The Sunday Post #134

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

So is everyone whipped into a frenzy of excitement that Christmas is just two days away? Or do you find yourself in a panic because you're nowhere near ready? I happy to say, I'm a lot closer to the former this year - and it's a good feeling. :) It's been a really busy week - at the office, with last-minute shopping, gift-wrapping, and preparations - but it hasn't been too overwhelming and it's great to know that all the big stuff is done and I'm actually enjoying it all. There have definitely been years past where it felt like it all passed in a blur of stress and to-do lists and it's so disappointing when that happens. I really do like to think it's a special time of year. I hope it is for you, too. 

Our real Christmas celebration is on Christmas Eve when the whole family gathers at my parent's house. There's no formal sit-down dinner, just heavy hors d'oeuvres and some Christmas treats. We eat and talk and exchange gifts. It's a very relaxed evening and one of my favorites nights of the year. Christmas Day is even more low-key. This year I'll be hosting lunch and part of the family will come over for that. I'm looking forward to lots of family time. 

I hope however you spend the holiday - at home, traveling to be with family or friends, on a getaway somewhere exotic - that you'll be safe and well and have a wonderful time. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I'll leave you with this compilation of Christmas commercials. I'll admit that a couple of them got me a bit teary-eyed!

Tuesday, December 18
Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR

Wednesday, December 19


As I mentioned in my WWW Wednesday #35 post, I have... feelings about this one. And I plan to have a review posted this coming week sooo, it's coming.

My third listen of this first book in the Marked Men series. Once a year since 2016 - it seems to be a tradition now. :) I just don't seem to tire of these characters or their stories. They feel like friends.


I'm not connecting with this one as quickly as I did the first two books in the series and I'm not sure if it's the book or me. I'll keep reading and hopefully things will click into place very soon.


This series is The One for me. My favorite contemporary series ever. Krista & Becca are incredibly gifted and created a cast of characters that feel so completely real that they continue to touch my heart, no matter how many times I revisit their stories. 

I've never read anything by Tessa Bailey but the synopsis of this one grabbed me.

Merry Christmas from my house to yours!

How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Our main celebration is also actually on Christmas Eve. It's also kind of a big holiday where I live (including us all getting a day off, it's a public holiday). I love Christmas Eve.
    Your decorations look lovely! Wishing you happy holidays :)

    1. I love that Christmas Eve is a public holiday there! As it should be. :)

  2. Merry Christmas Tanya!
    I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

    I'm organised this year and am really looking forward to some lazy, chilled, family days. :)

  3. Are those pics from your house? You decorate so cute! It took a while to get to know Taryn, but I know I was all over Shaw's story immediately. I hope the book picks up for you.

    1. Yep, all from my house. Thanks Sam. :)
      Just like you, I warmed to Shaw almost immediately.

  4. Good for you for being ready! I don't feel like Christmas is tomorrow! I still need to wrap some presente LOL Enjoy this time with your family Tanya!

    1. Hope you got all that wrapping done in time! Happy new year, my friend!

  5. Merry Christmas, and I love all your decorations. My family usually exchanges gifts on Christmas Eve too. On Christmas Day, we make food and then go and see a movie. I'm not feeling so great though so hopefully it doesn't disrupt too many of the plans.


    1. Thanks Lauren! I hope you felt well enough to enjoy all the family time.

  6. I enjoyed Mouth to Mouth-its quick and cute! Merry Christmas!

    1. So glad to hear that, Samantha! It’ll be my first by Bailey.

  7. Merry Christmas Tanya, I love your decorations! My Christmas is usually running around to see lots of family which makes the holiday a bit more stressful. Happy hosting!

    1. Thanks Amber! Hopefully all the running around and visiting wasn’t too stressful this year.

  8. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I think I'm ready haha! Our Christmas looks like it will be fairly low key too even with some traveling involved.

    Enjoy the family time!!!

  9. I'm excited for Christmas, but it feels a bit less exciting because my husband and I will be spending it alone this year instead of with family. I'm definitely glad to have Christmas all to ourselves though! Enjoy your new book, it sounds really interesting! And have a great Christmas!

    1. Hope the two of you had a wonderful low-key Christmas together, Tracy!

  10. I finished the last of my Christmas preparations today and I'm pretty sure it's the earliest I've ever been ready. Definitely feels good, doesn't it? I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Hopefully this year we’ll continue our early preparation streak! :)

  11. Happy Christmas to you! My hubby and I have finished the shopping, but we still have ALL the wrapping to do. Luckily IL is too young to notice, and the stepkids are with their mom for a few days. So we bring it all out into the Living Room and sort it into piles. ��

    1. Hope you got all that wrapping done, Rachel! And happy new year to you!

  12. Can I just say that I read Rule 3 times this year? In fact, I just finished rereading it last week! I can't get enough of Rule and Shaw!!!!!

    Happy Christmas!

    1. Yes! Another Rule fan! Do you enjoy the whole Marked Men series - or just Rule? :)

  13. I really enjoyed Rule also. I listened on audio but only the one time. I have Maybe Now but I'm going to listen to Maybe Someday first. Yay for family time that is low-key. Happy Holidays! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I don’t know what it is about the Marked Men series, but I always enjoying revisiting those characters again and again. :)
