The Sunday Post #108

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • It's been a mostly uneventful week. The Husband and I have started house-hunting and the whole process is so overwhelming. I shudder at the thought of all it entails but it's time to get it sorted since this will likely be our final move. Big decisions ahead!

  • Question: Is this the saddest lunch ever? Answer: Yes. Yes it is. My lunchtime fare at the office has hit an all-time low. This pic shows what I dejectedly purchased from the office canteen on Thursday. Anyone have some inspired suggestions? I am so burned out on sandwiches and frozen entrees and would love some more creative ideas. Help a girl out so I'll never sit down to microwaveable mac and cheese and trail mix again, will you?  

Love Scene, Take Two - Alex Evansley
Lead (Stage Dive #3) - Kylie Scott
Deep (Stage Dive #4) - Kylie Scott

Love Scene, Take Two was absolutely adorable. Loved it.
And my binge of the Stage Dive series is now complete. 
I enjoyed some more than others - and Play (Mal's story) was my favorite by far.

 Before and Again - Barbara Delinsky
The story is building slowly but I'm definitely invested.

Trust - Kylie Scott
I read this one last summer and decided to do a re-read on audio. 
I love main character Edie... and John Cole turns my heart to mush.

The Baller - Vi Keelend
Jake Undone - Penelope Ward
Man Candy - Melanie Harlow
Each of these were offered as freebies through the author newsletters. 
And obviously I couldn't resist.

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Hope you have a nice graduation once it arrives!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  2. House hunting is not all that fun. We’re starting our house hunt early, but it looks like we are going to being back down Florida. That’s where both of families are anyway. Hope you have a better week eating at work. I always send the leftovers, that I especially save for him. :) Happy Sunday Tanya!

    1. Nope, house hunting isn’t much fun at all. Pretty exhausting, actually. And it’s starting to feel like a full time job. Ugh. How do you feel about (possibly) heading back to Florida? Is that a good thing?

  3. Love me some mac n' cheese. As far as the Hilary Clinton book goes...I know I have my copy around here somewhere. My brother heard that it was a good idea to buy books for Christmas for everyone, hence my copy of the book. The trouble with that is really honing in on who likes what in the book category.

    1. I love buying books as gifts but you’re right - you really need to have a good feel for someone’s reading taste. I’d never want to give a book that someone had zero interest in reading.

  4. I hate moving so much! Yuck. Hope it goes smoothly. At least you're not doing it with a toddler. That was my life last time we moved and it really sucked.

    I'm super excited to look at your audio book reviews now because I've read one of those books! I love following you because you seem so nice, but we seem to have wildly different reading tastes and I almost never get to comment on an actual book that you're talking about, ha ha.

    1. Oh my gosh, moving is the worst. It’s been 15 years since our last move and I still remember what a pain it all was. (And I can’t even imagine doing it with kids. Ack!)

      Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! And I agree... we do have very different reading tastes but I still enjoy your posts so much. :)

  5. Good luck with the home search. I hate moving. You have my sympathy. Mal was definitely the standout character in the Stage Dive series. Loved him!

    1. Thanks Sam. Moving is definitely a huge pain. And the whole house hunting thing is already feeling like a full time job. *sigh*

      Mal was absolutely priceless! Like a big, overgrown kid - but one who loves so hard and so freely.

  6. My daughter packs those mason jar soups and salad concretions you see on Facebook all the time for preppers. We have begun talking about moving and downsizing now that all the kids are basically gone. Ugh. Hope this week is a good one for you!

    1. Funny you mention salads because I ended up have that twice this week (Just not in a jar). A baked potato and a salad... totally hit the spot! :)

  7. Oh I feel you on the house hunting woes. Not a fun process at all. I hope that it's not too stressful for you this time around!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. I’m finding that trying to coordinate our house going on the market with searching for a new house is rather exhausting. And feels like it’s taken over my life. LOL

  8. Good luck with the house hunting! I'm still in house buying limbo and have just re-signed my lease on my rental until the end of November... What a faff!

    1. It’s a frustrating process to say the least! Ugh!

  9. Who whoa whoa. Are we buying a new house? Are we moving? Tell me more!

    And yes, I reject that lunch. I think it's time to get some greens so you can make some fun salads!

    1. *sigh* Yep, that’s the plan... and it’s happening way quicker than I anticipated! My house goes on the market on June 8 so we’re already doing some serious house hunting. It’s taken over my life! Gah!

