The Sunday Post #275 | January 9, 2022

 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's a chance to share news: a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, 
and share what's coming up on your blog in the week ahead.

T H E   W E E K   I N   R E V I E W

On Monday my boss, the CEO, announced that we were shifting back to working from home. Effective immediately. So as of Tuesday, I've been trying to (re)adjust to working at home full-time again. I'm not mad about it, but there are definitely pros and cons. I guess the downer part is that it feels like a giant step backward. Not only are things not improving, but they are decidedly worse. Here in Florida, the average number of Covid cases is higher now than it has been since the pandemic began. And even so, the battle over masks and vaccines continues. Oh, the absurdity.

All of you who said you would send your winter weather my way... it must have got lost. Because it's still unseasonably warm. In fact, it's supposed to be almost 80 today. I know, I know, I can hear you all now... go whine about my sunny, warm weather somewhere else, right? 😄

I made something new for dinner this week that was quite a hit: Chicken and Dumplings Casserole. It's from my favorite food blogger, Emily Bites. She creates lighter versions of recipes that are typically high in fat and calories. So many of her recipes have become mainstays in my house. The chicken and dumplings casserole took a bit of prep work so it's probably better suited to the weekend (for me, anyway) but it was a hit for us.

Photo credit: EmilyBites

For those of you who use Blogger, here's a question: Do you know how to alter which photo Blogger assigns as the thumbnail for a post? Usually it seems to pull the correct photo (like the book cover) but sometimes it uses the most random option (like the Pinterest PinIt icon - what?). I fought with it for far too long on Thursday trying to correct the issue before I gave up. Any insight?

This week's 80's music fix is Shake the Disease (1985) by Depeche Mode. DM is one of those bands where I love almost all their music but I've always had a soft spot for the lyrics to Shake the Disease. 

O N   T H E   B L O G

Tuesday, January 4

Friday, January 7

W H A T   I   R E A D

Kindle: Eleanor & Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry - ⭐⭐⭐⭐.25
Audio: Countdown to a Kiss by Piper Rayne - ⭐⭐⭐.5
Audio: Super Hot Wingman by Sarina Bowen & Lauren Blakely - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Both audiobooks this week were prequel novellas that have me excited to move on to the first books in these series.

C U R R E N T L Y  R E A D I N G


eARC: One Night on the Island by Josie Silver
Audio: Beloved by Corinne Michaels

N E W   A D D I T I O N S



Wrecked Palace by Catherine Cowles
Super Hot Wingman by Sarina Bowen & Lauren Blakely

For Review

The Summer Place by Jennifer Weiner
(pub date: May 10, 2022)

T O T A L L Y   R A N D O M



  1. I'm sorry it's so bad there. I was reading one of the endless Twitter arguments about masks a few days ago and saw someone say "we don't require masks here in FL and we're fine." I was like huh? Course we have the same issues in Michigan. It does feel like we're not making much progress though, and personally for me I feel like the un- masking and all that is part of the problem. I'm sure this virus is spreading more because there is so much lackadaisal ness about things...

    anyway we had snowpocalypse here a few days ago and almost got snowed in- the plow finally cam through after two days so we got out, but I wish I could you a little cooler weather (but not our blizzard ha). 80 does seem a bit much for Jan!

    As for your Blogger question... hmm I'm not quite sure? I'm trying to think if I've ever had that happen... do you mean the thumbnail in your dashboard or popping up elsewhere? Anyway I hope someone more technically proficient than me can help lol!

    1. So things are fine in FL, huh? Wow, I'd hate to see their definition of bad! *rolling my eyes* Totally agree about the spreading due to lack of basic safety procedures.

      Both actually, regarding the thumbnail. The one that shows in my dashboard and the one that shows elsewhere. I've googled some info but so far what I've found doesn't really address the issue.

    2. Oh no. I think for me I usually set an image and that's the one it keeps as a thumbnail- watch it not work now *knocks on wood*

      I'm not helping much I know. Like someone else said it's usually the first or top image I set that saves... I hope someone can helps!

  2. Sorry the Covid-19 situation is so bad in Florida and you're having to work from home again. We're in a similar situation here in England, with lots of people up in arms about having to wear masks, or refusing to have their booster jabs. There are some that want to stop doing lateral flow tests all together and just carry on like nothing is happening. It is causing so much division here.

    I'm very jealous of your warm temperatures. It's cold and frosty here, though no sign of snow yet. I'm hoping we'll get a bit in February half term but it always seems to fall on a week where I have to trudge to work.

    It's been a while since I used Blogger, and unfortunately I don't remember how to customise the thumbnails. Hopefully you can find a fix.
    Enjoy your new books and have a great week.

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment, Anstice! (Or do you prefer Tizzy?) Sorry to hear things are just as trying in your area, as far as masking and booster shots. It's frustrating, isn't it?

