have to use Xodo and I was looking for reviews to see how it works but I've had no luck.

    1. Alicia - I haven't had any experience with Xodo. NetGalley has a user guide available for download, though. It gave some tips on using both Goodnotes AND Xodo. That might help.

  17. Ugh, I feel you with the heat. Same here, hovering around 100, now they say it'll just be normal hellfire, in the 90s. Like this is Pennsylvania, right? I am terrible with cooking ideas, but I just cook like once a week and then portion leftovers for the whole week, maybe that could help? It's going to be a very long hot summer, I fear. Glad you got your Blogger issues fixed at least!

    1. Shannon - I always admire those people that cook in batches and portion it out. Or cook ahead and freeze stuff. That is so not me. I can barely make a weekly menu - forget cooking ahead. LOL I am already done with summer. Haha!

  18. We are getting that heat right now! I hate it! It's normal, but I still am not a fan, lol. I got the Netgalley journal, but haven't done anything with it. I use the Goodreads app and the Story Graph app, and might start using the Bookly app once they get it so I can move my Goodreads info over there. Have a great week!

    1. @Buffywnabe - Yeah, June in Florida is synonymous with HOT, but I still don't like it, either. :) I've heard of Storygraph but have never tried it. And Bookly is a new one on me.

  19. I'm really over the heat too. I can deal with low 90s but we've hovered near 100 too many days this past week. I wish I had some sandwich recs for you but I could literally eat BLTs every day and never get tired of them, haha.

    1. Suzanne - Another BLT fan! :) Actually my husband eats the BLT's... I don't like tomatoes so I have BLC's (bacon, lettuce, cheese). Yum!

  20. I've been using my slow cooker a lot, and loving caprese sandwiches. And sometimes it's so hot I just eat cereal. I'm hoping today is our last really hot day because this is getting old!


    1. Jill - Like you, I am so over this heat! Hope we will both get a break soon. The slow cooker is a great idea. As is cereal. LOL

  21. We are cooking but not enthusiastically. No sandwich suggestions other than changing up the condiments! Balsamic glaze makes everything a bit better. I love the look of The Five Year Plan and I really need to get The Friendship Pact. Hope you're having a great week.

    1. Katherine - The Five Year Lie was a great read. I highly recommend it. And you now have me wanting to put balsamic glaze on everything. lol