      I actually had salads (with a baked potato) twice this week for lunch. So yay for salads! :)

  10. Haha, your lunch looks like mine. I’m so bad at feeding myself. It’s a wonder that I’m still alive. Good luck with the house hunting! Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. So you settle for absolutely pitiful lunches, too, huh? LOL

  11. I mostly skip lunch these days so I am useless hah. It's just such an annoying meal, I do NOT look forward to working and having to actually eat it ughhhh. I feel you with the moving thing- I am currently in the "crap this realtor is going to call me with someone who wants to see this house and it looks like an episode of Hoarders just filmed here" phase. I hope it goes well for you!! Seems like you had a good reading week, that's good news :D

    1. Ha! I feel you on the realtor/showing thing. The photographer is scheduled to come in one week to take the interior pics for the house listing and we’re supposed to 100% declutter and clean off every single surface before then. I abhor clutter so it’s not like there’s a lot but still... cleaning off every surface so it all looks pristine? It’s more than a little daunting!

  12. We will be house hunting eventually it sounds stressful D: hopefully it works out for you.

    1. Thanks Lily. I’ll definitely be glad when it’s all over. It’s totally stressful!

  13. haha I'm loving your totally random photo. Good luck on house hunting! I can't imagine searching for the last place you plan to every move to. I hope you find something just perfect for you and your husband!

    Oh gosh, I'm not good when it comes to meals either. I'm still in a weight loss program so lunch is usually one of their shakes or a protein bar of some sort. Sigh; not terribly exciting.


    1. That random pic had me howling when I first saw it. :)

      I know, the house hunting thing is totally overwhelming, especially considering we’re trying to pick the one that is *it.* We really don’t plan to move again after this. Talk about pressure! LOL

  14. Argh house hunting can be so stressful! Good luck! While I do love me some mac n cheese I can see how it can get tiring after a few days. I'm horrible at planning out meals though- I'd just rec fruits anytime? Though they may not be all that filling I always choose fruits over anything else. Hope you have a better week ahead! <33

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep, the house hunting thing is totally stressful! Ack!

      I definitely need to eat more fruit. I often go *days* without having any. Bad Tanya! :)

  15. House hunting! Fun and exhausting at the same time, in my experience. :) Good luck though, and when you're done it's all worth it! And ooh Top Ten made that list at Epic Reads- I'll need to go look at that.

    Lunches are tough. I wish I had some good rcommendations, but not sure my eating habits are that healthy lol? I eat out for lunc WAY too much...

    Love that random!!!

    1. That pretty much sums it up, Greg! I'm actually taking a couple days off from the searching... I need a break.

      I would totally eat out most days if my office was more centrally located.

  16. Good luck with house hunting. I hope you find the perfect home for you and your family <3 I love me some macaroni so I say that was a great lunch lol!! Maybe a little too light though haha.

    1. Thanks Jessica. :) Yeah, that mac and cheese was tasty but you're totally right on it being too light. By early afternoon I was ready to eat my fingernails. LOL

  17. Oh that picture at the bottom! lol

    House hunting is exhausting. As is house selling. And moving. Anything house related :-)

    My husband takes salads or grain bowls to work or those microwave serving size veggies.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. LOL You nailed it, Karen. The whole process is exhausting!

      I actually took salads to the office twice this week, with a baked potato. Loved it! So I'll definitely repeat that one. :)

  18. Haha! I can't imagine moving right now but we actually plan to in the next 10 years...waiting to see where our kids end up. Good luck in house hunting. It can be fun. ;) Yay for finishing Stage Dive - seriously love that series. But I think I'm with you with Mal being my fav. :) As for grocery store has pre-made salads that, depending on how hungry I am, can be one lunch or sometimes two. I get them with grilled chicken. :)

    Hope you're having a great week, Tanya!

    1. This will very likely be our final move. Robert will retire in the next year or so and I won't be working forever (I don't think? LOL) so that adds some extra pressure of "picking *the* house.

      I actually took salads twice this week - just simple ones. I like the bags of butter lettuce and I just add Olive Garden croutons and dressing. Tossed a baked potato in the microwave and it was a perfect lunch! I'll definitely be repeating that one. :)

  19. Oh goodness on the house hunting! It's been 15 years since I had to do that. My first time was a breeze but we're looking for a 2nd home (to share with my mom in her state) and holy cow. Prices, options. Yikes! I hope yall are able to find your perfect last home soon!
