WWW Wednesday #136 | July 3, 2024


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

How's your week going?
Tomorrow is a holiday and I'm taking off Friday and next Monday so I'm heading into a 5 day break. ðŸ˜Ž Today is my Friday and even though it's only 9:00 AM I'm already feeling antsy and ready to put work behind me for a few days. Unfortunately I have a 1:00 PM meeting to prepare for so I need to get busy. Here's what I've been reading... 

What are you currently reading?

Kindle: The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

Currently readingI am loving this one. It's been quite a while since I read anything by
Amy Harmon and I forgot how beautiful her writing is and how her words pull me into 
her stories. Based on the prologue (and history), I know where this one is headed, and I 
know my heart will be broken, but in the meantime I'm loving the journey.
Current progress: 55%

What did you recently finish reading?

Audio: Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

Recently read: This was a rather lukewarm thriller for me. It was interesting, but not
exactly thrilling. None of the characters were particularly likeable which left me only
mildly invested in the outcome. Even so, it was enjoyable enough to listen to and had 
a couple red herrings (even though I was already fairly certain who the baddie was). 
3.5 stars

What do you think you'll read next?

never know what I'm going to read next but Slow Dance is a strong possibility.

What are you reading today?


  1. Enjoy your long holiday weekend! I just finished reading What Lies in the Woods and it was awesome. :D

    1. Thanks Lark! What Lies in the Woods sounds like a great thriller!

  2. I hope you enjoy your very long weekend. I cannot wait to hear what you think about the RR book. It's been too long since she wrote an adult novel.

    1. Thanks Sam. I agree about RR. I'm glad her Fangirl spin-off series (Simon Snow?) was so successful but it wasn't for me.

  3. Amy Harmon has the best writing! I hope you end up loving it. I can't wait to reading your review on it. Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

  4. I need to get to The Outlaw Noble Salt. I have both the ebook and audiobook from KU, it's just to make time. I'm glad to see you are enjoying it, Tanya.

  5. Oh, sorry to see you didn't enjoy Home is Where the Bodies Are quite as much as I did. Although, I only rated it a 1/2 star more than you. I've seen good things about Noble Salt. I'll have to look into it. Hope you're enjoying your time off, Tanya!
