WWW Wednesday #65 | October 16, 2019

WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
Just answer three questions and share what you're reading.

Mid-October and it's still feeling quite summer-like in my neck of the woods. High of 87 today. *insert long-suffering sigh* A very short-lived blast of fall weather is coming, though. Tomorrow and Friday are expected to be about 10 degrees cooler. I'll take it! Never mind that it shoots right back up to 88 over the weekend... baby steps, my friends, baby steps. We're getting there. 



Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren
Twisted (Tangled #2) - Emma Chase

Yes, I am still reading Twice in a  Blue Moon. Yes, it's been two weeks now. I swear it's not the book. I really am enjoying it, it's just that I haven't been reading much at all lately. Just haven't been in the mood for some strange reason. It happens... and it'll pass... but for now it's slow-going.  

I've been listening to Twisted and I've enjoyed getting Kate's POV (the first book, Tangled, was all from Drew's POV). I'm in the epilogue now and while the all the rest of the book was from Kate, the epilogue has switched to Drew's voice and it feels like the perfect way to wrap things up.

The only thing I've finished lately is my audio re-read of Marked in Flesh. Loved it, as always. So much happened in this installment and it's one of my favorites in the series. (Yes, I realize that I say that about every book in this series. LOL)


Since I'm feeling semi-slumpy, there's no telling what I'll pick up next. I'm itching to read The Bromance Book Club but I don't want to start it if I'm in the midst of a reading slump. That would likely taint my reading experience of a book I think I could love. Chances are - if I'm still feeling slumpy after I finish Twice in a Blue Moon - I'll pick up something light and fluffy (brain candy) or re-read a favorite.

What are you currently reading?
I wanna know! :)


  1. Maybe it is Twice in a Blue Moon... I hate to say it, but that is my least favorite CL book. I adored The Bromance Book Club. You're in for some fun there.

    1. Yikes, least favorite, huh? I *am* enjoying the story even though I’m not 100% invested in it. So chances are it’s a combination of the book and me being slumpy. Not a good mix!

  2. I've been super slumpy and went into reading The Bromance Book Club with trepidation but ended up LOVING it. So that was a surprise.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. That’s great to hear, Karen. It gives me a little more confidence that it’ll be a hit for me, too.

  3. I have so many good and rough things about Twice in a Blue Moon. I've only read one other CL book so I'm interested to see what you think about it.

    1. Same here, Ashley. The reviews I’ve seen have been pretty mixed. Hopefully it ends up being a winner for me. I’ve loved most everything I’ve read by CLo.

  4. YES!!! Read Bromance. I liked it so much. It's funny, while kind of heartbreaking at times, but so honest too.

  5. The Bromance Book Club was so much fun! I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Seeing that you enjoyed it makes me even more excited for it! :)

  6. I hope you get out of your slump soon! We all have them.

  7. I'm with you! I'm semi-slumpy at the moment and it's driving me nuts! There are so many books I want to read but I have zero motivation to do so. :(

    Fingers crossed you get your mojo back soon!

    My facebook keeps reminding me that this time two years ago, I was in Florida... Oh how I wish I was dealing with your temps! Only for a few days. My fingers are numb from cold as I type this!

    1. Bingo! I *want* to be reading all my books... but I don't feel led to pick anything up. Ugh!

      So you were here two years ago? Orlando, I'm guessing? :) That's about 2 hrs drive south from me. Come back over and thaw out. LOL

  8. I really enjoyed Twisted but haven't read any further in that series. I wonder why? I am so tempted by The Bromance Book Club and it sounds like it's getting good reviews. I hope you get out of your reading slump soon.

    1. I enjoyed Twisted even more than Tangled so I definitely plan to continue the series. :)

  9. I think it's the time of year for slumps. I want to read and are enjoying what I'm reading but just feeling unmotivated by almost everything at the moment. I read Tangled a few years ago and didn't mind it at the time but I was tiring of the new adult bad boy characters who meet the one and inevitably change their ways. Really interested in seeing what you think of this one to see if I'll pick the series back up.

    1. That might have something to do with it, too. Since I'm feeling pretty unmotivated in general! I really enjoyed Twisted and now I want to continue with the series soon.

  10. I'm so curious about The Bromance Book Club. I hope you enjoy it. Sorry you're in a bit of a book slump though. Those are never fun.


    1. With every great review I see of The Bromance Book Club the more excited I get to pick it up! :)

  11. It's tough when a book is dragging on with your reading, not that it's the book's fault, but just it's frustrating because there's so much to read and the motivation isn't totally there. Maybe give Twice in a Blue Moon a break and try something else to see if it can get you back to reading again? Hopefully you don't get into a proper slump and this passes for you.

    1. Exactly, Beck! Lately the motivation just hasn't been there. I did finally finish Twice in a Blue Moon. It wasn't my favorite by Christina Lauren but still an enjoyable story. I think the problem was me, not the book.

  12. I just finished The Bromance Book Club yesterday and thought it was delightful. Twice in a Blue Moon was kind of a slow read for me too and I couldn't figure out why. I chalked it up to my busy schedule and being tired, but it's interesting that you're having the same struggle.

    1. Your review of The Bromance Book Club has me more ready than ever to pick it up! :)
      Funny that we both took a while to get through Twice in a Blue Moon. I did enjoy it but it wasn't my favorite from CLo.

  13. I've heard only great things about The Bromance Club!

    (Amber Elise @ Du Livre)
