So apparently it's been six months since my last WWW Wednesday post. That was right around the time that I took on my more relaxed approach to blogging (Best. Decision. Ever.) and eased way up on feeling the need to post a certain number of times each week. And one of the things that fell by the wayside was WWW Wednesday posts. I definitely won't be going back to doing these every week, but it seemed like a good idea today, so here we are.
How is your week going? What are you reading today?
Currently reading: Despite the fact that my requesting of ARCs has dwindled to almost nil, I couldn't pass this one by. The synopsis grabbed me and the comparison to Me Before You intrigued me. The two main characters are patients in the rehabilitation ward of a hospital - both recovering from traumatic injuries. Although they never see one another face to face, their beds are separated by a curtain, they slowly forge a friendship. They are both dealing with such emotional trauma, in addition to the physical wounds, and I'm already cringing thinking about when one of them leaves the hospital. I need good things to happen to these two!
Current progress: 42%
Currently listening: I love returning to Casey and Jake, one of my favorite fictional couples, but at the same time, this one isn't going in the direction I expected. Which isn't a bad thing, but it's also feeling like there's a bit of filler happening that isn't really moving the story forward. Even so, I'm enjoying my time with Casey and Jake and I'm loving the moments focused on Jake's past and his continued journey is working through it.
Current progress: 52%
Listened To: It's not often I can really warm to a prickly character. The ones who put up walls and refuse to let anyone get close. It's just not the kind of character I connect with. But Emma managed to be the exception to the rule because I felt so much for her and wanted so much for her. I love the way Bengtsson continues to explore Jake's past through the eyes of his siblings. It adds another layer to the story and delivers an even bigger emotional impact. Emma and Finn's story was just So. Good. I loved the drama-free way their relationship evolved.
Read: Okay, so this one is sooo far out of my usual wheelhouse, but I was craving something light and had just seen someone mention it, and the paperback was less than five bucks on Amazon. Sold. And while it wasn't anything memorable, it was a sweet story that I thoroughly enjoyed. Mission accomplished.
Up next is probably Vi Keeland's The Invitation, because my hold just came in at the library, and Rogue Wave by J. Bengtsson because I need more of the McKallister family in my life.
What are you currently reading?