The Sunday Post #178

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news - a post to recap the past week on your blog, 
showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is
coming up on your blog in the week ahead. You can find the info here:

  • Wednesday was Boss's Day and, as always, I was stumped over what to do. I actually have three bosses (I report directly to the Board of Directors for the company). They won't allow me to take them out to lunch (they always end up paying so it defeats the purpose LOL), they're impossible to buy for, so it's always tricky to figure out something new and different. This year I went the simple route and apparently simple works! They loved it and were even taking pictures to share. :)
  • Yesterday I decided to decorate the front porch for autumn and would you believe that I could not find any autumn decor? Every store I went to had Christmas items stocked. Apparently I should have been shopping for autumn decor back in April. Gah! I did buy three pumpkins but that was about it. *sigh*
  • I came across this YA Book Title Generator and thought it was fun. Apparently my book title would be: Cake, Frida Kahlo and Other Reasons I'm Banned From the Library. LOL What's your book title?
  • Have you entered the October of Books Giveaway  yet? The winner gets a book of her/his choice. And there's not much better than a free book! :)
  • And now for this week's 80's music fix: It's been 36 years since In a Big Country by Big Country was released and I never get tired of hearing it. I love they way they make the guitars sound like bagpipes. And there's a lyric in the song that The Husband loves: "I never took the smile away from anybody's face." If you're able to say that, you're doing something right. ♥



How was your week? Any new books? Any news to share? 
I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Love what you did for boss day! My book would be Boy Bands, Liberty, and Other things that Almost Killed Me 😂 sounds interesting.
    I hope you have a wonderful week!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  2. French Kissing, Book Club, and Other Things I cannot have <-- all true
    Love the poster. You are too sweet and cute!
    And, yes, I can believe all the fall stuff is gone from the stores, because the Christmas push gets earlier and earlier every year. Soon, we will be putting up our trees after New Year's. *eye roll*
    Oooh, Well Met. I adored that book, so, don't hate it. =)

    1. Oooh, your book title sound like an excellent YA contemporary. :)
      I was so annoyed by the lack of autumn stuff. It's like, we're in the middle of October. Autumn is in full swing! *sigh* I just finished Well Met this morning and loved it! :)

  3. That candy poster is the cutest thing ever. I love it! We did nothing for our bosses at work. Oops! That title generator is so much fun. My YA title would be French Kissing, Frida Kahlo, and Other Intangible Things.

    1. Thanks, it was fun putting it together. :)
      Ha! I like your book title.

  4. Summertime Totalitarian regimes One More Reason no One Wants to Talk to Me. That's a mouthfull Tanya :D)))) Now I love your gift for your boss!

    1. LOL I think your book title is the longest and most nonsensical one out of all of them! =D

  5. That Boss Day present is so cool and it looks so original! I'd be very proud!

  6. My book would be Boys, The Statue of Liberty, and Other Holes in the Fabric of the Universe! Ha!

    I am glad I'm not the only one that waited too late to buy fall decor. I hit up my local Dollar Tree - I got inspired by some crafty youtubers - and everything was gone. I guess I should have started shopping for it back in April as well!

    Happy reading!

    1. Oh, I like your book title! :)
      Isn't that crazy? Mid-October and can't find fall decor. Lesson learned... guess we better start early next year!

  7. That line "I actually have three bosses" reminded me of a certain scene in Office Space, haha. Anyway let's see- I got Girls, Tarot Cards, and Other Skulduggeries for the YA Title generator. Sounds interesting. :) I love title / name generators like that.

    Nice board you out together for the bosses!

    Big Country! Fabulous song. :)

  8. Starting playing Big Country, hubby came in the room and said Wow, I haven't heard that in forever! I love your Boss gift idea. Sometimes small and thoughtful win! Have a great week.

  9. Chemistry, hate, and other things im over!!!! love it

  10. lol mine is Summertime, Hate, and Other Fatal Circumstances. hahahah Oh gosh. Maybe it's a murder mystery? lol

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Ali! I finished Well Met this morning and loved it! Such a great mix of sweet rom-com and emotional love story.

  12. What a cute gift for your bosses! I missed Boss Day, hopefully my attorney wasn't expecting anything, LOL! My YA title is Honor Roll, Fate, and Other Big Round Things - not sure it makes sense, but I'll take it!

    1. He probably never even realized it was boss's day. LOL Are you a paralegal? Or legal assistant? I always thought that would be interesting work.

  13. Well.. Your simple ooks amazing! LOL!!
    How crazy that you couldn't find any autumn decor anymore! It's not even November yet!
    'Well Met' sounds like a great one!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    1. Aw, thanks Maureen! :)
      Isn't that crazy?! I was like, it's mid-October... we're in the midst of autumn! But, guess I was too late.
      Just finished Well Met this morning and loved it!

