The Sunday Post #111

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

Not much to say about this week other than it's been rough. There have been some nice moments, though. An impromptu family dinner after a hospital visit to see my father Thursday night. And my mom and my younger sister were at my house for dinner last night. Both were good times that helped lighten the mood and I'm thankful for them.

Monday, June 11
Review + Giveaway:
Love Scene, Take Two by Alex Evansley

Wednesday, June 13
WWW Wednesday #10

Friday, June 15
Review: Moonlight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Fragile Ordinary - Samantha Young
Till Death - Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Fragile Ordinary fell into the good-not-great category 
but Till Death was a real winner.

This one is dark and more than a little sad, and I have more than enough sad in my life right now, but the story is so good that I'm sticking with it (for now).

Ace of Hearts (The Cursed Ravens MC #1) - Chantal Fernando
Spinning Out (The Blackhawk Boys #1) - Lexi Ryan
Must Be Love (Jetty Beach #1) - Claire Kingsley

The Simple Wild - K.A. Tucker
Blind Kiss - Renee Carlino
The Impossibility of Us - Katy Upperman

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Have of hearts is really good, I hope you enjoy it. The Simple Wild was really good too! You got some good ones this week! Have a great week. 😆

    1. Glad to hear that about Ace of Hearts. I've never read anything by Chantal Fernando but this one sounded really good.

  2. I finished The Fragile Ordinary and loved it. As you said not extraordinary but really likeable!

    1. I did think Comet was quite relatable and that made for a good read.

  3. Glad you were able to have some nice family time, in spite of it being a rough week. Best wishes going forward...

    Till Death looks good, and The Simple Wild looks interesting too?

    Love that Random! :)

    1. Thanks Greg. I'm excited for The Simple Wild. K.A. Tucker has never let me down.

  4. I love this post and idea! Such a fab way to look back! Glad you had some family time this week! And some good reads there!

    1. Thanks Zoe! I love doing The Sunday Posts... and visiting everyone's else's as well. It's a fun way to catch up on everyone's week. :)

  5. I'm sorry it's been a rough week, but I'm glad you had some lighter moments within! And good friends and family around you.

    Love that Ride or Die meme. hah! So true.


  6. I LOVED Ace of Hearts soooo much!!! I truly hope you love it just as much!!! EEK!! Can't wait to discuss!

    1. So excited to hear that Ace of Hearts was such a hit! That makes me even more ready to read it NOW! :)

  7. I'm sorry you're having a rough time at the moment, I hope it gets better. Glad you were able to get in some family time. And I hope you have a good week :)

  8. I'm happy you were to get some family time in during this difficult time!

  9. Sorry this has been a rough week :-/ I'm glad you had a couple good moments to lighten the mood a bit. Hope things get better soon though <3 Lol funny quote!

    1. Thanks Kristen. It's easy to get bogged down in sadness so having some moments to just relax and laugh has been priceless.

  10. Ha-that ride or die post!!! So funny! I hope you enjoy Ace of Hearts-I just finished it last night and really liked it. Erin is a fun character and its pretty light hearted.
    I hope your dad is okay and that you and you family get to spend lots of time together!

    1. Hearing you enjoyed Ace of Hearts totally has me itching to start it soon. I've never read anything by Chantal Fernando but this one really caught my eye.

  11. That's the second Samantha Young book which has not been well received. I am very disappointed. At least JLA never let's you down. ((HUGS)) to you.

    1. Yeah, that Samantha Young one was just okay for me. Maybe her new adult stuff is much better but I probably won't be rushing to read them anytime soon. Too many other tings that I'm super excited to read. And you're right... JLA never disappoints me! :) (Thanks for the hugs. They sure are needed this week.)

  12. Sorry you had a tough week. I hope this one is better. That random made me laugh. I love it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. OH MY GOD THAT TOTALLY RANDOM IS HILARIOUS XD. Yes, if we have to die, can I please die doing the one thing I love the most. By the way, I think the comment problem is..fixed now for me. I don't know how, but I am definitely not complaining.

    1. I knew I had to share that random pic as soon as I came across it. :)
      So weird about the comment thing but I'm so glad it's apparently fixed!

  14. I'm sorry it was a rough week, I hope this next week is better for you. Great post, I love the idea behind it. Looks like you got a few good reads in and have plenty of exciting reads ahead of you! I'm not personally a fan of sad books but I'm glad the plot is good enough to make you want to continue reading. The sign made me laugh, it's something I would hang in my own room.

    1. Thanks Julia. I always enjoy doing the weekly Sunday Posts. And visiting the Sunday Posts of those who participate. It's a fun way to catch up on everyone's week. I'm actually a sucker for sad books (glutton for punishment? LOL) but right now I should really be reading something happier. I love the sign too - it keeps making me laugh. :)

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I'm glad that you were able to get some family time in there though. That always seems to help me no matter what is going on in my life. I hope the upcoming week is better for you.

  16. Sorry you had such a rough week, but I'm glad you found some positive moments along the way!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thanks Nicole. Definitely some laughter among the tears. :)

  17. Aw dang on the hard week. I'm glad that yall have had some good time together during everything. Will keep yall in my thoughts. June definitely needs to start taking it easy on all of us. Whew.

    1. Thank Anna. I appreciate the good thoughts so much. And I agree... June needs to start treating us a little kinder.

  18. I'm sorry you had a rough week. I really hope this week turns things around for you. Spinning Out looks interesting. Adding that one to my tbr!

    1. Or I'll just one-click it on Amazon. lol

    2. Thanks Sara. I appreciate it.
      Spinning Out is still free on Amazon, I think. Now's the time to grab it! :)

  19. I haven't heard of Blind Kiss, but I'm adding it to my list! I'm happy you're surrounded by family, but sorry it's been a rotten week. I hope the next one is better. <3

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Renee Carlino is one of my favorites so I tend to add her new releases to my TBR without even reading the synopsis. :)
