The Sunday Post #107

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Happy Mother's Day to those who celebrate. The Husband and I took my mom out for breakfast and we had a wonderful time. I'm so thankful to still have my parents.

  • EpicReads shared the book to movie adaptations they're looking forward to and a couple were new to me (I didn't know Dumplin' and Crazy Rich Asians were being adapted). Even though I never read The Darkest Minds trilogy, I'm still looking forward to the movie. Fun fact: The Husband actually read the trilogy a couple years ago and when we were at ApollyCon in 2016 and met Alexandra Bracken it was him that did all the talking and chatted her up. :)

  • EpicReads also shared their list of books that will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. It was fun to see them mention several that I've read (Fangirl, Tell Me Three Things, When Dimple Met Rishi, The Upside of Unrequited, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist) and a couple that are already on my TBR (like Leah on the Offbeat). 

Moonlight Seduction (de Vincent #2) - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Play (Stage Dive #2) - Kylie Scott
Here So Far Away - Hadley Dyer

 Love Scene, Take Two - Alex Evansley
Totally enjoying this one. Bennett is still a bit of a mystery but Teddy is an absolute sweetheart.

Lead (Stage Dive #3) - Kylie Scott
I'm 75% in and Jimmy straight up needs to man up and tell Lena how he feels about her. I'm all for slow burn but geez.

Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren
I read and reviewed an ARC of this one last month and loved it so much that I wanted a physical copy for my bookshelf. I can see myself revisiting Macy and Elliott one day.

The Bookworm Box was offering up some pretty awesome deals on author theme boxes last week and I nabbed one from Corinne Michaels. Four books (all signed by the author) for $30! And that included shipping. I've been wanting to read something from Corinne for ages, particularly the Return to Me companion series. I received my order lightning fast and I'm so excited to start reading!

I saw this mentioned on another blog (Bookish Michelle, I think?) and was intrigued. I'd seen the cover before and assumed it was a YA fantasy (generic girl in pretty dress on the cover = YA fantasy) but apparently it's a new adult fantasy dealing with Fae and has a reverse harem aspect. I was intrigued enough to one click it.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a lovely day :)

  2. Great book haul! Hope you have a great week!

  3. I am so excited for Crazy Rich Asians. The book was so OTT fun, and I love the actors they cast.

    1. Cool that you’ve already read it! Hopefully I can get to it before the movie releases.

  4. I've never read Crazy Rich Asians but I am really curious about the movie. I'm excited that it's a full Asian cast. :)


    1. Same here, Lauren! And I’m hoping I can get around to reading the book before the movie.

  5. Oooh! I need to check out Epic Reads lists!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  6. Glad you had a good Mother's day with your mom! And that's funny about your husband and Bracken. :) I didn't know a Daumplin' movie was coming either...

    Love scene Take Two looks fun. And that Totally random- so true!

    1. Yeah, I was kind of useless when we met Bracken. Ha.
      Love Scene Take Two is a lot of fun. Just what I was in the mood for, apparently.

  7. I'll have to go check out those movies. I'm really excited about The Darkest Minds!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. Oh, nice books and the day you've had sounds lovely :) I'll have to go and look at that movie list.

    1. Thanks Olivia. Had a wonderful day... if only the weekend was longer. :)

  9. Everyone has been reading Play for some reason and I'm all for it lol

    I hope you had a great weekend.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I started the Stage Dive series on a whim but I’ve really enjoyed the series. I just started listening to #4 (Deep).

  10. Another week down!! It seems time is flying by these days. I can't believe we're almost halfway through 2018!!! EEK!!!

  11. I always forget about Epic Reads lists so thanks for sharing those links. I haven't read all of the books on the warm and fuzzy list so I need to get busy on that since I loved all of the ones I have read from it. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. There are definitely more on the warm-fuzzy list that I want to read. :)

  12. Hope you had a great Sunday. Look at all those new reads! I love book shopping. :)

  13. Well I want to read Kylie Scott and I've just started reading Christina Lauren. I went to Apollycon this year with friends just on Sunday. It was fun. I was so excited to meet Penny Reid and Sarah J Maas and I could go on and on. I was also very happy to meet Andi Arndt, the narrator, she is amazing. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I only started this Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott on a whim and now I’m hooked! :) I’ve read two by Christina Lauren and loved them both (Autoboyography and Love and Other Words) so I definitely want to read more. Wow, so Andi Arndt was at ApollyCon? How cool!

  14. We are lucky to still have our parents...I'm even lucky enough to have grandmas! Glad you enjoyed a Mother's Day breakfast with your mom. :)
    I'm so excited your listening to the Stage Dive series. It's one of my all-time favs - and I totally agree with you about Jimmy. ;)
    I just finished reading the Consolation Duet from Corinne Michaels. It was good and as it deals with military life, I'm interested to see what you think. I see Consolation wasn't part of the box so if you need to borrow it, I own it on kindle. :)
    Anyway, hope you're enjoying your week, Tanya!

    1. So amazing that you still have grandmothers. And that your kids have great-grandma’s in their lives. I’ve been without any grandparents for many years.

      I started the Stage Dive series on a total whim and I am so hooked! I’m listening to the final book now, Ben’s book. Mal is still my favorite. :)

      Thanks do much for the offer! I actually own the Consolation duet and the one I received in the Corinne Michael box was a duplicate (I’ll pass it along to a friend). I’m so excited to read those. A military theme usually gets me right in the heart.

  15. Replies
    1. LOL Those marketing people in YA need to up their game. I’m so tired of the girl-in-fancy-dress covers!

  16. I totally loved Love and Other Words. I’m hoping to pick up Roomies soon!

  17. The Power of Five cover is gorgeous!
    Glad you had a nice Mother's Day weekend. In the UK, our Mother's Day is March/April but we seem to be in the minority on that one.

    1. Thanks, Nicola. I’m hoping the book is as good as the cover! :)