  14. I really want to read Well Met, but I have legit 12 arcs I need to read right now. GAH!

    1. 12 ARCs?! Yikes! I'm down to three and plan to keep it at zero after that. I finally quit requesting so I can concentrate on the books I own. :)

  15. I feel you on the Autumn decor! It's gone before the season even kicks in. And I need to feel it to shop it. LOL

    I want to read the Jen DeLuca book so bad!

    Boy Bands, the Sun and Other Things That Nearly Killed Me. LOL

    Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Exactly! I sure didn't feel like shopping for autumn decor back in July when it was 95 degrees. LOL

      Well Met was wonderful! I highly recommend it!

      Oh my goodness, love your book title! That one is awesome! :)

  16. It's tough buying for the boss, right? I can't believe they're out of Fall decorations already. Online might be a good way to go.

    Mine would be Chemistry, Hate and Other Fatal Circumstances, lol! I kind of like it.

    1. Good idea, Rachel. Maybe I need to hit up Amazon for some fall decor.
      I like your book title! :)

  17. Boy Bands, Vampires, and Other Holes in the Fabric of the Universe... should be a best seller!

  18. Happy Endings, Fate and Other Inexplicable Phenomenon

    I hate how far ahead they are on holiday stuff always, but it works for anyone who prepares ahead ( not me) I wait until right after the holiday and then buy all the clearance stuff for next year. lol

    I love your bosses day card! You are so creative. Have a great week and happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I can totally see that being a real book title. :)
      You're either planning waaay ahead (like a full year) or you're late. I'm not sure which. LOL Thanks Anne - the card was fun to put together.

  19. Mine would be "Happy Endings, the Sun, and Other Things the Fairies Stole" - lol this sounds like a YA fantasy

    TANYA, THAT THIS SO CREATIVE AND SWEET!! The message isn't even for me but I'm smiling so wide. You did really great and even though it's "simple", it's still so heartwarming.

    1. Yep, YA fantasy for sure. :)
      Aw, thanks Chai! I can't really take credit for the creativity... I got the idea off Pinterest. LOL But it was fun to do and they all really liked it. :)

  20. That candy poster is fun.

    I don’t think Honour Roll, Vampires and Other Reasons No One Will Talk To Me would work as a bestseller lol

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Yes, your title is kind of "out there", isn't it? LOL

      Hope you have a great week, too!

  21. My YA book title would apparently be Boys, Nikola Tesla, and Other Signs of Vampires. I don't know what that means, but it's definitely intriguing! LOL!

    Love the candy boss's gift!!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Oh boy, your title is a crazy one. I think it would pique my interest enough to pick it up, though! :)

  22. I like what you made for your bosses! Super cute, and that's great they really loved it. And yeah, Autumn decor is hard to find - everyone is focused on Christmas already. haha


    1. Thanks Lauren! Lesson learned for next year... shop for fall decor in early summer! LOL

  23. Your boss's day gift is so cute! I work in a tiny office and we did lunch...but not everyone ended up chipping in and guess who ended up paying for most the lunch. There is still autumn/Halloween stuff available in my area but there is a lot of Christmas stuff out as well. I hope you have a lovely week!

    1. Ugh. It sucks when others don't participate fairly and one person gets stuck making up the difference. :(

  24. I had a few quibbles, but I really liked Well Met overall.

    I had no idea toady was bosses day.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It was actually last week... the 16th, I think. I didn't realize until the night before. Hence the simple gift. LOL

  25. Boss day sounds like a lot of fun and simple is always the best idea. Although, you have three bosses? That must get confusing. I love your gift idea, though. You can tell a lot of thought went into it and we all know it's the thought that counts.

    1. I support the Board of Directors and there are always three people on the Board. I've been doing that for years (15 or so), so it doesn't seen confusing at this point. :)

  26. If I were your boss I would also be really happy with that gift - simple but yummy.

    So my book title would be Macchiatos, The Sun and Other Things the Faeries Stole

    LOL !!

    Have a great week :)

    1. Faeries who steal coffee drinks... it could happen! LOL

  27. Popularity, Fate and Other Big Round Things... I don't think I like my YA title!

    Stressed, Depressed, Lemon Zest sums up my life at the moment, lol.

    1. Yeah, it doesn't sound like one I'd rush out and buy. LOL

  28. Mine would be Popularity, Fate and Other Lies I Believed In. Hahahah! I should totally write that book, it would be so fun. Sounds like you nailed Bosses Day, WOOT! And I was just talking to a friend about how Autumn and Thanksgiving aren't even a thing anymore, its all Christmas. ❤️

    1. LOL I'd read that book, Dani! :) And I totally agree... Autumn and Thanksgiving are rushed by so the stores can bombard us with Christmas shopping.