      Hope you get that snow soon... and fingers crossed that it's during your break! :)

  3. I don't think the increase is specific to FL. We had a 766% rise in covid cases in NJ according to an article I read in my local paper the other day. I know my township has seen a dramatic increase as well. I think we need to focus on mortality rates, as the virus seems inescapable. And I personally got covid wearing a mask and being vaccinated. It is a step back, and we need to better learn how to live with it. Identify the populations who need extra protections and everyone just needs to be smarter about it. The vaccinations offer protection in some form. My mother's friend has COPD and other issues, and is not having too bad a time with covid. Whereas our unvaccinated friends with no health issues were in the hospital. "Shake this disease" -- great choice of song! It was 16F this morning. If it's too hot for you, come to NJ 😆.

    1. No, definitely not specific to FL. It's everywhere. In some ways it does seem inescapable, but at the same I will continue to take every step I possibly can not to get it. Omicron may be less severe and less likely to lead to hospitalization, but I still don't want it.

      Uh, 16 degrees, huh? Yeah, maybe I'll just stick with my 80 degrees. LOL

  4. I haven't stopped working from home the past two years, but we changed back to it being recommended last month so even more of an excuse not to leave the house. It's frustrating when you realise how long it has been, though. I think we all hoped there'd be more progress by now and not just people refusing to take steps to help protect those around them.

    I feel like everyone is complaining about the weather, although most are saying it's too cold so it's different to see someone say it's too warm. I would happily send some cold weather your way but it would probably get lost somewhere in the ocean.

    I use blogger and I wish I could help but at this point I've accepted Blogger does what it wants. I usually find it's the first picture in the post but not always.

    1. Exactly, Becky. I assumed at this point - almost two years in - we would have made much greater strides. Yes we have vaccines now, but they're pretty useless when people refuse to get them. It really is frustrating.

      Yes, I am one of the weird ones that complains about it being too warm. I never get much sympathy. LOL

      Hahaha! I can relate. Blogger does what Blogger wants.

  5. The cases have gotten ridiculous in my state too. I remember last year panicking every time we hit 3,000 cases a day and I looked Friday and we have had anywhere from 15,000-19,000 a day for the past two weeks. Oh man, I should have sent all of my winter weather to you as well. We got 14 inches of snow Monday and made the national news because people were stranded on I-95 here for about 24 hours. We just don't do snow here very well.

    1. It's crazy that cases are worse now that a year ago... before the vaccines! I mean, it sounds so backwards, but here we are. That craziness on I-95 was all over the news. What a mess that was! I sure hope you weren't in it!

  6. Well I'm glad your boss made the decision to keep everyone as safe as possible. Numbers are going up, up, up and the hospitals here are overwhelmed. Hopefully you adjust quickly! I feel like all we do any more is adjust!

    1. Isn't that the truth, Samantha? Constantly adjusting to each "new normal." I'd like the old normal back, please and thank you!

  7. We shut down at the end of last year and have reopened in "a limited capactiy". I've been spared from working at home for now, but it still feels like a step backward here too. We had one colder day this week, but the rest have still been hot and humid. If I see any more cold weather I'll definitely send it your way!

    1. It really does feel like a step backward, but hope this spike is temporary. (Maybe?) Your weather in TX sounds very much like my weather in FL!

  8. The state of the world is crazy right now. I guess we have reached the point where everyone has just decided to go ahead a get Covid. It makes no sense to me. I will just stay home as much as possible and shake my head. It was so cold this week. I think it was 9 degrees one night when I walked the dogs so I would be more than happy to trade with you. I hope that you have a wonderful week!

    1. Yes! It really does seem like that, Carole. Like everyone decided, oh well, no way to escape getting so I'll just do what I want. Like you, I stay at home as much as possible. I've avoided getting it for almost two years so I'd say we're doing something right. And yeah, I might want some cold weather but 9 degrees is a bit much for this Southerner. LOL

  9. Wait what? 80F in Jan. We are at 60F in Dubai and we are jus starting with winter. Finally for once we have someone with higher temp than us. YAY! Have a good week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Color me surprised that it's even warmer here than in Dubai! Supposedly cooler weather is coming this week so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :) Hope you have a great week, Gayathri!

  10. We had an explosion of cases here too but so far the new variant Omicron seems less dangerous even if more contagious! I have been working from home for two years now, and went back at the office maybe four times... Stay safe Tanya! Also that casserole seems delish!

    1. It does seem less dangerous that previous variants. But I still don't want it. LOL I got used to being back in the office... I imagine as soon as I'm used to working from home it'll be time to go back to the office again!

  11. I live in the same state as Sam, and yeah, things are getting bad again here. It's disheartening!

    1. Who would have actually thought we'd be no better off two years down the road. Ugh!

  12. Here in Oklahoma, the cases are insane! At a few places it can take up to a week to get a Covid test. It's crazy! Some schools are going back to online... except mine of course. And no one wears masks here because of course this whole virus got turned into a political nightmare. My professor jabs at me for wearing my mask all day every day. It's that bad here...

