WWW Wednesday #72 | January 15, 2020

WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
Just answer three questions and share what you're reading.

Yesterday I was reading a friend's blog and she mentioned reading by the fire for 4 hours. And I slowly turned pea green with envy. Because winter fled from Florida and it's feeling an awful lot like spring/summer here. It's been 80 degrees every day for about a week and it's making me grumpy. I want to be reading by a fire, too! I mean, I have no fireplace but whatever. You get the idea. :)



I'm still reading super slowly... but I am reading. So, yay me. I'm enjoying Echoes Between Us but I think the reason I'm not flying through it is a format issue. I have been craving physical books lately. All I want to read is a book in my hand and I haven't wanted to pick up my Kindle (or open the Kindle app) at all. Since Echoes Between Us is an eARC my hands are tied. I guess, since it actually released yesterday, I could go out and buy a physical copy but... *shrugs* I'll keep plugging along and see how it goes. 

Corinne Michaels is one of those authors I've been wanting/meaning to read for ages. Yesterday I was browsing my Audible library for a new audio book to start and remembered that I already owned one by her on audio. I started We Own Tonight on the way home from the office yesterday and now I'm already 3.5 hours into it. Needless to say, I am LOVING it and am listening every chance I get. It doesn't hurt that it's narrated by audio book superstars Andi Arndt and Zachary Webber. ♥


I finished the audio of Only Ever You on Monday and it was a solid read. There were times when I felt like the character's feelings and motivations weren't represented well. I was sometimes confused about how they really felt (particularly the female lead), especially when I thought they felt one way and then they'd say and do something different. That made it a little confusing but overall it was a great story and the ending (while, yeah, maybe a tad far-fetched) was sooo satisfying.


Next up is an ARC of Heartland, the seventh book in Bowen's True North series. I have so much love for this series and can't wait to dive back into these character's lives.

What are you currently reading?
I wanna know! :)


  1. Ooo! Heartland! I read that one this past week and loved it! You're going to like that one!

  2. I hope you love Heartland, I read it in a day because I have zero chill

    1. LOL Hard to have any chill when it's a new one from Sarina Bowen. :)

  3. I've been reading pretty slow too, audiobooks have been my absolute saving grace!

    1. Same, Amber! I'm able to get through audio books and enjoy them but my reading has slowed to a snail's pace!

  4. You can still read by a fire, you will just be really hot. I'm just saying...
    I have several of MIchaels' books, but have yet to read any. Sounds like she can be worth a look. I am opposite you. I read physical books slower. I mean, I do get mad, when I have to read on my Fire instead of my Oasis, but both are still electronic.

    1. So true. I could sit by a fire... with a fan going. LOL

      I am so surprised at how much I am loving the Corinne Michaels book. I don't know if it's just the story or the awesome narration - maybe a combination of both - but I am so into it! I've got all choked up and teary twice and I am 100% invested in these people. I have a Kindle Fire but I'm not familiar with the Oasis. Do you know what the main difference is?

  5. Well, you can read on your patio :) I do understand though. I stayed in the house this past weekend reading while it snowed. I was not wanting to read on my Kindle this weekend which is why I switched to Echoes Between Us since I have a print arc. I do hope you enjoy it! Heartland is coming up for me soon as well.

    1. LOL So true, Carole. I do have that option where others may not this time of year. :)

      How cool that you have a print arc of Echoes! I actually stopped on my way home last night and bought the hardcover. :)

  6. I hope the weather cools back down enough so you can get that fire. I've actually been the opposite with my reading. Craving ebooks and audios and turning my nose up at my print books. I have no idea what's going on but it's so unlike me.

    1. Funny how we go thru phases like that. We are so lucky to have so many options! :)

  7. I really, really want to read Echoes Between Us! I love Kate McGarry and cannot wait to see what you think. Also, ME TOO! I have been craving physical books lately. The last few books I've read have been ARCs on my iPad, and a couple audiobooks, and I want to turn pages and bask in everything that is a BOOK. <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I hope you'll be able to get to Echoes Between Us soon! I look forward to every January because that means another Katie McGarry release. :)

      You too?? I don't know what it is, but sometimes I just do NOT want to read on a device. I crave a physical book. And that's totally where I'm at now. I even bought a hardcover of Echoes Between Us yesterday because I wasn't enjoying reading the eARC of it.

