The Sunday Post #70

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • If any of you are in Texas I hope you fared well with Hurricane Harvey.

  • New music from Taylor Swift this week... but I'm not loving the first single. What do you think about "Look What You Made Me Do?"

  • The Husband and I are headed out for a mini-getaway in a few days and I am ridiculously excited about it. I am so ready to check out of regular life for a couple days of R&R.

  • I'm in love with my newest notebook/journal. Because I so needed another notebook. (Ahem.) This one is from June Arbor Designs on etsy. She has gorgeous notebooks, totes, mugs and more. 

Tuesday, August 22
Top Ten Tuesday: Back to School Edition
Favorite YA Novels with a School Setting

Wednesday, August 23
Review: Ready to Run by Lauren Layne

Friday, August 25
Short Take Reviews: The Assassin Edition
Killing Sarai by J.A. Redmerski and Aim by LP Dover


Ready to Run (I Do, I Don't #1) - Lauren Layne
Aim (Circle of Justice #3) - LP Dover

Mercury Striking (Scorpius Syndrome #1) - Rebecca Zanetti
Rowdy (AUDIO Re-Read) - Jay Crownover

Not a physical book, not a Kindle book, not an ARC... nothing.
Who am I?!

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
You know I want to hear about it! :)


  1. Awww that random!! SO CUTE!

    I love notebooks too, but I hate using them cos they're just too pretty ;)

    I haven't heard Taylor's new single yet, but I'll definitely check it out before the day is up.

    Enjoy the getaway! That's so exciting :) Hope you have a wonderful time.

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. I know what you mean, Amy. Sometimes I have to force myself to actually use my favorite notebooks. :)

  2. I am not a huge fan of the Taylor Swift song. Maybe it will grow on me. LOVE that notebook!!! Have a great week!

    1. I haven't heard the rest of the album (I never buy CDs anymore - I just download songs that I like) but this first one isn't doing anything for me. Hope you have a great week, too!

  3. I'm in Texas, but I'm to the east of the really bad weather. It has been raining non-stop since before I woke up yesterday so we are definitely in for a lot of water here. I hope you have a great week! :)

    1. Glad you're not getting the worst of it, Jennifer. The photos online are heartbreaking.

  4. Your journal! WHAT an eyecandy! Officially jealous. Soooooo pretty!!
    And we always need another notebook. Never enough.

  5. Very cute "random," and I hope you enjoy your getaway.

    I also love that notebook. Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  6. Ack that kitten is too cute!!!!
    I'm curious to see what you think of Mercury Striking. That one was a DNF for me. I just couldn't get into it at all.
    Have a great week!

    1. I'm really on the fence about Mercury Striking. I saw Dragonfly @ Our Familiarium review it and was intrigued. I'm about 100 pgs in and I don't hate it but I don't love it. I'm hoping it really picks up and grabs me.

  7. Woohoo for no new books! At least that would be exciting for me. haha :D I went insane with ARCs and new books this month.

    So... I'm a big Taylor Swift fan, although I am quick to admit to her faults and her sometimes-annoyingness. But really, I don't like her new song at all. It's not relatable. I've liked every single one of her albums and loved the love songs on her last one... But this? Ugh. No. I would never, ever listen to it while cruising in the car. Definite pass.

    1. LOL It is actually is kind of exciting to be adding no new books, Rachel. :) I really, really want to concentrate of the books I already own.

      Oh wow, I see I'm not alone in my feelings for the new TS song. I wouldn't call myself a fan necessarily (it's not like I really follow anyone these days) but I've always enjoyed a lot of her music. This new one, though... just does nothing for me. It'll be interesting to see if the next singles from the album are ones we like any better.

  8. Everyone seems to be reading Zanetti's books. Need to jump on the band wagon! That kitty is too cute:) Have a fabulous getaway!

    My Sunday Post

    1. I happened to see a review of the Zanetti book and was intrigued. And now that I'm reading it I feel like I'm seeing her books everywhere. LOL

  9. Awe, no I am not match for that cuteness. I love Zanetti and like the Scorpius Syndrome series. I actually haven't heard the new Swift song. Yes, I live under a Enjoy your time away!!

    1. Mercury Striking was my first by Zanetti and unfortunately I finally decided to DNF it. I didn't dislike it... I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe at some point I'll pick it up again. I'm still intrigued by the story!

  10. I hope you have a nice getaway! The journal is pretty. :)

  11. I'm worried about the TX peeps too. :(

    Love that journal. Also, have fun on the mini-getaway!!

    1. I know... and it looks like they might get hit again. :(
      Thanks Melissa... we leave tomorrow and I am so ready!

  12. oh what a beautiful journal going to have to check that site out. Have fun on your vacation ,3 hope you get some rest.

    1. Thanks Lily! I can definitely see me being a repeat customer at that etsy shop! :)

  13. I love that journal. I've collected a few myself--I don't actually write in them though. Weird, I know. ;)

    I'm not really a fan of Taylor Swift, so I haven't heard her new song.

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

    1. I tend to use my notebooks for random lists and notes and jotting things down than for actual journaling. So I do use them... eventually. :)

  14. I hope you and the mister have a great get away. I have a day off today for a doctor's appointment and I am relishing every second of not having to ride the bus/train/shuttle and all the extra hours of me-time I will have. Not a TSwift fan, but I cannot get over all the drama about the video.

    1. Thanks Sam - the getaway was wonderful!
      I don't envy you your commute!

  15. I didn't love the song when I first listened to it, but by and by it grew on me- especially after that brilliant video lolol xD That journal looks so, so lovely og, I love it! Hope you have a lovely getaway, Tanya! Have fun and come back as fresh as ever! xx

    1. That happens to me sometimes, too. A few listens and I start to come around. I haven't even seen the video yet although it seems like everyone is talking about it!

  16. I'm BACK! And catching up. Slowly. :)

    When I first heard 'Look What You Made Me Do' I wasn't all for it, but it's definitely grown on me and I appreciate the change in style and the lyrics she has used. It's interesting and I'm looking forward to the album drop!

    I hope your getaway was/is excellent! We all need the R&R!

    Love that notebook!

    Glad you had a good week last week and I hope this week has been fabulous!

    1. That's happens for me sometimes, too. After several listens a song will grow on me. Just not happening for this new TS one, though. So sad. I'm curious about the video since it's been getting so much attention.

      The getaway was wonderful, thanks! :)
