Top Ten Tuesday: Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
I rarely make TBR lists (and it's even rarer that I adhere to one) but there actually are some specific books that I want to pick up in the next few months. A couple because their release dates are getting close and it's time to move them to the top of the list, and some just because I'm super excited to read them.

The Girl & Her Ren | Pepper Winters
Blind Kiss | Renee Carlino
The Simple Wild | K.A. Tucker
The Impossibility of Us | Katy Upperman
Deity | Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Raging Ones | Krista & Becca Ritchie
Steadfast | Sarina Bowen
Leah on the Offbeat | Becky Albertalli
What If It's Us | Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera
All Your Perfects | Colleen Hoover

What's at the top of your summer TBR?


  1. I'm really hoping to get to The Outsider by Stephen King this summer :) Fingers crossed!!

    1. That one sounds fascinating but I swear I think I would get so worked up over an (I'm assuming) innocent man being accused.

  2. Great list! I'm planning to read The Raging Ones later this summer too.

  3. There are so many good ones on your list. :) The Simple Wild is so good!

    1. I'm so excited for that one, Jenea! K.A. Tucker is such an amazing storyteller!

  4. What If It's Us is on my TBR, too. I can't wait to read it.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. Wow quite a few there! I really want to get reading of Owl Eyes by Molly Lazer had that for a while on my list!

  6. I'm hoping to read What If It's Us this summer too! I really want to check out the Raging Ones too!

    1. I haven't read anything by Adam Silvera before but I adore Becky Albertalli, so I'm expecting great things from What If It's Us!

  7. I still need to read Leah on the Offbeat. Ooh totally jealous you have What If It's Us. Most of the books I hope to read this summer are things that I've owned for awhile and need to finally check out. haha


    1. I know the feeling, Lauren. I totally need to concentrate on a lot of backlist titles.

  8. Such a great list!! I hope you enjoy them all!! I'm excited for another CoHo book even though I'm so behind on her books. EEK!

    1. I think I'm only one CoHo book behind at this point (Without Merit) so maybe I can squeeze it in before All Your Perfects comes out. :)

  9. You have some I want to read too- CoHo, Leah and The Simple Wild. Hope you get to and enjoy all of these!

    1. I'm expecting greatness from The Simple Wild. Tucker is such an awesome storyteller.

  10. I also want to read What if it´s Us.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

    1. I'm so excited for that one. I love Becky Albertalli's writing.

  11. my summer TBR is a complete surprise to me right now >.< but some of those look like excellent picks!!

    1. LOL I usually know the feeling, Lily. It's so rare that I even bother with a TBR.

  12. I just saw there were arc's of What if it's Us. I wonder if they'll have them at ALA when I go next week!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Oh I hope so, Karen! It'd be fun to have physical arc of it.

  13. The Impossibility of Us is on my short list, since I actually have it and I really enjoyed Upperman's last book. The new Tucker book looks great too, and I have been wanting to read something from her (I know, how have I not!) Yes! Definitely read the True North books. That series is SOOOOO good! I think you will like Leah. Overall, I enjoyed it, I just wish one thing would have been done differently. Seriously, you can't go wrong with CoHo. This is a stupendous TBR.

    1. Same here, Sam. I *really* enjoyed Kissing Max Holden so I'm excited for this latest release. Note to Sam: Must Read K.A. Tucker! LOL And I'm ready to dive back into the True North series. I just loved Griff from the first book. ♥

  14. The Magnus Chase and Trials of Apollo Series by Rick Riordan, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and if I have time some other Jennifer L. Armentrout books I didn't have time to read yet. Great list! I see you still have some of her books on your list XD. I actually posted the complete list on this topic in one of my post, and if you actually want to see you can check it out (please don't hate me for my shameless self promotion) XD.

    1. Great picks, Anne! I hear absolutely nothing but raves for Six of Crows. (Which reminds that I *really* need to finish the Grisha trilogy!).

      And no harm in a little self-promotion! LOL :)

  15. I really, really want to read The Simple Wild! It looks sooo good! I'm also curious about The Impossibility of Us. I've seen it mentioned around the blogosphere, and the synopsis is intriguing. Lovely list! I'll be adding a few of these to my TBR. <3

    Oh! Definitely What If It's Us? That one looks good, too. I'm adding Steadfast because the cover is yummy. ;)

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. The Simple Wild is one of my most-anticipated so I'll be diving into that one soon. K.A. Tucker never disappoints. (Well, I didn't *love* He Will Be My Ruin but that was only one. lol)

      The Impossibility of Us is one I'm looking forward to. I liked Upperman's debut, Kissing Max Holden, a lot so I have high hopes for this new one.

      What If It's Us... I've never read anything by Adam Silvera but I adore Becky Albertalli so I'm kind of expecting greatness. :)

      I loved the first book in the True North series so I'm so ready to continue with Steadfast!

    2. I downloaded the first book in the True North series! It was free on Amazon, so why not? Thanks for the rec!

    3. Oh I’m so glad you did! Griff was such a great character and had so much responsibility on his shoulders. And Audrey had so much to prove. I loved their story. :)

  16. Several of these looks really good- The Simple Wild, the raging Ones, and I'm a little curious of Leah on the Offbeat as I hear so many things abut that one.

    1. I was crazy excited for Leah on the Offbeat but now I've read a couple reviews that have made me a little nervous about the direction it's going to take. I'm looking forward to finding out for myself.

  17. I need to read the Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera books, too. I love those authors. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I’ve yet to read anything by Adam Silvera but I adore Becky Albertalli... so I’m expecting greatness.

  18. These all look interesting, I hope you enjoy them all :)
