The Sunday Post #121 (on a Monday... again)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

Wow, what a week. Lots going on, stayed crazy busy, but much was accomplished. The last two weeks have been a bit overwhelming with trying to unpack 972 boxes (okay, okay, a slight exaggeration) and find a place for every single item we own. But we saw some real progress this past week and it's a good feeling. 

The Husband killed it with the master bedroom closet revamp and it looks ah-mazing. Room for hanging clothes, shelves for folded items and storage, drawers, a shoe rack... I swear I could live in there. :) Here's a peek (before, during and after):


Not everything has been moved into the closet yet, and the shelves aren't in the shoe rack (you can see them leaning against the drawers) but it's basically done and I couldn't be happier. Robert, you are a rock star!

I also finished unpacking all my books and got my bookcases organized (pictures coming!), the rug is down in the living room, the TV console table is together and in place, light switches have been replaced (the previous owners had dimmer switches in almost every room which we did not care for), and on and on it goes. It's an awful lot of work but it's also pretty rewarding to see it all coming together and feeling more like home every day.

With all of that, reading time has been scarce. I'm still reading What If It's Us (Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera) but I'm at about the 90% mark and I just adore these two characters so much. Arthur and Ben are amazing and precious and real and I just want the world for these two little cinnamon rolls. ♥ I demand a happy ending! LOL

I can't believe I managed to get any posts up last week, let alone three. So go me! :)

Tuesday, September 18
Top Ten Tuesday:

Wednesday, September 19

This book makes me happy. And I want to hug Arthur and Ben to pieces.

Not a thing! Been too busy for book buying! :)

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Glad the house is coming together! YoullY have it just the way you want it before you know it. 🙂

  2. OMG! You have a celebrity closet! You are one lucky person.

    1. Ha! My sister told me I have a Kardashian closet without the Kardashian. Bahaha!

  3. THE CLOSET LOOKS AMAZING! CAN I LIVE IN IT? 😂 Also very excited for your bookcase photos. ;)

    1. My closet makes me feel all swoony! :)
      And I plan on sharing a couple bookcase pic on Sunday!

  4. Oh wow you are super busy. Super jealous of that closet! Can't wait to see pics of the bookshelves. Have a great week!

  5. I bet it DOES feels like 972 boxes LOL oh I'm so in love with your closet! And maybe with your husband too! ;-)

    1. Bahaha! Oh I love it! I can’t wait to share that with Robert. He’ll love knowing that he has an admirer (of his handyman skills). :)

  6. Your closet looks amazing!!!! You've maximized on your space 100%!!!! Can't wait to see more photos from your home <3

    1. Oh my gosh, I could practically live in that closet, Jessica. LOL I absolutely love it! :)
