WWW Wednesday #67 | October 31, 2019

WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
Just answer three questions and share what you're reading.

Yeah, yeah, I know it's not Wednesday. But yesterday was insane and I barely had time to come up for air, much less blog. So I'll just pretend it's perfectly normal to post WWW Wednesday on Thursday. Why follow the masses, amiright? :)

I'm not too far into Bromance (about 25%) but I'm already enjoying it a lot. Gavin seems to be a sweetheart and wants so much to make things right. I'm wondering why Thea never spoke up over the past three years if she was unhappy but I'm waiting to find out more about her story before I pass judgment. ;) And my re-listen of The Others series continues with Etched in Bone. Monty's brother just showed up in Lakeside so things are going to hit the fan soon. He deserves what's coming for him!

Cilka's Journey was so powerful. Some parts were so difficult to take in and process that I found myself reading only small bits at a time before having to set it aside for a while. The cruelty and inhumanity was shocking and made me heartsick. But there was also a strong thread of hope and strength and perseverance that was humbling. All We Ever Wanted was a totally engrossing story and I found myself listening at every single opportunity. The characters came to life (a mix of great writing + great narration) and the story shined a harsh light on privilege and morality.


I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to feel like picking up after The Bromance Book Club. Maybe an arc of Blitzed? Or one of my 10 Books to Read Before 2020? I'll figure it out when it's time.

What are you currently reading?
I wanna know! :)


  1. I've just started The Bromance Book Club as well! I'm loving it so far and I can tell I'm on to a winner but I'm struggling to find time to read over the past couple of days. I'm reserving judgement on Thea because I feel like half her problem is she comes from a family of divorce and she probably has a bunch of hangups from her parents split that let her keep quiet for so long but we'll see.

    1. I'm in the same boat, Becky - trying to find time to read. I'm still trying to understand Thea but I'm sure it'll come in time. :)

  2. I want to read The Bromance Book Club too Tanya!!! And Cilka but first I plan on reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz!

    1. I definitely want to go back and read The Tattooist of Auschwitz now.

  3. I loved The Bromance Book Club. If you already like it, it's only going to get better!

  4. The Bromance Book Club sounds like an interesting read. I saw it on Netgalley.. I hope you'll like it.
    I'm currently reading 'Stealing Her' by Rachel Van Dyken.

    1. Thanks Maureen, I think it's going to be a real winner.
      I've yet to read anything by Rachel Van Dyken but I see her books a lot.

  5. Yeah! Gavin really was a sweetheart, and the club was a great source of hilarity. Loved them! Um, you should probably work on those to be read by 2020 books. Tempus fugit!

    1. I am constantly laughing at the guys' banter. The jabs between Gavin and Mack have me howling. :)

  6. Glad you're enjoying The Bromance Book Club! I'm hoping to read it soon!

  7. Yay, I hope you continue to love The Bromance Book Club - it was such a good read!

  8. Oooh...I also cannot wait to get to Blitzed! I love that author so much.

    I'm currently reading The Bromance Book Club, and it's rocky for me. I'm having the exact same issue as you. Why didn't she speak up before now? And for God's sake, why would she wait until her husband is feeling on top of the world to tell him? I'm hoping it picks up for me.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Yeah, I'm really hoping Thea's reasoning is explained. I feel like she expected Gavin to be a mind reader for the past three years. But maybe there's more to the story that I don't know yet. Hopefully we both end up loving it! :)

  9. I loved Bromance Book Club but I totally get what your saying about Thea. I even put that in the review I'm writing up now. I think it was a mistake to show Gavin SO in love & perfect right from the start. It makes her come off bitchy but I did think it ended up being explained well and in a way that's common for women.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Exactly, i don't see two people who aren't in it together, I see a man totally in love and a woman who stonewalls him at every opportunity, never voiced her unhappiness but is angry that he didn't read her mind. It's definitely making her unlikable in my eyes. Hopefully I'll change my mind.

  10. Everyone seems to love Bromance Book Club and I have no idea what it is. I've been disappointed by the chick lit (am I allowed to call it that? Is there a new name now for light contemporary women's romance??) I've read lately because it's seemed really light on the romance. (Like the Flatshare.) But okay, I am looking this one up!

    1. Yeah, The Flatshare was definitely light on the romance and seemed to be a cross between women's fiction and contemporary romance. I loved the premise of The Bromance Book Club but so far I'm not totally invested. I'm beginning to think it's me. Maybe I just need to take a break.

  11. I am so tempted by The Bromance Book Club. I have a couple of the audiobooks for Anne Bishop's series because I know that I am going to want to re-read it again someday. Enjoy!

    1. The audio versions of The Others series is just perfection. I love Alexandra Harris's narration and I never seem to get tired of re-listening. :)

  12. This whole week got away from me, so I'm right there with you, lol. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Bromance so far though. I can't wait to read your review for it.
