WWW Wednesday #137 | July 10, 2024


WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Just share your answers to three questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you'll read next?

How's your week going?
I took off on Monday, making it a four day work week, which means the week
is almost half over for me. I could get used to this! 😉 I continue to swelter every 
day but there has been some rain so I'm thankful for that. What's it like where you live?

What are you currently reading?


eARC: Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell
Audio: Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams

Currently readingIt's been far too long since I've had a contemporary novel from 
Rowell to dive into. I'm fully immersed in characters Shiloh and Cary and the alternating 
past/present chapters are doling out their story bit by bit. Very much enjoying it.
Current progress: 40%

Currently listening: This is the second time I've tried to listen to this one. Last year 
I DNF'd it but since I recently read two dark romances back to back I decided 
something light and fluffy was in order. Even so, this one might be too sweet and 
cutesy for me. I like the main characters but I'm finding it pretty saccharine.
Current progress: 35%

What did you recently finish reading?

Kindle: The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

Recently readLoved it. absolutely loved it. My second 5-star book of the year. 
My review will post either tomorrow or Friday. 5★

What do you think you'll read next?


never know what I'm going to read next but Sawyer Bennett's The Feud is a 
possibility. I also have an ARC for Five Brothers by Penelope Douglas that 
I'll be starting very soon.

What are you reading today?


  1. I am wanting to read Harmon's book and both of your upcoming reads. Glad to hear Harmon's was a 5 star read!

    1. Alison - I can't stop thinking about the Amy Harmon book. A sure sign that it was a good one. :) I can't wait to dive into The Feud!

    2. Love when a book sticks with you like that!

  2. I always love to see what you’re reading.

  3. I've been wanting to read a Sarah Adams book and I've had my eye on Practice Makes Perfect, but I'm definitely wondering about it being too sweet and cutesy. I do like some sweetness, but not too much either.

    1. Lindsey - I read When in Rome last year or so (the first book in the companion series) and liked it well enough, but either it wasn't as cutesy as this one or I'm just not in the right mood for it. :)

  4. This looks like a good story. Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. It's terrible here. Still over 90 with the heat index pushing it up. Clouds, I would give my kingdom for some cloud cover. Nope, full sun here. So glad to hear RR's book is good. I am hopeful about that one. I miss her adult contemporary books. I liked the Adams book.I enjoy her books in general.

    1. Sam - You make me laugh... "my kingdom for cloud cover!" LOL I've missed Rowell's contemporary books so much!

  6. Slow Dance is on my TBR and Practice Makes Perfect looks good!

    It's stupid hot here but to be honest it's not as hot as it's been the past few years! But it's currently 79 degrees in my house and I am NOT happy about it. But here I am, still in my blanket because it's my safe space. *sigh*

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Ash - I hope you'll enjoy Slow Dance when you get to it!

  7. The weather has been hot! We won't have some relief until Saturday here. Not a fan. Glad to hear you got some rain at least. I'm interested in that Amy Harmon. I've seen nothing but good things.

    1. Rachel - I highly recommend The Outlaw Noble Salt. Such an incredible story.

  8. You're so good about trying again on a book you DNFed. I guess occasionally I do try, but not often!

    1. Lisa - I don't usually pick up a DNF a second time, but I decided to try this one again since I enjoyed the previous book.

  9. I really need to read more books by Rainbow Rowell one day so far I've only read what tends to be her least popular one. But I enjoyed it. I also really need to check out Amy Harmon, I've been intrigued by her books before and having just read how rare your five star ratings are that's very high praise for her book too. I did read your Mid Year Post too but it won't let me comment right now so I'll try again later.

    1. Charlotte - I definitely recommend Amy Harmon's books. You can't go wrong no matter which one you pick up.

  10. I've heard mixed reviews for Sarah Adams. She seems to either really work for people or really not. I hope you're having good reading this week!

    1. Katherine - I can see that about Sarah Adams. I probably won't seek out any more from her.
