The Sunday Post #364 | June 9, 2024


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.


My Sunday Posts seem to be turning into an every three weeks kind of thing. I can live with that.

For those that use Blogger, have you noticed any formatting issues lately? It's been giving me fits the last week or so. Formatting text and links has become such a pain and I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed a change? My fingers are crossed that it's a temporary glitch.

Summer may not officially start for a couple more weeks, but Florida did not get the memo. It was over 90 F (32 C) every day this week, and today it's expected to reach 100 (37 C). I am not ready for this. 🔥

I am not a baker (mostly because I have no sweet tooth) and probably have not baked any kind of sweet treat in a decade. But I randomly felt the desire to whip something up last week and made these cherry pie bars. So. Much. Yum! The Husband took most of them to his office (he volunteers at the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society) and they were a huge hit. If you're looking for an easy treat, I can recommend these.

Photo credit: The Country Cook

My sister, who has been a huge Prince fan since the 80's, texted me Friday to inform me that it was Prince Day. Who knew that was a thing? 🤷 So, Terri, here's a Prince song just for you. 😀 


Tuesday, June 4

Thursday, June 6



Kindle: The One I Left Behind by Piper Rayne - 4★
Kindle: Callum by Sawyer Bennett - 4★
Audio: The Pool Boy by Nikki Sloane - 3.75★
Kindle: No Tomorrow by Carian Cole - 4.5★



Audio: The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen
Kindle: Fall With Me by Brooke Montgomery


Not a thing.




  1. Your pie bars came out great. They look delicious! It's been hot here too. Mid 80s, tough, it didn't feel so bad out of the sun. I had no idea there was a Prince day. His birthday?

    1. I haven't had any formatting issues with blogger.

    2. Sam - Well, mine didn't come out quite that pretty. :) That's the photo from the website where I found the recipe. I've added that to the photo now. I had to look it up, but yes, the 7th was Prince's birthday. Hard to believe he's already been gone 8 years.

  2. I had plans to publish a Sunday Post today as well but life is getting in the way. Lol
    Maybe I should start prepping throughout the week.

    1. Alicia - I'm always in awe of the people who "blog ahead" or schedule posts. That is so not me. I'm always throwing something together at the last minute. lol

  3. These cherry pie bars look so good Tanya! I totally understand how they were a hit!

    1. Thanks Sophie! Those were such a success I'm tempted to bake something else. :)

  4. Glad to see you even if it is not every week! We are starting to get the heat and humidity and it's too soon. We are supposed to have another month of 80s right?

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Anne - It seems to have got very hot very early this year!

  5. The pie bars look yummy! I was a huge Prince fan myself and didn't know it was Prince day! Love that you shared that with your sister. Hope you have a good week and the Blogger stuff gets sorted out.
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Lisa - I never saw Prince in concert but I'm so glad my sister did. :)

  6. Nice Prince song! I haven't noticed formatting issues but then I've hardly been blogging so I wouldn't have noticed anyway ha! And wow that's HOT! It's started to warm up here but nothing like that. stay cool!

    1. Greg - Staying cool is the order of the day. It's been brutal.

  7. It was in the upper 90s here last week too! I was not ready for those temps either! It's not even officially summer yet. Thankfully it cooled down again to more reasonable temps, although we get back into the 90s a couple of days this week. Boo! That strawberry dessert looks delicious! I have noticed the formatting issues. I also hope it's temporary! With adding links to text and with changing the color of text, too. Not a fan. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on The Five Year Lie. I'd like to see how Bowen does with a mystery/thriller. I've read and enjoyed her romances. Have a wonderful week and stay cool, Tanya! :)

    1. Rachel - I'm about 30% into The Five Year Lie and I'm already developing so many theories. I wanted to keep listening this morning but had to actually leave the car and come into the office. Gah! lol Sorry that you are also having formatting issues but also glad to know it's not just me. Hopefully it sorts itself out soon!

  8. Yes, I've been having the same issues with Blogger! Adding links is very annoying right now. I thought it was fixed one day and then it came back! We had beautiful weather this weekend, but it's supposed to get into the 90s later this week and looks like it will stay that way for awhile!

    1. Angela - Yep, same here. Adding links, changing text size/font/color... it's giving me fits. Ugh. Sounds like we're both about to deal with the heat!

  9. Blogger does glitch on my sometimes, too. Mostly with the commenting part of it. Hope the problems are temporary and quickly resolved.

    1. Lark - Hopefully the glitches will be fixed soon. In the meantime I'll just work around it. :)

  10. Blogger has always given me formatting issues, but I've been having problems with links as well. Instead of just highlighting the text and adding a link, I have to open the link box and retype the text. I hate it.

    1. Aj - The formatting issues are such a pain! I mean, it's hard to complain about a free platform... but yeah, it's annoying!

  11. Thanks for the cherry pie bars recipe. I might try those for 4th of July!

  12. I can't even begin to describe how jealous I am that you don't have a sweet tooth! I could live off of cupcakes with no issues (well except for my blood sugar and whatnot). The cherry pie bars sound amazing! I will have to try them. I hope you're having a great week!

    1. Katherine - If only we could live on cupcakes! Of course my choice would be a diet of potatoes and pasta. Haha. Hope you'll love the cherry pie bars if you decide to try them!

  13. I'm definitely not a baker either (I have a sweet tooth, but the thought of preparing ingredients always stresses me out)! I'm glad your cherry pie bars were a success! <3

    1. Aimee - I get it, baking is a lot different than cooking. You have to be so precise with the ingredients!

  14. Those bars look yummy. As you know, I've recently got into baking more - most of my stuff goes to Kevin's work too.

    My very first concert was Prince during the Purple Rain era. Sheila E and Morris and the Time also played. Prince played for 3 HOURS. Not a bad first concert.

    1. Karen - That was an awesome first concert! What a great memory to have.

  15. Sometimes I really wish I didn't have a sweet tooth. hah

    And ugh, I'm not ready for the heat. It's getting warmer and warmer here and I need a pool ASAP.

    Lauren @

    1. Lauren - We have a pool at the amenities center but sometimes I feel like it's even too hot to be out at the pool. Ha! I'd rather be in the AC with the ceiling fan going. :)

  16. I've noticed some issues with Blogger too. My text often gets bunched up for no apparent reason, forcing me to redo posts before I publish.

    1. Ethan - Sorry you're having issues, too... but also glad to know it's not just me. :) Hopefully it will get resolved soon.

  17. YES, I'm having the same issues with Blogger. Usually, these things get fixed pretty fast when people start complaining, but it's STILL going on. SO annoying. Fingers crossed it gets fixed soon.

    My sweet tooth has been out of control lately. I'm not a huge cherry dessert fan, but those bars look delish.

    1. Susan - Hopefully the Blogger issues will get resolved soon. For now they are definitely annoying. :(

      I don't rarely get excited for sweets (I'd much rather have savory than sweet!) but those cherry pie bars were awesome!