    On a happier note! I LOVE Depeche Mode! One of my favorite groups!!!

    1. Oh my gosh, I can't believe you actually get mocked for wearing a mask. That's insane. And having to wait so long for a Covid test... while likely infecting everyone around you. What a mess we're in.

      Back in the mid-80"s I was such a huge Depeche Mode fan. I finally saw them in concert in the early 90's and it was awesome. :)

  13. I am sorry to hear things having gotten so bad where you are again, COVID wise. I feel the same way about here. It seems like a lot of people have just thrown up their hands and aren't even trying to be cautious now.

    The chicken and dumplings casserole sounds and looks really good. You've reminded me I haven't had anything to eat yet today and it's already after 1 p.m. I don't know how that happened.

    I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading! Stay safe.

    1. Yes! That's exactly how it seems - like people have just given up and decided to quit even trying. Yikes.

      Hope you got something to eat yesterday!! :)

  14. That is a bummer that you have to go back home to work, but hopefully it is safer for you and we get through this in a couple of months. I also hope the weather cools off for you.

    1. I'm hopeful that things will improve soon(ish) and we can return to the office. But when everyone you see around you is unmasked and not distanced... it doesn't give me a good feeling. It's ever so slightly cooler today - at least it's not 80! Haha!

    2. Yeah, I wouldn't be happy with unmasked and not distanced. That would give me anxiety!

  15. I love the warm weather, but last week it plummeted to freezing, back up again, and back down for us. Stay safe!!

    1. Crazy weather! Hope you have some warm and sunny days this week!

  16. Yeah, the cases of covid have skyrocketed here in California too and they're now requiring surgical grade or N95 masks to be worn indoors. Not just cloth anymore. My hospital has made the booster shot mandatory as well. It's been in the 50s and 60s here in Southern California, definitely cold for us and we got a ton of rain last month. I wouldn't be pleased with 80 degree weather, but preferable Sam and Greg's above!

    That casserole looks delicious. I'll grab the recipe. Funny coincidence, I'm making Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings today! Love comfort food in the winter.

    1. We got some KN95 masks and have switched over. But we are very much in the minority with masking. Our own governor has stated that masks will not be worn in schools and if schools enforce masking he will withhold funding. Lovely. It's insane how political it is.

      Too funny that you just had chicken and dumplings! Bet it was delicious!

  17. I think it is getting bad everywhere unfortunately, particularly since there is a shortage of tests so some people don't realize they have it, so it will only spread more. Or people who do a home test which isn't reported anywhere. I'm happy to stay home. It's been 35-55 here for the high which is a little cool but not bad unless the wind picks up. Thanks for the Emily Bites recommendation. I need to try some new recipes.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. We stay home as much as possible and I'm fine with that. I haven't been comfortable being in stores in a long time, especially now that so few even bother wearing a mask. I hope you find something good to try at EmilyBites! I've have such good success with her recipes.

  18. I think the increase is everywhere, as that is the case here. I think its because the variant is more catchable by a huge fraction but the symptoms are way less severe so that is the plus to it. And thank goodness the quarantine is less. I think I would struggle staying at home, my work offers it but doesn't enforce it. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad here. Stay safe and healthy darling.

    1. Even though micron seems less severe than previous variants, and less likely to require hospitalization, I still don't want it. :) And I'd hate to think I passed it on to my husband. Or my 76 year old mother. It could be devastating to her.

      That's nice that your employer offers the option to work in office or at home.

  19. I want to make fun of you for whining about the heat when we were in the teens and 20's just last week but...I've lived there and remember hating the heat in the dead of winter. That's when you're supposed to get a break and enjoy being outside.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Right? I mean, I know it's FL and it's not like we're going to be building snowmen LOL But 80 is still a bit much.

  20. I'm sorry to read you have to work from home full time again. The COVID numbers here are crazy as well, and we've been in lockdown for weeks. Crazy really.
    That recipe looks delicious.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Covid seems to be exploding all over. So discouraging.
      The chicken and dumplings were delicious! :)
      Have a lovely week, Maureen!

  21. I totally get your disappointment. As my boss says, it's March 451, 2020.

    At least your dumplings were yummy!

  22. We're also working from home mostly again and COVID cases are really spiking again. It's like it will never end but we'll make the best of it and try to stay safe and healthy.
    That chicken and dumplings casserole looks amazing!

    1. That's all we can do, right? Stay safe and make the best of it.
      Hope your week is off to a great start, Lindsey!

  23. Oh my gosh that is so warm! I'd be outside reading and never want to do anything productive lol! Tahoe got almost 200" of snow last month so we have snow for days haha. And that meal looks DELICIOUS YUMMY!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. 200" of snow?? That's insane. LOL I would not know how to deal. I've only seen snow a handful of times in my life. Weird, huh? :)