  8. Here's hoping you guys get some colder weather soon! We're getting a mid size storm of 1-2 feet of snow tomorrow, but with blizzard like conditions. I'm happy to part with the blizzard conditions yuck! I'm 65% into Echoes Between Us and I didn't realize it was characters coming from Only A Breath Apart. Such a fabulous surprise! Here's hoping you enjoy the rest of the book💗.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. It is so bizarre to think of you having blizzard conditions while I'm here with the AC running. LOL You're much further into Echoes Between Us than I am - I think I'm at the 30% mark. Love seeing some familiar faces from Only a Breath Apart!

  9. I haven't read Sarina Bowen, but I am enjoying that cover of Heartland, lol!

  10. I've seen Echoes Between Us everywheeeere. It's not my type of read but man it is a gorgeous cover.
    Only Ever You sounds really great as well.

    I just started All the Truth That's in Me and I'm also reading Shock Point by April Henry.

    Ash@ JennReneeRead

    1. I agree - totally gorgeous cover for Echoes Between Us.

      I tried to read All the Truth That's In Me a couple years ago and just couldn't get into it. Probably just the wrong book at the wrong time. I'll be interested to see what you think of it.

  11. Yay for reading, even if it's slow going. Sometimes you just really want a physical book to hold; I get that!


    1. I definitely go through phases... and right now I'm all about the physical books. :)

  12. I haven't heard of any of these books before, but I am familiar with Katie McGarry. I just finished reading Warcross by Marie Lu, but I haven't decided what to read next yet. I'm torn between Turtles All the Way Down by John Green and a book by Taylor Jenkins Reid!
    claire @ clairefy

    1. I just love Taylor Jenkins Reid. She is such an amazing story teller. I hope you'll enjoy whichever one you pick up next!

  13. I really loved Echoes Between Us and am really loving Hearland! I can't wait to see what you end up thinking of both of these books! I've never read a book by Corrine Michaels, but it looks like I need to rectify that :)

    Happy Reading Tanya!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Katie McGarry just never disappoints. Love her! I read very little YA anymore, but I'll always make an exception for Katie. :)

      The Corinne Michaels book is killing me! But in the best way. LOL I'll definitely be reading more from her!

  14. I've been seeing Echoes around everywhere and now I'm super curious!

    1. Katie McGarry always provides a solid read for me. And the premise of Echoes definitely grabbed me.

  15. I love Corinne Michaels! I haven't read that one yet. Glad you're really enjoying it!! I live in Louisiana so, I'm with you on the spring weather, but yesterday our temps dropped back down, and I hear they're going to continue dropping into next week. Unfortunately with the back and forth temps so many people are sick around here.

    1. Temps finally dropped here, too, and I am loving it! I know it'll be short-lived so I'm enjoying it while it lasts. :)

  16. I'm glad Only Ever You had a satisfying ending, it's a bit self serving but I really want to read that one, lol.

    I'm also with you on the reading by the fire envy, not because it's not cold enough here at the moment but because I no longer have one! 😭

    1. Our TV console table actually has a fake fireplace in it so I could turn it on and read by the "fire"... but it's just not the same. LOL

  17. Heartland was so good! It really felt like coming home. I hope you love it!

    1. I an't wait to get further into Heartland! I was so excited to realize that the main female character is the Chastity that was mentioned in a previous book when Zachary was telling his story about the religious compound.

  18. I am reading ...nothing at the moment! I am "in between" and my plans to read have been stalled due to some drama on facebook taking a lot of my time this weekend! Enjoy Sarina though :-)

    1. Ugh, Facebook drama. I'm rarely on Facebook anymore and to be honest I don't really miss it. I find I use social media less and less and I tend to be happier for it!

  19. Corinne Michaels is definitely an author I want to read more of. I loved the one I read by her so that's promising <3 great job this week!

    1. When I was reading that one by Corinne Michaels all I could think was: why in the world did I wait so long?! :)
