WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
Just answer three questions and share what you're reading.
The current stay-at-home order here in Florida expires tomorrow and, as of this morning, there's been no word from the governor on what happens next. Is he extending it? Is there even a plan beyond April 30th? Who knows. I wasn't overly impressed with him before the pandemic and even less so since. I wish we had a Gavin Newsom (CA) or an Andrew Cuomo (NY) instead of this clown. *sigh* What's the situation where you are? Has your area's stay-at-home order been extended?

Currently reading: I'm just over half through Sure Shot and there's nothing about it that I don't like. :) Sarina Bowen has a way of writing the most genuine, likable characters. They get me every time. In this case, it's Bess and Tank and they are so good together. Now if they would both just get out of their own way and accept that fact. LOL
Current progress: 56%
Currently listening: I'd totally forgotten that I fairly recently tried another audiobook by A.L. Jackson (Catch Me When I Fall) and DNF'd it quickly. Alison reminded me of that and it instantly made sense of the issues I have with this current one. Suffice it to say, Jackson has a distinct writing style (read: so overly dramatic) and it does not work for me. But, seeing as I'm three-quarters through this one, I'm seeing it through till the bitter end. Heaven help me.
Current progress: 77%
What I read: I'd been meaning to/wanting to read something by Devney Perry for at least two years. Now it's finally happened and I'm kicking myself for waiting so long! The Coppersmith Farmhouse was just such a "me" story. I fell right into the story from the very beginning, pulled for the characters even as I recognized their flaws, and loved Perry's writing. I even recommended it to my mother a few days ago. It's more graphic than she likes but I think the story will make up for it. :)
What I listened to: Cake was another hit. It's been sitting in my Audible app for ages and, on a whim, I finally decided to listen to it. I'm so glad I did because I seriously loved it. It got dark in places (Jake's back story was utterly horrific and hard to take in) but, oh my goodness, I was so completely invested in this one. And even though the series continues on with different characters, I will definitely be all over the next books (fingers crossed there will be glimpses of Jake and Casey in those books). Hopefully I'll get reviews posted for both of these very soon.
What I listened to: Cake was another hit. It's been sitting in my Audible app for ages and, on a whim, I finally decided to listen to it. I'm so glad I did because I seriously loved it. It got dark in places (Jake's back story was utterly horrific and hard to take in) but, oh my goodness, I was so completely invested in this one. And even though the series continues on with different characters, I will definitely be all over the next books (fingers crossed there will be glimpses of Jake and Casey in those books). Hopefully I'll get reviews posted for both of these very soon.

I need to get moving on Big Summer since it releases in just a couple weeks.
What are you currently reading?
I wanna know! :)
I wanna know! :)