Confession time:
I totally forgot my blogoversary (blogoversary? blogiversery? who knows - it's a made up word so we can spell it any way we want) until I saw it mentioned by Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction. Oops! How did that slip past me? Apparently quite easily because I forgot it last year, too. :)It's not getting skipped this year, though! I'm proud of the last two years. I love the friends I've made in the book community. I appreciate the comments and the conversations. I love my little corner of the interwebs. So to say thank you - for the followers, for the comments, for the friendships, for the support, for the recommendations, for the shared love of books and reading - I'm having a giveaway!
Before I go, just know that you're appreciated. I appreciate you reading my posts. I appreciate your comments - when you agree with something I've said and when you offer a differing opinion. I appreciate those of you who have answered my questions along the way. And those of you who have become friends that I keep in touch with.
And now for the good stuff!
(Please review my giveaway policy before entering.)