Top Ten Tuesday: Can You Feel the Love?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme 

I'm loving this week's topic!
Ten Books I Really Love But Haven't Talked About Enough/In a While
It's no secret that I love the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. And I adore everything Colleen Hoover writes. And the Addicted series by Krista and Becca Ritchie. But there are some books I love that for some reason I just rarely talk about... or maybe have never mentioned at all. So allow me to share some gems that I have failed to properly gush over.


The Truth About Melody Brown - Lisa Jewell: I think I've read everything Jewell has written and this one is a true stand-out. 
Something Like Normal - Trish Doller: Travis's story struck a chord with me and I've never forgotten it. 
Kill Devil Hills - Sarah Darlington: I picked it up on a whim and it was so much more than I thought it would be. I fell for Georgie and Noah's story hook, line and sinker.
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black: This was one of those books that was so visual to me I felt like I could see every scene and it was as if I was right there with Tana the whole time. And Gavriel. I would love a sequel. So much.
The Summer I Found You - Jolene Perry: I feel like I should be singing its praises daily. I love it that much. It makes me gush. One of my favorite (upper) YA contemporaries ever.
Sunday's at Tiffany's - James Patterson: I don't know what it was but this book just captured my imagination and I went with it. It was charming and heart warming and made me happy.
On the Island - Tracey Garvis Graves: I remember finishing the book and immediately telling my sister "you have to read this book!" Anna and T.J.'s story was unforgettable and I would catch myself thinking about them long after the book ended.
Best Kind of Broken - Chelsea Fine: There's nothing truly remarkable about this story but I fell completely in love with Pixie and Levi. 
The Girl You Left Behind - Jojo Moyes: It's Me Before You that gets all the attention and all the love but it's this one from Moyes that remains my favorite. Beautiful, historical, captivating.
The Story of Us - Dani Atkins: A Netgalley find that quickly became one I couldn't put down. The emotion this one elicited was unforgettable. 

And because it's my list and I can cheat if I want to... 
I'm adding 5 Honorable Mentions:

Morganville Vampire series - Rachel Caine: I'll never understand why this series doesn't get more attention. It was so fun, so addictive, and after 15 books I still wanted more.
Tales of the City series - Armistead Maupin: Spanning decades, these books follow the inhabitants of Barbary Lane and I will forever consider them my friends.
The Vincent Boys duology - Abbi Glines: I gush (often) about Abbi's Rosemary Beach series but this duology had me just as hooked. 
I Want It That Way - Ann Aguirre: This new adult trilogy didn't break any new ground, but for some reason this first book made an impact on me and I loved Nadia and Ty so hard.
A Girl Named Digit - Annabel Monaghan: This YA contemporary is unique, smart and fun and I loved every minute. The follow-up was just as good and I can't wait for the third and final book.

Have you read any of these?
What books do you love but haven't shared lately?


  1. Huge Holly Black fan!! I will read whatever she writes!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Can you believe that as much as I loved The Coldest Girl in Coldtown... I've yet to read anything else by Holly Black?! I need to remedy that soon!

  2. Oh we share two this week!! Love On the Island and The Girl You Left Behind. THE dinner I Found you is one I wawant to read along with done Trish Doller. Great list!!

    1. Oh my gosh, how cool that we picked two alike! On the Island was just *everything* to me when I was reading it. When I got to meet Tracey Gravis Graves a couple years ago I felt so incapable of telling her how much I loved that book. It's like, words were not doing their job. LOL And The Girl You Left Behind... oh, my heart. As good as Me Before You is, TGYLB made so much more of an impact on me. Amazing. Off to check out your TTT list now! :)

  3. Love the MV series! And I loved both On the Island and Something Like Normal! Going to check out the rest of your lists!!

    1. Another MV fan?! Awesome! I actually made my husband read them all with me just so I had someone to talk to them about. LOL (What can I say, he's a trooper. He even bought me bunny slippers with fangs - a la Myrnin - one Christmas. Ha!)

  4. ooo I love some of these covers - especially the Lisa Jewell book & The Story of Us! My TTT

    1. Almost all of Jewell's books have good covers. And thankfully the stories inside are just as good. :)

  5. I really liked Kill Devil Hills, Glass Houses, and The Vincent Boys too, Tanya. The others look really good, and some are already in my possession. ;) Others will have to go on my tbr. Nice list - and I'm glad you cheated. :D

    1. I'm all for cheating if it means more books. :) I think you're the only other person I know that's read Kill Devil Hills! It was just one of those books that got to me. Loved it. (Sadly I did not love Changing Tides as much but I haven't given up on the series.) And the Vincent Boys... especially Beau... swoon! :)

  6. I've been wanting to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown for so long but for whatever reason I have not picked it up. I started The Best Kind of Broken but put it down for some reason. I'll be picking them both back up soon. I mean, I can't miss out on great reads, now can I?!

    1. The Coldest Girl In Coldtown is the only stand alone that I have wished was a series. I just wanted more. It ended in such a way that there could be a sequel but as far as I know there isn't going to be one. *sob* With The Best Kind of Broken... it wasn't some ground breaking story, but I just connected with Pixie and Levi, I guess, and really got pulled into their story.

