Top 10 of 2018: New-To-Me Authors

I thought I wouldn't be able to come up with ten authors for this prompt, assuming that I had mostly stuck with my tried and true favorites this year (a lot of Jennifer Armentrout and Sarina Bowen). Color me surprised when I realized that I had actually read TWENTY new-to-me authors over the course of the year! Some were hits, some were misses (I'm not including those LOL), some I consider new favorites. So here are my top 10 new-to-me authors of 2018 and the book(s) I read.

J E N N   B E NN E T T

M A C K E N Z I   L E E

E R I N   W A T T 

A L Y   M A R T I N E Z

R O N I   L O R E N

K A N D I   S T E I N E R

J O S I E   S I L V E R

H E L E N   H O A N G

C H R I S T I N A   L A U R E N

Have you read any of these authors?
What was your favorite new-to-you author of 2018?


  1. I knew Lauren and Loren would be on your list! I remember how much you loved those books! :)

  2. Big yes to Jenn Bennett and Christina Lauren!!love them both. Plus Helen Hoang is great too. I'm excited to get to One Day in December.

    1. What a debut Helen Hoang had this year! Can't wait to see what you think of One Day in December when you get to it.

  3. The Kiss Quotient looks so fun I definitely need to check it out! I really enjoyed Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue

    1. Gentleman's Guide was so much fun. And The Kiss Quotient was ah-mazing. I hope you'll love it, too!

  4. Helen Hoang's book was a great surprise for me. I'll definitely be reading more of hers.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. Christina Lauren WILL be a new to me author in 2019. I mean, I own one of their books. I need to get on it. haah


    1. Just two books from Christina Lauren had me adding them to "favorite author" status. Loved what I've read and can't wait to read more!

  6. One of the best things that happened to me was finding Jenn Bennett. I adore her books! Helen Hoang and Josie Silver are two I am dying to read more from. Their books was ah-mazing. CLo wasn't new to me, but wow! All their 2018 releases were winners.

    1. I'm excited to read more from Bennett - especially her adult novels. Hoang and Silver... what amazing debuts! I'll read whatever they release next! :)

  7. Happy squeals that you've discovered Bennett! I love her books - YA & adult.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  8. Kandi Steiner is on my to read list as is Christina Lauren and Mackenzi Lee. A Gentleman's Guide To Vice and Virtue is one I really wish I'd read this year but will be sure to read some point next year.

    1. After just two books Christina Lauren has become a favorite. And I know I'll read more from Kandi Steiner. There were so many books I meant to get to this year that just didn't happen.

  9. I'm really excited for whatever Helen Hoang writes next!

  10. Several of these were new to me this year as well and were favorites, especially Helen Hoang, Jenn Bennett, Mackenzi Lee, and Christina Lauren.

    1. I’m so excited to read more from all of these but especially Christina Lauren!

  11. Awesome list! A few of my favorite, new-to-me authors of 2018 were CJ Tudor and Caz Frear.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Caz Frear is new to me but I’ve heard raves about CJ Tudor!
