Top Ten Tuesday: Swooniest Quotes Edition

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic: 
Swooniest Book Quotes

When it comes to my reading, romance is the name of the game, so it's no wonder that I'm a sucker for a swoony quote. The ones that stop you in your tracks and have you feeling allllll the feels. Here are some of my favorites.


All I could think was, where have you been all this time
I'd missed her before I'd even known her.

"I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait until you realize that this isn’t about a bet or anything other than us belonging together. I want us and you and everything that comes with that. I want to kiss you good night, wake up with you beside me, and love you the way you deserve. So, I’ll wait for your heart to be ready because mine is ready enough for the both of us."

He’s looking at me like I’m the sunrise and he’s grateful for a brand new day.

Love isn’t about wanting a hero, it’s about wanting to be one for the other person.


Having Roderick in my life is like having a fire in the hearth. 
He warms me even when I can’t see him.

“I'm conscious this could be rather burdensome to hear, but you remain the thing I have most chosen for myself. The thing that's most exclusively mine. The one thing that brings me the deepest joy.”

“That’s what marriage is. It’s shelter. It’s sustenance. It’s warmth. 
It’s finding rest in each other. It’s telling someone, You matter most.”

“I’m confident that I’ll never spend a single second of my life regretting you.”


“Mock me all you like. Whatever I imagined then, now it is I who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips. By you, I am forever undone.”

“And when the years have passed,
and we have watched a thousand sunsets,
and we are bent,
our bodies crooked with age
ask me again.
In the twilight,
in the shadow of the life we have shared,
ask me if I love you,
and my heart will answer before my lips can part.
My love, my life,
my heart never left your hands.
Always, evermore, even after.

Have you read any of these books?


  1. You're killing me with some of these book quotes. I haven't read half of these books but now I'm screaming at myself why not. I mean that quote from Roommate? And Make It Sweet? I don't think book quotes have made me want to buy books so much.

    1. Hi Becky! *waves wildly* Good to hear from you!
      A good quote can really influence me to pick up a book. I've read friend's reviews when a specific quote has me convinced that I must read the book. :)

  2. Oh, I really like that quote about marriage - so true!

  3. Aww, they're all lovely quotes.

    My post:

  4. "That’s what marriage is. It’s shelter. It’s sustenance. It’s warmth.
    It’s finding rest in each other."


  5. Loved Regretting You and love that quote! What a story!

    1. Regretting You was so good! Looking through some of its quotes made me want to reread it.

  6. There were so many good quotes from Boyfriend Material. That book... it's one of the few I wish I could re-read with new eyes.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Same here, Aymee! I listened to that one on audio and it was just perfection.

  7. All of these are great quotes, but that Still quote...Sigh. I just love it. All of that series is so quotable. Great picks today.

    1. That quote from Still... gah! I actually have the whole poem framed in my library. It was an option in a box that Kennedy Ryan offered last year and I was all over it.

  8. I am such a sap. I have tears in my eyes!

  9. Love all of these quotes, but that Boyfriend Material one made me swoon the most for sure <3

    1. Boyfriend Material was so good... that quote has me itching to reread it. :)

  10. Definitely some swoony quotes! That last one is sooo good and reminds me I still need to read Still!

  11. I have read and loved seven of these! Great quotes Tanya!

  12. *Sigh* These are all so great. It's hard to resist a good, swoony quote!

    Happy TTT!

  13. I like the quote about marriage. Very romantic.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.

  14. We were both romance-themed this week. I really love that quote about marriage from Where the Lost Wander.

  15. I have only read two of these books Regretting You and Roommate but these quotes make me want to pick them all up!

    1. It's funny how a single quote can really spark your interest in a book. I love that. :)

  16. OMG these were all so swoony, Tanya!!

  17. Oh man, great quotes. You've got me needing to read some of these books now!

  18. these are nice! I really like that first one and also the one from Soulless.

  19. Wonderful choices! I especially love the Bower and Harmon quotes.

    1. Amy Harmon's books seem to be full of memorable quotes.

  20. I love a good romantic quote. The one from Boyfriend Material is just swoony to me. :)


    1. I was practically jumping up and down when I read that one from Boyfriend Material the first time. :)

  21. Ooooh, swoony quotes are my favorite! I've only read Queen Move, but several others are on my tbr and now I really want to get to them. :)

  22. Replies
    1. Yes! That one gets me every time. What Kennedy Ryan can do with words just slays me.
