WWW Wednesday #127 | July 26, 2023


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

I was teetering on the edge of a full blown allergy attack all day yesterday and had to dose up on Benadryl as soon as I got home from the office. Unfortunately, Benadryl knocks me out so I was in bed by 7:30 pm and slept until 5:00 am. Yesterday I just couldn't figure out what would have caused the allergy attack. I take daily allergy medication and avoid as many triggers as I can. Then my husband reminded me that my sister came by Monday night and I sat side by side with her for almost an hour. She has two dogs. Mystery solved. (I am highly allergic to cat dander and dog dander; they're my biggest triggers.) I can't believe it didn't click with me but my husband put it together right away. Now that the allergy attack is under control, and I've slept off the Benadryl, I'm hoping today is a lot more pleasant than yesterday! 😉

What are you currently reading?


Kindle: Kiss of Snow (Psy-Changeling #10) by Nalini Singh
Audio: Vision in Silver (The Others #3) by Anne Bishop

Since I'm still sort of slumpy when it comes to reading, I'm just going with whatever
sounds good in the moment. Right now that happens to be two paranormal romance/
urban fantasy books.

Currently readingI feel like I say this every time I read one of the Psy-Changeling books,
but they really do have the most cringe-worthy covers. Just terrible. But besides that, I've 
been waiting a long time for Hawke and Sienna's story and so glad it's finally 
happening. (Or at least it would if Hawke would quit being so stubborn. lol)
Current progress: 15%

Currently listening: Reading slumps are the perfect time to reread old favorites, and for 
me that means revisiting The Others at the Lakeside Courtyard. Checking in with Meg, 
Simon, Vlad, and Tess is like hanging out with old friends.
Current progress: 65%

What did you recently finish reading?

Kindle: Further to Fall by Catherine Cowles - ★★★★

Recently read: Further to Fall is Cowles' first book and while I don't think it was on par 
with her more current releases, it was still a good time. 

What do you think you'll read next?


Considering my mood lately, there's no telling what I'll read next. 
Whatever looks like it might hold my interest, I guess. But two
that I would like to read soon are Grace Note and Forbidden Hearts.

What are you reading today? 


  1. I don't think I have slept that many hours since I had the flu in 2005 (it was like death). Glad you are feeling better. Going to have to put your sister in one of those space suits next time she visits. LOL. You don't like old school romance covers? That's my daughter's one big argument for why we should all love the illustrated/cartoon covers - no more naked torsos.

    1. Sam - I'm a good sleeper anyway (thank goodness), but taking anything that causes drowsiness... look out. I better be near a bed. LOL The bare-chested covers aren't my favorite, but I'd still take them over the current cartoony covers. That should tell you how much I dislike the illustrated/cartoon covers. Ha!

  2. Oof, allergies are the worst! Glad you're feeling better!

    1. Angela - It's been so long since I've had a full blown allergy attack. I forgot how miserable they make me feel!

  3. I hate when I can't figure out what's causing an allergy flare up. I'm glad your husband could help you out identifying the source. I'll curious to hear what you think of Grace Note.

    1. Deanna - I started Grace Note a couple weeks ago, right when my reading slump started. I quickly set it aside, not wanting my slump to taint how I felt about the book. If I read it at the right time, it's sure to be a big winner for me. That series is one of my favorites.

    2. I am glad you waited on it then! I hate when I don't know if my mood killed a book or not. I can't wait for your review!

  4. I love Singh's Psy-Changling series...despite the covers. ;D I always get caught up in her stories, and her characters are so fun. Even the stubborn ones.

    1. Lark - I agree! The whole series (or what I've read so far) is filled with great characters.

  5. I'm glad you figured out what was causing those allergies. I feel you on the Benadryl too. That stuff knocks me out to the point that I don't even know what day it is when I wake up, haha.

    1. Suzanne - Yes! I am practically comatose on Benadryl. Hopefully there is never an emergency when I'm taking it because I will be useless. lol

  6. That's scary to have an allergy attack! Glad to hear you figured out what caused it. Bummer the meds knock you out so much. Maybe it's nice to get that much rest, though? Hope you enjoy Kiss of Snow!

    1. Rachel - Kiss of Snow was so good! Definitely one of my faves in the series so far.

  7. I am glad you feel better Tanya. Allergies are the worst!

    1. Thanks Sophie! Fortunately those are few and far between.

  8. My allergies have been out of control this week too! It makes for itchy eyes and lots of sneezing. I've been on somewhat of a horror/thriller kick recently, so I'm excited to start Silvia Moreno-Garcia's latest today.

    1. Ethan - Hope the allergies are better this week! And that you're enjoying the Moreno-Garcia book.

  9. I'm glad you are feeling better and you got to the bottom of what ailed you.

  10. I sneeze all the time. I always have and it is horrible. I decided that I didn't want to spend the day sneezing on Wednesday and took a couple of Benedryl before going to work. Huge mistake! I have now acquired a non-drowsy allergy medication and hope to get the sneezing under control while staying awake.

    1. Carole - Benadryl hits me HARD and I end up knocked out for hours and hours. Glad you found a non-drowsy alternative!
