Top Ten Tuesday: All the Emotions | Books That Evoked Strong Feelings


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Books I Have Strong Feelings About
I love a book that can evoke strong emotions. In fact, those are my go-to reads. I rarely go for the light and fluffy stories (no "sweet" romances or cozy mysteries), and I don't really care for rom-coms. Nope, give me all the emotions and the angst and let me wallow in it. I want a story that is going to make my heart hurt, make me pine right along with the characters, and (hopefully) elicit some tears. Those emotional books... that's my sweet spot.

But strong feelings can go either way - sometimes I'm overwhelmed with love for a special character, sometimes a character or plotline makes me positively ragey. There are books that will forever bring a smile to my face, and books that make me roll my eyes every time I think about them. 

So here's a mix of books that, for various reasons, I have very strong feelings about. (And yes, there's more than ten.)

The Characters Who Stole My Heart

The Books I Wanted to Throw Across the Room

The Character Deaths From Which I Will Never Recover

The Books I Will Never Not Love

Have you read any of these books?


  1. It breaks my heart to lose a character I love. I'll never forget how stricken I was after the death of a child in one of the first grownup books I read as a teen.

    1. Deb - It's amazing how a fictional death can stay with you for years.

  2. I bounce around a lot of different genres, but it’s always fun to find characters who steal your heart.

    Thank you for stopping by earlier.

    1. Lydia - I love coming across those special characters that make a lasting impression.

  3. I haven't read any of these, but now I'm very curious about them. Which one would recommend I start with first? Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! If you enjoy fantasy/paranormal, Wolfsong was excellent!

  4. I haven't read any of these...yet. I couldn't think of any books for this week's TTT off the top of my head, but I love the categories and books you came up with! So well done. :D

    1. Thanks Lark! For some reason, this was an easy prompt for me this week. :)

  5. Love the way you've categorised these! 😃 Ox is everything! I love him so much. And I also feel the same about HIM! So good 😍 Great list!

    1. Dini - Ox was such an unforgettable character. Loved him!

  6. I have Wolfsong on my list for summer. Now I can't wait to read it!

    1. @crackercrumblife - I so hope that you'll love Wolfsong when you get to it!

  7. Yes to the Wolfsong characters stealing my heart! And also a big yes to Him <3

    1. Lindsey - All the Wolfsong characters were so wonderful, but Ox definitely stole my heart!

  8. I love it when I find characters who stay with me after I close the book.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam - Some of those characters really leave a lasting impression!

  9. I've been reading outside my comfort zone lately and it's giving me a lot of uncomfortable feels lol I used to like my nice happy romances but these are much messier (not even romance) characters but it is jolting me out of my reading slump, I think.

    1. Karen - Reading outside my comfort zone almost always jolts me out of a slump. That, or a favorite comfort read that I return to over and over.

  10. Ok, I have not read Boone, and I knew I would cry, but now I am crying. And OMG! The Serpent King. Gutted me. The Girl He Used to Know got me based on putting 9/11 in the mix. I will forever feel that in my soul.

    1. Sam - I can't even talk about Boone. I loved it/hated it. The Serpent King... I swear, it's been *six years* since I read it and I still remember THE scene. When he was on the phone asking for his mom... OMG it still makes me cry.

  11. I haven't read any on your list, but I do have plenty of books I have strong feelings about. I was too lazy to do this TTT, as usual! Lol!

    1. Rachel - Haha! I've gotten lazy with TTT posts. If I feel inspired I'll do it, but I'm not going to wrack my brain for ideas. :)

  12. Annika was a character I really loved when I read The Girl He Used to Know - her story was so honest and vulnerable.

    1. Angela - Annika really struck a chord with me and was an unforgettable character.

  13. I've not read any of these books, but I can certainly relate to needing a book that makes me connect with the characters. I think as I've grown older, this has become the most essential element in my reading.

    1. Ethan - I can understand that. I am very much a character-based reader. I am always more invested in character over plot.

  14. Gosh I forgot to add The Serpent King!!!! Amazing List Tanya!

  15. I have not read any of these books but I love the way you organized them into even smaller categories.