  7. The only book I've heard of from your list is The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and I've been wanting to read that for a little bit. I'm going to have to check out some of the other books from your list.

    1. I really enjoyed The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. It was such a unique take on vampires and I was totally sucked into the story. I hope you'll enjoy when you get around to it!

  8. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown YES! although it isn't my favorite Holly Black book (she's one of my favorite authors and I'm rather attached to to her Modern Faerie Series) i thought it was incredible nonetheless! Gavriel is an interesting fella that's for sure! and i would LOVE a sequel as well! i thought it was just so unique her world and her take on vampires! Plus Gavriels way of speaking reminds me of Klaus from The Originals or even Jace from Mortal Instruments. So eloquent!

    1. TCGIC is actually the only thing I've ever read by Holly Black. You'd think with as much as I loved it I would have sought out something else by her! OMG, I loved Gavriel so much. I could so picture him... like a cross between a turn of the century gentleman and a rock star. LOL He was equal parts sexy and sweet and completely insane. I loved it. :)

  9. I loved I Want it That Way! And I love Chelsea Fine's books too.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Wow, I hardly ever come across anyone who has read one of those books... much less both of them! Have you continued with Finding Fate series by Chelsea Fine? Thanks for stopping by, Karen! :)

  10. Woah- I haven't read ANY of these books! I'm a huge fan of both Me Before You and After You as you very well know, and I'm still debating about picking up any other Jojo Moyes book because I'm afraid it won't lie up to the perfection that was MBY. But you definitely made me interested in The Girl You Left Behind! A Girl Called Digit sounds great too :))

    Ruzaika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Oh my goodness, I hope you will consider picking up The Girl You Left Behind! It truly is so good. As much as I loved Me Before You (it was my first by Moyes) I thought TGYLB was even better. It's told in two different time periods - WW I France and current day England. And I was so sucked into the story of Sophie in the WW I period. It was amazing. And A Girl Called Digit is just loads of fun. :)

  11. You always have great recommendations, Tanya! I am checking out those books you featured. Most of them are new to my eyes! Aaah so many great books!!!

    Pearl @ Pearl's Book Journey

    1. Thanks Pearl! I don't know why I don't talk about these more because I loved them all! :)

  12. The Morganville Vampire series is the only one I've heard of. A few of those sound like ones I should check out though! Thanks for sharing them with us.

    1. I come across so few people who have heard of the Morganville Vampire series (much less who have read it) and I don't know why it doesn't get more attention. It's so worth it. Thnaks for stopping by, Lisa. :)

  13. I've seen a few other book lovers gush about On the Island, so I think that's a sign that I need to hurry and read it one day! (adds book to my never ending tbr list) =D

    1. Oh my goodness, Brittni, you so need to read On the Island! I know our TBRs are crazy huge but it's so worth adding OTI to your list... and actually reading it. LOL It's *that* good. :)

  14. First we MUST talk about the cover of this Melody Brown thing. It is GLORIOUS and I want it based on that alone! The only one I have read is I Want it That Way (thanks for the earworm, by the way! We'll blame Ann for the titles hahah), and I enjoyed it- way more than I expected to, actually! I do really want to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown... and something by Jojo Moyes! Great list!

    1. Oh Shannon, get The Truth About Melody Browne. Seriously. I used to read Lisa Jewell way back in the day when Brit chick lit was a thing and it was my genre of choice. Then she moved on to deeper/more emotional novels and I was right there with her. I am *ridiculously* stingy with 5 star ratings - like maybe 2 or 3 a year, seriously - and TTAMB got 5 stars from me. So, go forth and read this book. That Aguirre trilogy was fun (and you're *so* welcome for the earworm) but the others didn't hold a candle to I Want It That Way. The Coldest Girl In Coldtown so deserves to be a movie. I saw it all in my head as I was reading (along with the soundtrack LOL) so I would be happy to direct. :)

  15. Oh man, The Girl You Left Behind is just AMAZING!! I freaking love Jojo Moyes. She is awesome at historical fiction. Great list!

    1. Thanks Cynthia! The Girl You Left Behind just made such a huge impact on me. OMG, I felt like I was living through it all with Sophie! I wish that one got as much love as Me Before You because it sure deserves it.

  16. When are you going to read The Last Letter to Your Lover? I guarantee that will become your new favourite Moyes book. Although it's really hard to pick a favourite because AMAZING(except for The Peacock Emporium, boring).
    I LOVED Sunday's at Tiffany's. God, it's been soooo long since I read it.
    I am so in the minority with On the Island. I've even read it twice but I just can't love it. :(

    1. OMG, would you believe I forgot about The Last Letter to Your Lover again? I need to pull that off the bookshelf TODAY so it's actually in my line of sight. Sunday's at Tiffany's... wasn't that just the sweetest feel-good story? I recommended it to my sister and she totally did not get it. She kept ging, "But I don't get it, he's imaginary! Right?" I kept telling her to just go with but I swear sometimes she has zero imagination. LOL Aw, no OTI love. That's so sad... but we can still be friends. LOL
