Short Take Reviews: Fragile Sanctuary | Forgotten Desires | The Friendship Pact


Fragile Sanctuary
by Catherine Cowles
Series: Sparrow Falls #1
Published: 5/16/2024
4.25 stars

✔ Grumpy x Sunshine 🌞
✔ Brother's Best Friend 🤵
✔ Broken Hero 💔
✔ Found Family 👪
✔ Serial Killer 🗡

The big picture: Rhodes tragically lost her family in a fire. Anson walked away from his FBI career after a devastating loss. When Rhodes is targeted, Anson steps in to protect her and find who is behind the escalating incidents.

What I liked:
Catherine Cowles + small town + romantic suspense = a book I'm going to love. As always with a Catherine Cowles novel, the prologue provided the perfect set-up and had me invested immediately. I loved Rho and the way she focused on gratitude and did not let her past define her. Anson's back story was heartbreaking and explained his need to keep people at arms length. The mystery aspect had me suspicious of virtually everyone... and I still didn't get it right. I love that! Rho's found family was priceless and I adored them. I can't wait for future books with their stories.

But not so much:
I admit that Cowles has a formula and doesn't seem to stray from it. Damaged character(s), serial killer or stalker, heroine is held by the bad guy near the end until hero shows up and saves her, heroine often ends up in hospital but obviously pulls through. Formulaic? Yes. Does this stop me from inhaling each and every release? Not in the least. 😉

Forgotten Desires
by Corinne Michaels
Series: Whitlock Family #4
Published: 6/5/2024
4.5 stars

✔ Second Chance Romance 💕
✔ Single Dad 👧
✔ Marriage of Convenience💒
✔ Billionaire 💰
✔ He Falls First 🤵

The big picture: Brynlee and Carson met during college spring break and quickly fell in love. Carson left without saying goodbye. Ten years later they meet again. Brynlee agrees to marry Carson to help him gain custody of his 4-year-old daughter. The old feelings are still there.

What I Liked:
I loved it all! Brynlee was kind and generous and willing to help anyone (including donating an organ to her absentee father). She had a heart of gold. Carson was amazing. He fell first and he fell hard. This man would do anything for Brynlee and the lengths he went to to make her happy and protect her made my heart melt. I loved how their marriage of convenience felt real from the very start. Carson's daughter Layla was a sweetheart. And Brynlee's brothers (and their partners) loved, supported, and showed the true meaning of family. This is the way to end a series.

But Not So Much:
Um, nothing? If I'm going to nit-pick, I'll say that yes it is improbable that a one week affair that happened a decade ago would having such a lasting impact on both their lives, but I don't even care. I don't read romance for reality. lol I happily went with it because I loved these characters so hard.

The Friendship Pact
by Jill Shalvis
Series: Sunrise Cove #2
Published: 6/14/2022
3.5 stars

✔ Second Chance Romance 💕
✔ Small Town 🏡
✔ Military Veteran 🏅
✔ Childhood Trauma 😢

The big picture: 
April had Tae when she was just fifteen and they struggled for years. April said Tae's father was dead, but Tae learns otherwise. Riggs, Tae's high school friend/one night stand, just returned to town and they still have chemistry. Riggs has a complicated relationship with his brother.

What I Liked:
I admired Tae's independence and her ambition. Riggs had an interesting backstory and I applauded how far he had come. I loved the organization that his brother founded for wounded warriors and the opportunities they provided for both veterans and disadvantaged youth. I had such compassion for Andy and his quiet acceptance of decisions that were made by April. 

But Not So Much:
April and Tae's relationship was co-dependent to the point of toxicity. Theses two needed to put space between them and develop as individuals in the worst way. Tae could be prickly and stubborn and it meant her relationship with Riggs often felt like one step forward and two steps back. But it was April's choices concerning Andy that really left me infuriated. She altered the lives of two people and robbed them of a relationship. Regardless of her reasons, I couldn't get past that. 

Have you read any of these books?

WWW Wednesday #136 | July 3, 2024


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

How's your week going?
Tomorrow is a holiday and I'm taking off Friday and next Monday so I'm heading into a 5 day break. 😎 Today is my Friday and even though it's only 9:00 AM I'm already feeling antsy and ready to put work behind me for a few days. Unfortunately I have a 1:00 PM meeting to prepare for so I need to get busy. Here's what I've been reading... 

What are you currently reading?

Kindle: The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

Currently readingI am loving this one. It's been quite a while since I read anything by
Amy Harmon and I forgot how beautiful her writing is and how her words pull me into 
her stories. Based on the prologue (and history), I know where this one is headed, and I 
know my heart will be broken, but in the meantime I'm loving the journey.
Current progress: 55%

What did you recently finish reading?

Audio: Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

Recently read: This was a rather lukewarm thriller for me. It was interesting, but not
exactly thrilling. None of the characters were particularly likeable which left me only
mildly invested in the outcome. Even so, it was enjoyable enough to listen to and had 
a couple red herrings (even though I was already fairly certain who the baddie was). 
3.5 stars

What do you think you'll read next?

never know what I'm going to read next but Slow Dance is a strong possibility.

What are you reading today?

Top Ten Tuesday: Red, White, and Blue Edition


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic:
Red, White & Blue Edition
This week's prompt is book covers with your favorite color, but since this week in the U.S. in Independence Day, I'm going with a red, white, and blue theme. For those that recognize/celebrate the holiday, happy 4th of July!

Have you read any of these books?